How I embraced Supernatural Childbirth

I shared previously about believing God about my fertility, but what followed was incredible. In the Fruit of the Womb a tremendous book was mentioned: SUPERNATURAL CHILDBIRTH. The mere title struck me and my Beloved gave it to me as a gift through my lovely sister. Getting the book itself was a miracle. There are few versions in Spanish and it is not so easy to get it, but His plan prevailed and as soon as I had it, dear brides, my eyes saw a reality which is ignored and underestimated in terms of conception, the 9-month wait and childbirth.
This is my pending testimony of how for my Beloved THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE in absolutely any area.
I praise Him with all my heart for granting my wish to be a mom. I thank Him because I conceived at His perfect timing and had a happy and peaceful pregnancy (in the midst of global pandemic). I met the complaisant, sweet and loving Husband that we can all have.
My Beloved took care of my sleep, my rest, the occasional symptoms and the big and small details. My pregnancy journey was party-hearty. When bothersome symptoms appeared, I used His word to confront dizziness, the desire to vomit and even loss of appetite. When it started to be difficult to fall asleep, His word was my medicine. When I went to the doctor, I was focus exclusively on good things and let Him amazed and surprised me. When fear wanted to make a nest in my mind, He bathed me with his Truth.
I embraced with all my heart His promises about the formation of the baby in my womb, the preparation of my body to carry the baby and especially for the birth (which will be my next testimony).
This tremendous suggestion from RMI was the release of misconceptions in this area fueled by television and even by what other women (even Christians) say: He freed me from pain, fear, anxiety, physical exhaustion. Just proclaiming and getting His Truth and He did it all.

2 thoughts on “How I embraced Supernatural Childbirth”

  1. Dear Mia, thank you for sharing this beautiful praise. It is such a blessing to be a mother and there is really nothing impossible with our wonderful Lord.

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