He spoiled me so much

I have to submit this Praise Report because my HH (Heavenly Husband) is so good, and He blesses me with so much on this journey with Him.

This past Friday I went to fetch the children to stay with me during the first week of the December holiday. I also had an appointment for my hair at my friend’s salon which worked out well. My friend coloured and cut my hair and she fixed my nails and added some pretty Christmas pictures on it. Normally when I leave, I just ask her to send me the bill with WhatsApp and then I pay her with EFT.

I left to fetch the kids at the time and place my former husband send me and when the kids got in the car my daughter immediately gave me a list of everything she wants to have done for the holiday. She wanted me to do her nails, since she knew I did it previously and did the courses years ago. She also wants me to style her hair according to the style it’s cut in, and she also wants me to do makeup for her one day during the holiday (she has been trying to do it previously and I just saw her coming out of my room with mascara etc on πŸ˜„). I was amazed, because the OW also does nails etc., that she asked me, her mother, to do it and not the OW. But it’s a gift my HH is giving me as her mother to do all these girly things with her and He is seeing to it that despite the fact that they live with my FH and OW, she sees me as her mother and asks me.

When we got home, we started to decorate our Christmas tree since I left it until they were with me. During this time, I received a WhatsApp from my friend with what I thought would be the bill. But instead, she send me a Voice Note to tell me that I owe her nothing and that it is my Christmas present from her!!! How amazing is my HH and He spoiled me so much, He made sure I looked good over the Christmas season with my red Christmas nails and my shorter hair!!

The next day I did my daughter’s nails and despite many tears because she couldn’t stand the filling and buffing, it looks so pretty, and she likes it so much. Thank you my HH because I had to talk to Him to get me through it without giving up because of her crying and wiggling around πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

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1 thought on “He spoiled me so much”

  1. Wow Adina!! What a spoil to get your hair and and nails done and just before Christmas and not having to pay a cent! Now that is your HH looking after you as His Bride! I am sure that you feel soooo special!!

    No matter our situation we will always be mama to our kids how lovely and special for you and your daughter to bond over such girly things!!

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