💔 HOPE ❤️‍🩹 Encouragement

I’ve envisioned a new way to minister to broken-hearted women—allowing them to choose how they want to be ministered to:

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31 thoughts on “💔 HOPE ❤️‍🩹 Encouragement”

  1. Looking back on my journey phase 1 was definitely reading RYM and then watching the Be Encouraged videos. It was a balm for my soul and then definitely the devotions and journaling C1. These kept me focused on the Lord and took my mind and thoughts away from EH & OW. Phase 1 was also a lot about forgiveness. Forgiveness was tough… But so healing.

    My 2nd phase was definitely when l moved on to C2 and C3 WW because by then l felt so much joy and peace. 2nd phase was also when l learned all the principles but stumbled a lot… Having to pick myself up and try again.

    Third phase was finding HH and then with His help and love I could live out the principles. And it was also the phase when l felt so loved as His Bride and taken care of by Him. I felt whole and complete.

  2. Hahaha, I had to think back a bit today. I agree on Phase 1, reading the book and then doing the courses, but I must admit once you have read the book RYM, I would have rather moved on to the next course, because there were so many of the principles done again in Wise Woman, but now thinking back, maybe that was what established it in my mind so firmly. For my phase 1 what was crucial was reading the praises of the ladies that have gone before me, reading my daily devotionals but probably most of all, my Psalms and Proverbs every day. I really needed that to not fall into depression. C2 answered a lot of the questions that I had already so going through that was good. Then I was able to move on to Abundant life. I am not sure how long it took me to move from one phase to the next, but I do remember that it was nice to have my lessons in my inbox every day, it sort of kept me on track easily moving on from the one to the other so that was probably why the transition was so smooth, because I just moved over to the next course presented.

    1. As I read the part about going through RYM once and onto the next course—but wondering if it’s what you needed for establishing the firm foundation—I instinctively referred to my Husband and goodness what He’s doing made sense! The BEST way to retain what you learn is to teach it to someone else!! The Scottish principle Yvonne. 🥳🥳🥳 it’s EXACTLY what happened to me!!! As I learned a new truth, it was given to Sue and it was pressed into my heart ❤️ Later more women came and my focus was to help them, find the answers and it’s the same until this day!!
      The loaves and fishes were gathered to feed the hungry crowd but those who fed also ate leaving an abundance after all were filled. What do you think? Marrying C1 RYM with IOU is sure to bring about the greatest return on their invested time while healing ❤️‍🩹 their heart!!!

    2. I heard that you received your lessons every day in your inbox, that was before I found RMI, but I can imagine that it would be a great encouragement to move forward and do your lesson each day or week. Maybe it feels more personal and interactive that way, especially when you are new and do not know where to start.

  3. Having read Yvonne’s comment earlier on I felt led by my Husband to come back and to agree with Yvonne about having the lessons sent to my inbox that really helped a LOT to keep me on track and to keep me moving forward!!!

    1. I LOVE this too and now I understand WHY we have been under such crazy attacks with this SPAM nonsense lately https://encouragingwomen.org/spam-vs-unsubscribe/. Ladies this is war— that’s what my Husband reminded me of when I first woke up today but He also reminded me of His promise and what we as His bride and weaker vessel should do.
      Don’t fight FACE them—face the fears—stand and watch!!!


  4. Hello ladies, with me it was like this:

    1. phase: my marriage before finding RMI:
    from bad behavior EH and all adversity I get a lot of pain and to deal with that pain, I was fighting and attacking back or speaking about EH to the others to find encouragement, what helped only for a while or made the things worst. I was not able to forgive quick and completely and be ok for few days and weeks.

    2. phase: finding RMI and reading RYM opened my eyes. Confessing my sins and stop doing them again and again started to heal me like said Yvonne.

    3. phase: after quick restoration: With some failures I was able to do not fight back, but the adversity and bad behavior towards me was still very hurting me (many things get worst than before restoration, so also the pain was sometimes worst then before) Looking back, It was softening my heart, putting down from it all stone layers and it was training me to live the principles, (especially, to bless the one bed behaving towards me)

    4. phase, I have much closer relationship with my Love than ever, He gives me power to live many principles of course with small failures, yet. And the bed behavior towards me sometime does not hurt at all, or when it hurts I am very quick healed and able to bless the one who behave bad and I am blessed much more!!! 🙂

    1. A million thanks Anissa 💗🤗 Every time I think of you my mind jumps to the women, like Ivet who are alone while all the resources are sitting in the warehouse https://zachranamanzelstva.com/blog/
      Maybe you can join Atarah as we set up the chapters are sent to subscribers. Atarah what do you think. Your a mom and Isabella should we include something for the children in these CARE packages 📦

      1. Thank you Erin, I just approved a PR from Ivet today for https://zachranamanzelstva.com/blog/ and I was thinking of Anissa, thinking how amazing it would be to have a praise reports with Ivet’s. This is the start of something amazing, that will be light and easy for you to do dear Anissa, just add your praises and comments. We would love to see the Slovak ladies grow.

      2. Ou ladies, I did not know the slv blog is running 🙈🙈🙈 I was not there since it has stoped in january … of course I am gonna post there praises and comments 🙏❤️💃 thank you for letting me know….big huge from me Erin, Yvonne and Ararah😘

  5. Thank you ALL this is what I hoped for hearing from each of you and now we get to see how He will use everything to help minister to the wounded and broken-hearted He’ll be sending to us. For sure we need to be prepared with spiritual food and His warmth to the spiritual starved souls many of whom have children.

  6. I also have to think back and try to put myself there again, but this was my journey:

    PHASE 1: Utter brokenness and desperately seeking comfort in anything I could find. Trying to understand “WHY?” Searching for help online after I had an encounter with the Lord in my devastation. That is when I found RMI, I can’t even remember how, I think I found the link on a FB standers group or somewhere, after desperately searching everywhere online.
    PHASE 2: After I found RMI I immediatly started C1 (old C1) and found comfort in His Word, the lessons, journalling, the Praise Report, and both the devotionals.
    PHASE 3: This was definitely Course 2, it brought so much comfort and understanding and definitely helped me to let go and built a stronger relationship with the Lord. It’s like a intro to the Abundant Life.
    PHASE 4: I moved on to C3 (WW) and although most of the lessons are the same as C1, I was not broken anymore and the lessons started to sink more deeply into my heart, bringing more peace and understanding. Maybe because I was not desperate anymore, I found the hope, peace and comfort I needed.
    PHASE 5 and the best phase: I moved on to the Abundant Life series which changed everything 💖💖

  7. For me the phases were really the order of the RYM, C2, WW courses, I loved with all my heart to receive the devotional and the praise testimony daily in the mail with the link to the psalms and proverbs in fact I still keep them, I had all the spiritual food available in one place. I remember that I always thought it was impressive how the order of the lessons was so precise because every time I read one I had tests that led me to put what I had learned into practice, I remember that I followed the courses as recommended, a daily lesson for the first two courses and then a weekly one and it was the best base that I could receive to advance. I completely agree with everything you shared and I am very moved even to think that my Beloved is fighting for us in this war🙌

  8. I came so broken that for me
    PHASE 1: RYM and the EW so I can read that there was hope.
    PHASE 2: C2, reading the whole Bible, Psalms and Proverbs, WW and the Be E Videos. That was a huge breakthrough!! I read the WW daily for a year.
    PHASE 3: AL series, at first I couldn´t understand what the Lord was showing me, I had to do FAL and LAL twice!!! Then I understood!!
    PHASE 4: PM, MM, LL, W@H, H4H those ones helped after I was restored and lay the foundation for my new life as His Bride!!
    PHASE 5: RYR when Bethia left.

  9. Phases:
    1: constant arguing and belittling of EH led to separation. Found RYM ebook on Amazon. From there found all resources and bought everything possible.
    2. After reading all resources, found my HH and was the happiest I’d ever been. EH came back for a short time.
    3. Broken again and began focusing on the FAL series. In the midst of this, I became pregnant with our second child. My HH got me through this entire pregnancy on my own.
    4. Full of happiness to have two daughters and my HH. Continued with FAL series. EH continued to come home and leave again about 6 times.
    5. EH returned home for 6 months and I became pregnant with third daughter and he left again. I was completely broken and nothing left at this point and truly just gave up any desire to have an EM. I just wanted my HH.
    6. EH came back one month later and we have been restored for a year now.
    7. I’m now on a journey with my HH to remain in love with Him and to focus on raising my daughters at home and teaching them.

    1. Your Restoration Journey overview—especially when you move from RJ to Abundant Life Journey is where we hope every single one of His to become His bride, like you, because it’s only HIS love that’s constant and all we need. Thank you so much Elda!! What a blessing you are!!
      Atarah, Elda is who you need to enhance your Marriage Ministry Team, right? https://rmiou.com/mmc1/
      Elda based on what you’ve shared, I will guess you already to be Level 2 MTI “Ministry Team Intern” what a gift to so many healing ❤️‍🩹 women!

      1. Thank you Erin, I have been praying for an opportunity to help with this ministry. I believe I have a lot that can be shared and used to encourage women who are struggling!

        1. Of course and most definitely l would LOVE to have Elda 💕 Seeing women comment and share like you have been doing Elda helps us to know and understand your heart and where you are in your journey to know what a perfect fit you would be!!!

          1. Atarah let’s try something for Elda that my Husband just reminded me. Can you go into RRR@ and search for ALL the journals, all forms (before she used a BNN too) and add them to an inbox FOLDER 📂 to see if this could eliminate the IOU step to transfer her records from HOPE and LOVE?
            My Husband is showing me something else after this is done ✅ WOW exciting Elsa just look at how pampered you are by your Husband. 💗💗💗

            1. This is Done ☑️ I have opened the Folder for Elda Solomons in RRR@ Folder📂 💔MM Training 💔

              1. WONDERFUL. HLM to go take a look, then search for specific IOU Course 1, 2, 3 (I didn’t find), and AL1, but without counting, if I had to guess, Atarah, you’ve got your first MM Intern!
                Let’s see how He continues leading us!

                1. Thank you ladies! Yes I’m seeing again how faithful my Husband is and how He listens to the desires of my heart. He knows exactly what I need in this next season. I look forward to being an intern with Atarah!

  10. I can describe my phase as the order of the courses.

    PHASE 1: RYM and EW was broken and hurting too much, so the courses helped me stop wanting to fight with my strength and focus on letting God do his work in me.
    PHASE 2: For me, watching the videos was a turning point in my journey. I was never good at watching videos with subtitles, and I needed to be in Brazil and not being fluent in English, but how uplifting it was and how it brought a lightness to me and gave me joy in every video of Erin that I watched. How encouraged I was by everything she shares. At that stage I also learned to read the Bible daily (I only read it when I went to church), read Psalms and Proverbs… and pray, pray, pray. At that time my Beloved helped me to wake up earlier so that I could have my alone time with Him before leaving for work. That was a big step forward!!
    PHASE 3: Taking the Abundant Life courses, was where I understood that I was here with a much greater purpose than having my marriage restored, but He wanted to teach me to live life in a smooth and light way, to live abundantly.
    STAGE 4: I understood that my Husband wanted to give my daughter a happy life too. A life built on His Word. Everything I learned I began to see reflected in Brincy’s actions, and that once again comforted my heart, because I knew that she had a wonderful Heavenly Father, but she also had a Friend who was always by her side…
    PHASE 5: I’m living in this phase now, wanting to spread his Word of hope without having a restored marriage in mind. I know He can, but I also know how wonderful our relationship is now… where my only desire is to live next to her!

  11. I just had to comment here because my journey felt so totally different:
    PHASE 1: The two words broken and depressed can’t even explain it enough. Finding the RYM book on Facebook by a standers ministry, so after that I knew there was hope, but being so naive and being learned to never say no to my EH even after divorce (but I don’t want to blame anybody because it was my own fault), I followed a very destructive path for years and years. Battling depression and here I want to admit it, having an obsession to just get my marriage back. Pray pray pray pray, meditating on the Word and after getting a restored marriage, it was when my world came tumbling down because it wasn’t easy and when we got separated I felt there is really no purpose for me. BUT the Lord not leaving me once and of course allowing my long path so that I can one day teach other brides that the Lord has so much in store for us!
    PHASE 2: Giving the RYM book to my friend and seeing how her life changed and seeing the peace she had and the love with a HH, so again praying. Getting involved with RMI and proof reading the LL, which touched my heart so much.
    PHASE 3: Looking at the peace everybody had and wanting it and searching on RMI on how everybody did it and reading daily on all the blogs all the praises and the best part ever: DISCOVERING THE LORD AS MY DARLING HH AND FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM (LOVE@LAST) AND FEELING HIS LOVE FOR ME was the most important phase ever.

    1. Janine you DO KNOW I love 💗 when someone’s journey is entirely DIFFERENT because it’s proof of what I LOVE everyone to understand. Everyone is different yet God says NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE and that means there’s no prerequisite no stipulations for GOD to do what HE does for us “while we were yet sinners”—don’t you love it 😍—and why we love Him 🥰

      1. Yes I love it dear Erin, a place for each and every one of us. I just love Him and how He has a plan with each one of us and even after my many many mistakes, I love how He even uses that for His glory.

  12. I spent some days talking to My Beloved Husband why I’m here… His answers overcome my thoughts.
    My phases on the path can provide an outlook. 1. RYM was read by chapters for “helping” my sister. I mean, I read it just to understand or at least tried to comprehend her “strong” believes. When I saw her too determined, I told myself What’s in that book that she sees possible, the impossible? And as much as she got envolved with WW, she undergoes a change and I wanted to have that radiant face even facing trials!
    Then, I was confrontanted by Him. I did not have those trials in my own marriage but while reading WW I was quite surprised to His mercy with me. He gave me His true before my own crisis. For a reason, I was not convinced of journaling, this is something that I really regret.

    2 phase, by reading WW for 2nd or 3rd time, I genuinely embraces The Fruit of your Womb and lately I was blessed and free thanks to a book recommendation from here: Supernatural Childbirth.

    3. I wanted to go deeper and He led me to read some Living Lessons and I had studied the FAL with a group of friends. To retain what I learn, I tried to share it with someone.
    By the time, I lost my earthly father, I meet my Heavenly father in a really close relationship.

    4. Phase of letting Him wash me with His living words. I read the Holy Bible daily for a year, specifically Psalms and Proverbs.
    I’m not quite sure about the specific phase time when I got involved with  proof reading My Beloved, which talked to my heart timely, I had gained intimacy with Him.

    5. More recently, following and reading the blog EW and El Animador, and listening some podcast help me to be stuck in the Ministry, it’s a real gift.

    Finally, Homeschooling for Him is leading me to the narrow path. I understood that it’s His plan, not my choice and He will help me. My Dearest Husband is leading me on maternity and H4h.

      1. My goodness Mia. My Husband led me to discover that you are one of our Authors so you surely are open to posting without the delay or additional work for our ministers to approve your posts or comments first 🤗💗🤗💗

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