His only desire is to make us free, free from any and all burdens.

β€œβ€¦you will say to this mountain, β€˜Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." M17:20

Today my Beloved led me to reread the chapter β€œMoving Your Mountain” from the course Moving Mountains, and I was able to stop once again tor Selah about this incredible revelation from our Beloved Lord to all of us, about how many times during our journey, do we notice a mountain in front of us!? Yes, my dears, many times it is the mountain of fear, debt, pain, and other things, and this ends up being a burden that we carry and makes us tired, but glory to God because His only desire is to make us free, free from any and all burdens in our lives.

I said in another report that I had been doing some tests due to pain that I had been feeling since February. I confess that sometimes it was not easy to maintain a peaceful mindset, but when I looked at what my Beloved Lord has allowed me to experience during this time, I was truly surprised.

Well, first, since I no longer have health insurance, I asked for His guidance on where to take an exam that was requested of me. I got exorbitant prices, but He directed me to look for a clinic where I had already taken exams when I had health insurance, and for that reason I got a 60% discount to take the exam. And the cherry on the cake came, because I was blessed with a price that covered the cost of this exam, the other lab tests and the doctor's appointment.

Well, after everything was scheduled, I needed to go for the exam, which was last week. An exam that required a lot of preparation, and that required me to be accompanied, and yes, my dears, I was surrounded by my beloved family members. My sister and her daughter took me to the capital to take the exam. And when it was over, they brought me home and stayed with me for a few hours, because the exam gave me very strong reactions. My daughter was also able to stay at my brother’s house while I was undergoing the exam. My dear ones, my Beloved freed me from feeling burdened by this situation, and my brothers took care of Brincy without any problem while I recovered, resting in His loving arms.

My dear ones, when we trust Him fully in all circumstances, no matter how difficult they may be, when we exercise our faith and trust and experience His favor, we are moving the mountains in our lives.

Today, I can say with great conviction that I have discovered an abundant life. After so many mountains in front of me, I have gone through many situations that should have been painful and devastating for me, but because of His principles I was able to go through the whole process in His loving arms and every burden became light, until He removed everything away, and today I feel totally free, experiencing the Peace that surpasses all understanding, forgetting everything that was left behind and focusing only on being β€œin love” with Him.

Dear friend, if along your journey, you are facing a mountain, if you are facing an impossible situation or are experiencing frightening circumstances, do not be afraid, believe, say to this mountain: β€œBe lifted up and cast into the sea…” and feel Him by your side giving an order for this mountain to move. Do not doubt that it will move, but believe completely and experience the miracle, because β€œnothing is impossible for God.”

12 thoughts on “His only desire is to make us free, free from any and all burdens.”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Marta, how wonderful to be in our Darling Lords arms while going through the trial and experiencing peace that only He can give. And yes isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord builds our faith in the midst of the trials when we put all our trust in Him.

    1. It is true dear Janine, every journey is unique and special and despite the trials and difficulties, it is a wonderful journey because it is about our relationship with the Beloved of our soul, and being transformed by Him. And with Him by our side we know that we will be okay.

  2. Thank you for reminding us that we must have faith like a mustard seed dear Marta. The mountains we see and the burdens we try to carry wear us out. There is so much freedom, peace and joy in surrendering everything to Him, and to trust that He will move the mountain. He reminded me of the lesson “When do we give up?” (https://loveatlast.org/fc/living-the-abundant-life/chapter-4-when-do-i-give-up/) because trying to carry the burdens and looking at our mountains can so easily get us to a place of just giving up.

    1. I totally agree with you, dear Adina. We must always look to Him, listen only to His soft and sweet voice guiding us, and if He calls us to climb the mountain, let us believe that when we reach the top, we will find everything our Husband promised us, because guided by Him, everything will make our journey always lighter and smoother.

  3. The Lord is great. His love and mercy are immeasurable, and He is always willing to help us overcome any obstacles in our lives. Thank you Marta for sharing and reminding that when we trust in Him and have faith in His power, we can move mountains and experience the abundant life that He has planned for us.

    1. Thank you for being here, Hope. And I agree with you, dear. He is always encouraging us to remain in Him, climbing the mountains that are in front of us, with Him day by day, moment by moment. Looking to Him and seeking in Him the strength to not go back to what we once were or lived.

  4. Oh Marta, how wonderful that our Heavenly Man provided everything you needed to free you from the pain. He has wrought the hearts of your loved ones out of love for you. He has increased your belief that nothing is impossible for God to do. Just as He said in:
    Romans 1:16-17
    “I have complete confidence in the gospel; it is God’s power to save all who believe, first the Jews and also the Gentiles. 17 For the gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself: it is through faith from beginning to end. As the scripture says, β€œThe person who is put right with God through faith shall live.”

    1. Yes, dear Kristine, what an incredible Husband we have, don’t we!? β™₯️
      We know that no matter how we are, we have one certainty: He, our incredible Husband, is with us, loving us, blessing us and teaching us!!!
      Thank you for being here, my dear!

  5. Marta, your testimony is beautiful. We see our high mountains and they make us afraid, but HE has already conquered them, and He only wants us to give Him these burdens. so that we can be happy.
    How great is the Lord who took care of you and provided what you needed and gave you peace so that you could take your exams with peace of mind.
    Praise the Lord who moves our mountains, every day.

    1. It is true, dear Liza, our Beloved’s desire is only to bless us, and I can say that nothing in this world can match the peace that comes from obedience, from a life by His side, full of rewards and care. I am very grateful for everything He has done for me, for the care and for moving so many mountains…
      Much love to you, my dear!

    1. Yes, dear Raza, how privileged we are to be able to place ALL things in His hands, knowing that His desire is for us to rest in His loving arms.
      β€œFor my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
      Much love to you, my dear!

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