♕ Today's Promise: "You are good, and do good; teach me Your statutes." Psalm 119:68
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~ Atarah in South Africa
Wow Brides!! What a morning!! I am exhausted but OH SO happy! I have the most wonderful HH (Heavenly Husband) and my children the most amazing Heavenly Father.
So just to explain the United States army and the South African army are based here in my hometown and they are at my daughter's High School today putting on a show and showing their equipment and vehicles, a dream for my seven year old son that like any boy loves anything to do with guns and the military. Our South African Police and Fire Brigade were there too.
My daughter sent a message to say that parents were also allowed to come. So there I sat with a dilemma because I had sent my son to school already... I spoke to my HH and said to Him well... my Heavenly Love you are my son's Heavenly Father and if YOU want to bless your son with the blessing of being able to see them then you will need to make a way.
So He led me to make a call to my son's teacher, the chances of her picking up her phone during class is minimal... But guess what? She picked up! I told her why I wanted to take my son out of school and she said it would be ok that I would just need to sign him out at the office. When I got to the office to say I wanted to pick up my son... No questions were asked about why I was taking him!! Usually parents sign kids out if its a family emergency or if your child falls ill. My HH (Heavenly Husband) knew that I did not want to lie about why I was taking my son because it was not a family emergency, neither was he sick!
My son was very surprised I had picked him up so early so I explained that I asked His Heavenly Father and that his HF wants him to see the military and worked it all out. He said "Wow! I'm so blessed"! I said "You sure are!" \o/
While we were there I was able to take some photos of him with the army guys, helicopter and military vehicles, they were so friendly answering the kids questions and showing them their equipment. They even had traditional Zulu dancing. We felt proudly South African!!
While there something else happened that I want to give my Love praise for. My daughter lost her mobile in between all the people that was there... My Love is so amazing because I did not panic and told her she must pray and ask her HF to help her find it. Her friends said "Did you tell your mom?" probably thinking I would be angry... I merely said "Well we are trusting God to find it".
I took my son over to where they were having the traditional dance and my mobile rang. It was my daughters number!! "Mom! she says "I found my phone!!" What's the chances Brides?? In between all those High School kids and the public she would find her phone? Only my HH and their HF could do this!!
Aaaah man! I am so in AWE!! I am absolutely amazed and delighted with my Love because he blessed my son and took care of my daughters phone when she lost it!! Everyone agreed that my son was sooo blessed by His Heavenly Daddy!!
You are the BEST my Love!! Thank you!! \o/
"Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us," Ephesians 3:20
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him." Nahum 1:7
"You are good, and do good; teach me Your statutes." Psalm 119:68
"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34
What more can I say? HE is so GOOD!!
RMI's Evangelist Branch Director.
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