And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according toΒ his purpose. ROM.8.28-30
My dear bride, this morning, I want to share with you a testimony of how our beloved controls everything. During the last week of December, my brother's wife fell into a coma after a head trauma. We were all shocked to discover that she had a brain tumor. Unfortunately, she did not survive. Since I had to attend the funeral and had no means of transportation, our beloved husband put me to the test.
My husband called me and asked if the AF (OTHER VICTIM) could come pick us up. Since he works, he couldnβt do it. I said yes, and then I remembered Hillaryβs story, where her husband recommended being friends with the AF.I went to our beloved and simply asked, "You know what you are doing ." And he simply replied, "Heβs in control."
A year ago, I met her under the same circumstances, and ladies, I assure you that I had hatred in my heart. I showed her that I was the wife, and I imposed myself. Today, I know that this wall of hatred has truly fallen. I simply feel compassion for her, because she doesn't know the One I need, the One my heart desires, the One who is my everything.
I no longer saw her as an obstacle, nor just as a friend, My husband hadnβt asked me to do this. I didnβt try to scold her like I had before. I simply remained in divine love, remembering that the most important thing is to stay faithful to God's love and to what He wants to accomplish through us.
Iβd like to share with you this part of Erin's text: However, even though this is what you may have felt at the beginning, the more you begin to gain wisdom, knowledge, and especially understanding throughout your restoration journey, becoming more spiritually mature, the less you will continue to view the AF as an enemy.
My dear wives,
I could quote you many verses to speak about what this test of my beloved represents to me. Would I be too preachy if I did? I believe so... Yet, he reminded me of a verse, a true key to overcoming all struggles: "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." (1 Corinthians 13:7)
I want to encourage you to continue reading "The Wise Woman," to do your daily devotions, and to remain in His Word, again and again, as He guides you. I want to share with you this love song : My love will see through youΒ
Kateleen, only the love of Our Lord can give us the peace to go through the trials, and climb the highest mountains.
And this test will bring blessings, because His love surrounds us, and it is when we realize that we have changed, because of everything we have learned.
And as I read in today’s devotional, He tests us to see if we continue to trust completely, each test brings us even closer. Keep going, filling yourself with wisdom, walking by His side, A hug.,January%2012,-%22Tenedlo%20…%20por%20…%20todo
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I was surprised myself to have accepted his help so quickly. But today I understand this verse God so loved the world in fact we can not love without his help. Thank you
Thank you dear Kateleen, although I never met the OW, my Beloved led me early on to forgive her and He showed me that she is His daughter as well. She is in need of a Saviour and Best Friend/Heavenly Husband/ Lord just as I was before my journey started. So since then, when I do think about her, I just pray for her.
Thank you precious Adina i’ll remember praying for her that she may know our lovely one. And bless our husband cause i know that he will do a great thing for her too. We were lost and he found us… She’ll find also the one want her than anything else.