♕ Today's Promise: "So whoever is in Christ is a new creation. The old has passed away, and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
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~ Anissa in Slovakia
Dear Brides,
In the last praise, I said that I almost gave up my fight because of the relentless attacks and the great pain of trying not to defend, not to attack my EH (earthly husband), and I was silent. I know that's what God wants us to do, but the pain shouldn't be there, and since I still felt it, I was already very tired. Let me say that in our relationship, praise to the Lord, there was no real adultery or physical violence.
Well, the grumpy way my EH talks to me, e.g. because of where I put the broom or why the shower is put up and not down, complete nonsense, especially now with two little babies, when I do what I can and many times I'm at the end of my strength. I fall from fatigue, it caused me so much pain, that I wanted to give up and I wanted to start defending again. The enemy was trying to convince me that if I defended myself, I would not feel the pain. But my Beloved gave me a beautiful sign that I still have to endure, so I ran to Him with the pain.
Quite honestly, as the best Husband in the world, I told Him that I no longer wanted the pain, let Him show me what to do, if it was up to me and I could get rid of it, and if it wasn't me, let Him just take the pain away... I was really angry that after such stupid attacks, due to the pain, I could not be happy for several hours and show the unconditional love to my EH (earthly husband), which also affected our children. It was not from day to day, but within a few weeks my Beloved began to act.
At first he led me to imagine all the worst case scenarios.
The first is that my EH (earthly husband) will not change and will still be so grumpy to me. However, I felt the Lord assure me that He would help me so that the attacks would no longer hurt me.
The second was that my EH would change over time, so the Lord would give him a quiet and peaceful spirit and make him a man of God, a spiritual leader in our family. Wow, that would be great and my big dream would come true.
And the third scenario is that my husband is leaving. But I knew that if this happened, my HH (Heavenly Husband) would take care of us. I have a strong faith in this, after reading all the books of Abundant Life. And in fact, it was also my desire, because since he never really left me, I could not fully immerse myself in the love of the Lord, as those whom were left by their husband speak about it. Wow, also great.
All three scenarios were great and I felt the Lord's love and that everything will be fine.
When the attack came, it stopped when it hurt, I cried out to the Lord again, it still hurts, it's not over yet. Help me, help me, I don't want to feel that pain anymore. I repeated several times, "Whoever is in Christ is therefore a new creation. The old has passed away, and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 And I said aloud that I would reject the pain! And ladies, you know what? The Lord was faithful, and suddenly He did. It didn't hurt anymore. I heard in one attack, does it hurt? I stopped, thought about it for a moment, and I had to answer no! My heart jumped with joy and gratitude. AMEN !!! I know it won't be like this in all attacks, but when it hurts, I know it's good for me and to whom I should run that I will recover very quickly. 🙂
Girls, no matter what kind of negative emotion you experience, tell the Lord and ask Him to show you if you have something to change and if not, let Him take it from you. I believe He will do it for you, just as He twisted with my pain, which I felt when my EH (earthly husband) was grumpy. Well thank you!!! 🙂
"So whoever is in Christ is a new creation. The old has passed away, and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
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