He is always with me

And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.Β J5413

Dear Brides, the last few weeks my heart has been restless and I have been worried because my children are talking to me less. During the holidays my oldest daughter and my son were away for 2 weeks and I spent these two weeks with my middle daughter. During the weeks that we were together, she often withdrew to her room and was quieter than usual and gave short answers when I told her something or asked her something. That was quite difficult, especially because I wanted to have a nice time with her and I love to chat. I asked her a few times if something was bothering her, but she said nothing was wrong.

My son and daughter who were not home also did not send me a message on their phone. I came up with all kinds of plans to have a nice time with my daughter, but she did not want to come along or do anything. It was difficult for me, but I also realized that I was asking too much of my children. I wanted them to give me my attention. My two daughters were home on Sunday and I assumed that it would be more fun now, but at the table they said nothing again and she reacted briefly to what I said. I have to be honest, I had to do my best to hold back my tears.

Then I realized that this was a lesson that my Heavenly Man is teaching me. I have to learn to let go and not care how my daughter reacts because I have Him as my Heavenly Man. I have to learn that it doesn't matter how my daughters act towards me, because He is all I need, and His unconditional love is the most important. If I want something I have to ask Him, He knows my heart. He is so wonderful and good, He made sure that we could play a nice game later that day and my girls were fun and enthusiastic. And I am thankful that He knows my heart and wants to teach me to always put Him first.

That same evening when I was reading the blog on www.encouragingwomen.org there were beautiful new testimonies of women who are going through the same situation. It was so encouraging to read their testimonies!

I am so thankful that He gives the right testimonies at just the right time that encourage me to really put everything in His hands, let go of the children and trust in the bond that exists between mothers and children. He holds my children when I need to learn to let go.

The LORD shall increase you more and more, You and your children. P11514

3 thoughts on “He is always with me”

  1. My dear Hannah, I too have found myself with my two sons who behave in really unpleasant ways, and I’ve started to tell them that I don’t like it. But then I remembered the lesson: our best protection. I also think of the verse that says: ‘He gives a family to those who have none’ (Psalm 68:6). He always makes me understand that it’s not up to me to play the role of father, he knows how to do that very well.

  2. Dear Hanna, I have the same situation with my children, when we are at home they do their own thing, which was very difficult for me in the beginning because they were always around me, but my Beloved Lord gave me peace regarding the situation and I follow His lead to create opportunities to spend time together. They were with their dad on holiday last week and the only messages I received was when they arrived safely at their destination and back home. But it is something He helped me with a long time ago and taught me to let go.

  3. Thank you sharing precious Hanna, your post to my heart, because my son moved out and I don’t hear so much from him. I am too so grateful that our Darling Lord gives the right testimonies at the right time to encourage us. And I know through your post I got the message now to let go and put all my trust in our Darling Lord, yes His unconditional love is the most important.

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