Hello beautiful brides.
I used to work out a lot. Tracked every single thing that I ate. I ran miles a day. I worried about and controlled everything that I ate.
I was very lean, had a lot of muscle and guess what. It didn’t bring me joy or peace, but rather highlighted my deficit. He showed me that I can control these things but they will never bring me what I yearn for. Peace and joy.
I am learning that God wants us to do it His way. It’s not wrong to desire to be strong and healthy. But it is wrong to , worry, obsess and control. Allowing it to steal our peace.
I recently started asking The Lord to take care of my weight, my health even my muscles. And I laid it all down. I began thanking Him for the weight He chose for me to be. I began thanking Him for bringing me to the place He wanted me to be in.
You know what is funny, it’s been about a year. I work out 2 times a week maybe. I don’t track my macros. I don’t plan my meals based on protein, carbs and fats.
I weigh 2 lbs more than I did when I worked out, daily, ate my body weight in protein. I eat the same thing I feed my children now. No separate meals. No, I don’t eat junk. Sometimes I do, but I try to make my family meals that nourish them I have peace, confidence and yes even joy. 2 pounds I’ve gained.
I thanked the Lord for causing me to be strong, to be able to help those who cannot help themselves, to serve others with strength and love.
The Lord showed me this is the way. To lay everything down on the alter, trusting Him for all things.
And allow Him to take me where he wants me to be. Thanking Him for things still unseen. I am very grateful for this ministry teaching us to trust Him for even our weight and health.