How is it even possible?

The desire of my heart is to move to the Cape (a beautiful province near the ocean in my country, South Africa), but of course I doubt whether it is my will or His will at times. I told my Heavenly Husband that if we move to the Cape it must be because He wants us there and not because I am running away from circumstances here in Gauteng (the province I now live and have lived all my life).

So all the time I talk to Him about it and ask Him and wonder and doubt and think :):):) as we always do. Now I know that if it is His will, He will make it happen and it will be easy and light. The reason I say this is because of what happened a week ago:

I’m not really good with facebook. I read and repost. Hahaha, that’s about all I can do. So I don’t spend much time on Facebook, but a little while ago Janine’s sister sent me an invitation to a group. I didn’t know why she did it, but I knew she also wouldn’t do anything she didn’t feel led to do, so I accepted the invitation, but I didn’t really see anything on the group that was specific to me.

About a month or so ago I saw a post on the group of the person whose page it is and it’s not what she posts that caught my attention, but where she comes from.

Of course, this is exactly the place in the Cape where my heart wanted to go. This stays in the back of my mind the whole time, but I don’t do anything about it, I just bury it in my heart and talk to Him about it, until two Sundays ago, He gives me the incredible urge to contact her.

But where do I find her? She is not one of my friends and how do I get the page to see who she is, social media is not my forte at all but the moment I picked up my phone and went on Facebook it took me 10 seconds to find her and send her a message.

I actually thought she was going to think I was a bit weird and never hear from her again:):):)

Of course, that’s not how He works. She then not only sends me a message, she sends me a voicenote and asks if I have time during the week then we can perhaps do a video call. What?? She does not know me at all, but she wants to video-call me.

Immediately I want to crawl back into my shell, because you may not believe it, but I’m actually shy and it takes me a while to talk to someone. Most of the time I am friends with people who talk a lot because I can only listen. Once I feel comfortable and loosen up, then of course I talk a lot :):):)

Because I don’t know her, I already had it in my head that the two of us would just stare at each other across through the screen with a mouth full of teeth as we would say in our country:):):)

Of course, it was set up by my Husband so all my worries were for nothing! When we called and talked it was as if we actually knew each other. Such a friendly person, really representative of where we are moving to. It was the first thing my children noticed when we went on holiday to the Cape. Everyone is so friendly! We talked for an hour, yes, an hour with someone I didn’t know at all. She is really so lovely and told me everything about where we want to move to and also offered, that if I saw a place to contact her and she could let me know about the area. Wow, isn’t He wonderful? Now I have Keziah and the newfound friend to help me look for a house. When I come to the Cape, I’m already going to have friends around me!

You know how my praise always ends, that’s not all!
You won’t believe me, she also homeschools her children! What are the chances!!! Her son has finished school, but he is on the spectrum for autism and of course we don’t label our children, but it was nice to talk to a mother about how it was for her to homeschool her son. It was also lovely to hear that her daughter is still homeschooling and that my children may already have someone to visit with when we move.

I give Him all the credit for how He brings things together. Not in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this!!!

~Yvonne in South Africa

4 thoughts on “How is it even possible?”

  1. Yvonne , when you described your shyness it was like I was reading you describe me. I’m the same exact way!! A few years ago I noticed that I have friends that are talkative and more outgoing than myself and my FH was outgoing and talkative too. I seem to have a lot of others in my life that are that way. I am more of the listener, quiet and shy in the beginning and let them do the initial socializing and talking to new people. I believe this is what made me somewhat co-dependent and clingy on others. But now that I cling to my HH. I don’t need to be confident in myself because I am confident in Him and He has brought me out of my shell more. This is an awesome praise to read today. How amazing our Heavenly Husband is. He is setting an amazing path for you and giving you exactly what you need.😍

  2. Oh my dear Yvonne, this praise of yours gives me lots of hope. I have my doubts as well if things that cross my mind are coming from Him or if it is just my flesh wanting me to believe it is Him, but when we hear how He takes care of us in such a gracious way, we can only jump of joy.
    My heart of full of joy to know that your dream will come true when you will less be expecting it. Just around the corner. Only Him can put those Angels in our lives to show us that he is listening to our prayers, that he knows what we need and that he is ready to give more than we expected.!!!! I canΒ΄t wait to read your Testimony about your new home in Cape Town.

  3. It’s so wonderful how He organizes things in our lives and when it is His will and plan, everything just falls into place so effortlessly! And it’s amazing how He is already providing you with friends to make it even easier.

    I can relate to being shy and not being somebody to reach out or share on FB, and I always struggled when I met someone new to just open up and talk. If I know someone very well, I can talk and talk and talk, but to get to that point…….But He is slowly helping me to overcome that, and it is becoming easier to just start to talk to someone, I think it is because of the confidence we have in our Husband.

  4. Yvonne, I thoroughly enjoyed reading every detail and also the comments. I can’t believe I missed this and only discovered it 10 days laterβ€”because Kristine posted it on her website!
    Did I know you were shy? No, but all of you who are, I am in AWE of each of you because you need to continually prove you are Brave (which doesn’t mean you don’t fear, but you push into it rather than pull back from fear) and doing it because of and for HIM.
    You know I am just as excited to see WHERE and WHEN you move to Cape Town but reading this shows me He’s laying such a solid foundation to build on!!! And you get to enjoy it again during your WW Retreat on Feb 3

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