He made it happen!!

"I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for u" Isaiah 63:7

Oh hello beautiful brides!!

Two praises to share with you today!!

Last week a new sister friend asked if she could have her daughters birthday party at my new house this weekend, and she asked if I would have my young children on that day.

Well, I rarely have them on the weekends, and I am determined by His grace to stick to the "not ask my EH for anything" plan.

So I asked my sister friend to pray with me, that our Heavenly Husband would move my EHs heart so that I wouldn't even have to ask to have them on this particular day. Haha my heart is filled with amazement as I type this!!

I also asked my prayer partner to pray with us!!

So yesterday my young five year old asked God for a sleepover tonight and my husband called a few hours later reporting car problems!! So he asked if I could keep them again!! Huge praise my son was so excited to hear that God so quickly answered his prayer.

Then, today my EH messaged me, hate wall completely down, asking me if I wanted to keep the kids on the day I asked my HH for!! And then he asked if I wanted them on Monday for the parade here In town because he said he knew how much we loved going to the parades!

So, here I am able to share this huge praise with my sister friend and amazing prayer partner and be filled, over filled with love from my King. I think it's so funny how I felt such assurance when I asked Him and praises Him for what He was about to do!!

Praise Him praise Him! Ask and then wait with confidence, expecting Him to come to your aid!! How wonderful!! How exciting!!

5 thoughts on “He made it happen!!”

  1. Alléluia alleuia vraiment je rends grâce a Dieu pour ce beau témoignage.

    Alors j’ai aussi un petit témoignage ce matin je devais aller chez le notaire avec EH pour l’achat d’un terrain et je devais récupérer des plantes pour mon fils de 3ans. Donc j’ai demandé a mon EH s’il voulait m’accompagner par ce qu’en sortant il m’a regardé bizarrement en me posant la question tu reviens vers quel heure ? Je lui dis dans 1 heure ou deux en emportant mes livres secrets la femme sage. Et je l’ai invité a prendre un café un mot ne sortait pas de sa bouche tout le long du trajet et moi j’ai mis cantiques dans la voiture.
    Venons au notaire le rendez-vous etait prevu le matin. Sauf que Dieu a changé l’heure du rendez-vous pour l’apres midi pour que je puisse continuer a suivrz mes cours.
    Je rends grace a Dieu car il me montre que c’est lui le Dieu du temps et le Dieu qui fait toutes les plans.

    Ecléssiate 3.9
    9Quel avantage celui qui travaille retire-t-il de sa peine? 10J’ai vu à quelle occupation Dieu soumet les fils de l’homme.

    ◄ Jérémie 29:11 ►
    Versets Parallèles
    Louis Segond Bible
    Car je connais les projets que j’ai formés sur vous, dit l’Eternel, projets de paix et non de malheur, afin de vous donner un avenir et de l’espérance

  2. gloria a nuestro amado, él siempre es fiel.
    y que bueno que puedes compartir más con tu hijo y que él vea lo maravilloso de nuestro señor.

  3. How powerful and wonderful our HH is to have taken care of all that you requested. He shows us every today how much he cares about all that goes on in our lives. Your testimony is an encouragement to women. Thank you for sharing Rasa!

  4. Oh my dear, my mom’s heart melts with praise every time I read a praise report like this. Prayer matters, it changes our lives and in this case is changing your beautiful children’s lives. How precious is to have this close relationship with our Beloved that allows us to face challenges with grace and peace. Love the way your children are learning by faith and that praying really changes everything ✨🙌

    1. so wonderful isn’t it?! this beautiful lesson our love showed me, has hit me hard in a great way!

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