โ Today's Promise: โโฆso that we confidently say, โThe Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?โโ Hebrews 13:6
I want to first thank my Beloved HH for having allowed me to find this wonderful ministry, where I could find what nowhere else: Hope and a beautiful guide to start my RJ and truly know my Beloved HH and become His bride.
Thank you Beloved Partners for sowing here, for making it possible for desperate and hardened women (as I was) to receive these beautiful books and courses and we can be cleaned, healed and made new by our HH. Thanks to these resources I could know the Truth and I could finally feel that freedom to be in my Beloved HH. Thanks to these courses I have been able to renew my mind and RELEASE everything that does not take me to my Beloved HH. Thanks to these courses my idolatry to money has been broken, reprimanded tied and cast out in the powerful name of my Beloved Lord.
I know that nothing I can give will be able to achieve to return everything I have received here, but only according to the will of my Beloved HH will I give everything that He allows. I love you and I pray that this ministry will continue to prosper and reach more and more women to change their lives and lead them to be His Bride.
Dear friend, do you think your family has already been destroyed? Do you think there is no hope for your situation? Do you think your husband will never come back to you? And if he does, do you think that everything you've lived is too much and you can never forgive? Do you think divorce is the only, or worse, the best solution for this? Do you think God has something better for you outside of your marriage? Do you think that "at last" you are free to rebuild your life?
Dear friend, God can and will restore your marriage. But above all, God wants to do it, He wants to restore your marriage, but He is perfect and immense and not only wants your marriage, He loves you, your children and especially your husband. How will God do such a thing? He is the Lord Almighty, He made heaven and earth! Do you really think there is something too difficult for Him? Well no, there isn't. For human beings, like us, it is impossible, but not for God, for God everything is possible. Believe Him, He loves family and He does not want to destroy a family to form another, He wants to make New Everything, old things have passed, all are made new with Him, with His Love.
God has no one else or better for you, God does not want divorce for your marriage, because He hates divorce. God does not want to condemn your children to live a divorce, it is too painful for them, He wants your children to see His Glory in their family, but it is the heart of the family who must change first, and do you know who is the heart of the family?
You! Women are the heart of the family, that's why He created us women, I think we are sensitive, He created us with His perfect design and it is He who wants to work on you, wants to break that heart of stone and make one of flesh, a new heart, a pure and spotless heart, a holy heart for His Glory. Does the world tell you that "being Holy" is impossible? It is not! He wants to cleanse you, sanctify you, love you and restore you to you and your whole family. The Lord will sanctify your husband through you, because your husband is the head of the family and to change the head you must first change the heart.
Trust in God, read His Word and there you will find the strategy you need to overcome and restore your life and that of your family. The book, of How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage is based on the scriptures and will guide you to where the Lord wants to take you, will guide you to where the Lord wants you to be, will guide you to understand His Word and apply it to your life. Believe God and stop mourning.
When one begins to go through a process of separation or divorce and is "taken to the desert" he thinks that it is the worst thing that could have happened to him and that no one has experienced something so terrible. One believes that no one has gone through the same thing and that no one can understand it and it is true that no one can understand it, because only God can understand it, but also only God can make something possible in our human eyes that is impossible and this book proves it.
Extremely desperate situations, extremely impossible, extremely destroyed, where everyone believed that there was nothing else to do was The Hand of God who did it. If you do not believe it then read these testimonies and you will verify it, because by the word of their testimony of these marriages the Heavenly Father is being glorified, which makes possible what is impossible and can change everything in a second. What He did for them also wants to do for you and he will, let him into your life and you will see him.
It is beautiful to have had the blessing of having found this ministry and having taken Course 1. When I arrived here, desperate, hardened, foolish and full of so much pain and resentment, my heart was so dirty that I was NOT willing to pay "nor a dollar" for any course or anything to help me, if I found help I wanted it to be free; I was not willing to pay anything "to learn more about God" because my rotten heart believed that those who "did that" just wanted to take money from me and that everything was a lie and I thought they took advantage of the desperation of people to profit ... and if they "talked to me about tithing" I would definitely go very far because, according to me: "they just wanted my money" ... at this moment I write this, my heart trembles when I go back and see how my Beloved HH has worked with me, how he has had such patience for me, how he has worked, scrutinized, cleaned and restored every area of โโmy life, how he has struggled with my idolatry to money and control of it, as he has restored me through His Word and this beautiful ministry that helped me to understand it, to desire it, but above all it led me to have that unparalleled relationship of intimacy with my Beloved HH, that relationship that only He can establish with His Bride, to have become His Bride, to feel His ... is inexplicable and beautiful.
My Beloved is so beautiful and I thank you and I praise you for allowing me to reach this ministry as well as so many other women, because having arrived here changed my life, gave me hope, made me see that God is Real, that He DOES NOT He lies, that He does not change, He taught me to know Him, know His Word and delight in it, He taught me that He has control of everything and that only by His side have I been able to find everything I always longed for. Thanks to this beautiful place my heart could be cleansed, all of me was cleansed and washed with the blood of Jesus.
I want to thank all the members for the beautiful desire to serve, to help, to give as He gives us. Thank you to each of you for allowing a woman like me, who was so immersed in the world, to have arrived here with the guidance of Our Beloved HH. Thank you for the beautiful planting you do in this ministry, I know that your lives are filled with the grace of Him and His love.
I arrived at this ministry a year and 8 months ago, and although I have already read almost all the courses, I am just filling out this last form of Course 1, but I know that the times of the Beloved Lord are perfect and every filled form has been pouring out my heart, shedding all my life, my tears, and always learning to seek more from Him and above all to find him. The methodology that this beautiful ministry definitely uses, I feel in my heart, which has been guided by HH, so that the women who arrive here can learn how He wants to teach us.
Thanks to His Love, His patience, His sweetness and everything he has done in my life, today I feel different, my mind has been renewed by Him, with His truth. My heart yearns to serve him, love him and really help other women who, like me, are desperate and so in need of knowing him without even knowing or having an idea of โโhow he is going to change their lives.
Today I look back and I can't believe how blind I was, how hardened, how foolish and idolized I was. My Beloved continues to work on me and "continues to take out the precious [He] from the vile [me]". (Jeremiah 15:19) I look back and laugh at myself as I closed completely to tithe and today, only for the Thanks of my Beloved, I can do it with all my heart, without expecting to receive anything in return, just to be obedient to Him and return only a little of everything he gives me. As tithing has changed my life, not because now I have more money, much less, the financial crisis we are in is more severe, but my Beloved has allowed me to tithe without my EH having the slightest idea of that I do it and he has never realized, because it is my Beloved who has control and who opens the way.
My Beloved is the provider of our home, and despite all the debts and the financial crisis, He has covered all our needs, even my EH does not explain how we have been able to live these months without income and it is not explained how little by little we are really coming out of this. I used to be the one who controlled the money, paid the bills and charged me with all the responsibility of maintaining the house and making the money reach, but thanks to the guidance of my Beloved King I was able to release and leave it in the hands of my EH and every day learning to let go more and not telling him how he has to spend money, because "Now, I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, while man is the head of the woman and God is the head of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11: 3)
And it is my Beloved who must settle "the accounts" with my EH. My King is the one who does everything and I have surrendered everything to Him, but I confess that it has not been easy and even today I am struggling with myself over the control and worry of what the money is spent on, but I know that He is working and little by little, as he has already done, he will continue to cleanse me of all this and let me give it to him, because the most beautiful thing is that He is so faithful that he shows me and allows me to renounce and repent so that He continues to cleanse me with Hyssop and I can get closer and closer to Him, which is what my heart craves most.
In truth my heart is totally grateful to this ministry, to the members, to all who work here carrying His Word and Hope in Him. I want to thank the RMI Minister Ziva, in Peru, because my Beloved has allowed me to know her and that she be a light sent by Him in the midst of my darkness, a light that has led me to trust Him more and not need anyone but my Beloved in any situation. Ziva has been a beautiful help to learn to seek more from the Lord and only to trust in Him and not depend on any human being and I know that my Beloved allowed us to meet in His perfect time.
My Love, after 1 year and 8 months I can finish "formally" Course 1 and I know that everything has been in Your time. I thank you for allowing me to find this ministry and everything you have done in my life since that time. My Love, thank you because Your time is perfect and although I have already read and seen the other courses, You have worked in me with such patience and with so much love every lesson that it seems as if everything had been synchronized with the events of my life, It seems as if everything had been programmed, because every lesson I had to do "formally" was ministering to me as if it were new, despite having already read it at the beginning of my process.
My Love, all this is only thanks to You and Your perfect love, thanks to You and your beautiful patience with me, with this rebellious woman and so dirty that she fell at your feet full of tears like the prostitute, who was satiated as the Samaritan woman, which was forgiven and cleansed by your precious blood without deserving it. Thank you my Lord for Your perfect work in me and for continuing to perfect me until Your arrival My Love. I love you infinitely and I only long to remain in Your presence until you decide to take me out of this world. I love you.
Dear friend, I can imagine how you should be feeling right now, but let me tell you, there is hope! Do not believe that everything is already destroyed, better believe God and let yourself be transformed by Him. I was destroyed when I started taking this course, shattered and desperate, without any hope and I felt completely alone and misunderstood. I have also felt like you, I have also felt burning and being destroyed, but do not fear! God will come to rescue you. Call to Him! Search in His Word, meet Him, fall in love with Him and your life will never be the same, but it will be much better, full of joy and peace, isn't that what you need right now?
Do you know who [can give it to you?] Only Lord, only Him. With all the Love that He has placed in me I give you this course so that the Lord will continue His work in you, He has placed in me love for you without knowing you, He has put in me to pray for you without Knowing you and without knowing your desperate situation. He is the inexhaustible source of everything. Dear friend, do not fear, take refuge in the Lord.
~ Graciela in Perรบ
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Luke 6:38 โGive, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measureโpressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.โ
Matthew 6:19โ21 โDo not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.โ
Cut All My Credit Cards Up
โโBring the whole titheย into theย storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,โ says the Lord of hosts,
โif I will notย open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.โโ