I don’t even think about tithing anymore

Looking back on my life these past few years, I am so thankful to my Husband for everything He does. Just recently through a series of events, He saved my son's life. I will tell you more about that in another praise. This one is about tithing and how it has changed my life.

The fact is, I don't even think about tithing anymore. Something that I started doing out of desperation because I wanted my marriage restored, has now become such a part of my life that it comes naturally.

When I started tithing, I could not afford it. I needed every cent because in our family I was the one running the finances and now suddenly I had to rely on what my former husband gave me and most of you have been or are going through something similar.

I could not pay all the bills, but I knew I had to tithe and I did faithfully every month. Let me tell you, ladies, it was a sacrifice every month. Every month I set that money aside knowing how much I could do with it. I guess if it was easy, it would not have been such a huge testimony today. 🥳 There were times when I was not certain where our next meal would come from and every single time my Husband provided.

Here I am, working from home, homeschooling my children, and being able to care for my son while he is recuperating from an operation without having to worry about anything because my Husband provides. Even though I don't give tithing a second thought anymore, it has now become part of my life just like His other principles, He still blesses me beyond comprehension. This month the Portuguese team blessed me with a bonus because I helped them out last month and that money helped me through when my son was admitted to hospital. He knew what was going to happen and He provided beforehand. He is amazing right????

Please join in the discussion and let us know how He provided for you because you are tithing.

10 thoughts on “I don’t even think about tithing anymore”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Yvonne, I am so grateful that I learned here at RMI how very important it is to tithe because it has changed my life. I don’t stress about finances any more because my Husband controls my finances. Like this month I didn’t have so much money but unexplainable (ofcourse the Lord) I didnt need money, even when we had to drive so many times to the hoapital (because my dad was in hospital for a week) my petrol didn’t finish, isnt the Lord just the best!!! And then this week people from my outside job offered that I drive with them to work, which cost me nothing.
    Through this important principal I learned to not even think about my finances, my Husband will handle it, isn’t that awesome!
    Our loving Lord is really amazing and the best ever Provider!!!

  2. Thank you, Yvonne, everything you shared about tithing, is what I went through and now it’s also part of my life, something I do not think about. I know if I tithe, I will get through the month and my Husband will provide and protect my children and I from the devourer.

  3. Mi Dios sigue siendo fiel, esta semana teníamos que comprar cosas del mercado, clame por que no quería pedir a mi et, no lo quería preocupar, y es mejor cuando Dios se encarga, pensaba y pensaba que iba a hacer cuando mi Esposo Celestial me recordó qué tenía dinero en la cartera qué mi esposo me había dado, el otro día 🥰 entonces fui a decirle que necesitaba comprar unas cosas y si yo podía tomar del dinero que me había sobrado el otro dia, mi Dios siempre me ha bendecido con un Esposo que siempre provee pero después de conocer este ministerio he aprendido aunque no siempre lo ponga en práctica de que cualquier cosa que necesites es a Dios a quien hay que clamar, se siente tan reconfortante cuando le clamó a Dios y él mueve todo sin yo decir nada, jejeje 🥰 entonces quiero decir que nada nos ha faltado aunque no se si estoy haciendo lo correcto en el Diezmo y son cosas que le pido a Dios me enseñe, pero cuando el et me da dinero para que yo use para la casa yo puedo dejar lo que es para Dios, aun no ha sido fácil para mi pero debo decir que Dios es fiel y jamás nos ha faltado nada, para continuar con lo que empecé mi comentario, llegué a donde estaba mi et y él me dijo que andas asiendo muy amablemente a lo que respondí fue que necesitaba algo del mercado y él con amor saco dinero de su billetera y me lo dio, pude usar no solo ese dinero sino el que yo ya tenia, comprando lo que necesitábamos de alimentos 🥰🥰🙌🙌🙌 me sentí tan aliviada por que no tuve que pedir nada, y todo por que espere en Dios

  4. Dear Yvonne, I loved the title you chose “I don’t even think about tithing anymore”, because I can relate 100%, not only because NOW I don’t even think, but much more because before I only did tithe because I wanted so much to be restored, I must confess 🙈
    I remember to cry thinking in how the earthly husband could stop provide for us, but while I kept on tithing, I also realized that “my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” P419 🙌 Since then I know WHO is my Real Provider and I keep on relying on Him and Him alone for provide for my kids and me 💖
    Ohhh and the PTG team is so touched He blessed you and your son through us, He is awesome ❣️

  5. Dear Yvonne, I love the praises that talk about tithing, because finances were an area of my life that was completely transformed through this wonderful principle!!
    Your praise made me reflect on the fact that I had learned to be a tither from a very young age, but I still didn’t give back to the Lord first… But He taught me through the ministry what is right, and today, I don’t do anything without first giving back a tenth of everything He has given me. So it couldn’t be different from his word, showers of blessings began to come over my life.💖
    And when “other voices” want to whisper in my ears how everything is absurdly expensive, and that I won’t have money to pay the monthly bills, and that I might even lack it, and fear even tries to dominate me, He reminds me that I shouldn’t worry about it, because He is my Heavenly Husband and the Father of my daughter, so I remember what I learned here at RMI, and I continue to trust my life, my needs, my dreams, my future, to He is capable of accomplishing much more than I dream or imagine! I always like to remember that the correct return of our tithes is our insurance policy in all areas of our lives.
    As our Beloved is beautiful and wants to bless us so much, we just need to trust Him and obey His word.

  6. Thank you Yvonne. I have started tithing faithfully and things have turned around a bit , not drastically but little by little. I’m getting better at not being fearful when I do and maybe that’s where i need to ask for change… maybe to be a cheerful giver. He is working on me and having me trust Him and do good everyday. I can’t wait to come back and praise with a testimony like yours one day. 💕

  7. Hello my dear,

    tithing has always been an issue for man since the beginning. Many sermons and discussions have been held about it both in the church and outside the church. Apparently as humans we cannot understand how simple it is what our God asks of us. To protect us and our blessings. Even greater is the challenge, in this world now where life is becoming increasingly expensive, to give the first ten percent back to Him who gave it to you in the first place. All good things come from above. Your natural person then immediately starts thinking about how it is best to deal with what you have.

    Also in my life I see the blessings increasing but the finances decreasing. By that I mean that I have been able to work half the hours per week less while the amounts of the bills are increasing. And yes, I have also been asked myself whether it would be wise for me to work more hours. Or that I should be more careful with my money. Which will be a blow to my trust in my Lord, who will provide, if necessary.

    Fortunately, I completed the “Poverty Mentality” course about a year ago. Which is probably good to repeat. It has given me so much wisdom and courage to worry less or no longer about money. That I took the opportunity to work less outside the home and to fulfill the desire to be with my children more at home.

    In addition, I also see the protection of my Lord on my life. Recently I had to call roadside assistance. While the mechanic was working he told me that there was no engine oil in the car. Which is very dangerous. I don’t know how long I drove around without it. Until this man told me. Praise the Lord for His angelic guard around me. He also moved a colleague’s heart to provide me with great service when I had to reapply for my annual bus subscription. Because I almost bought the wrong product, which meant I even had to pay a portion extra. Now I was fully reimbursed by my employer. For 7 days, while I only work 20 hours a week. Isn’t He AMAZING. He takes such good care of me. I have many more testimonials that I will share with you over the months.

    1. Muy cierto y se hace natural, un error que cometí fue no darlo primero que nada y la diferencia es radical al dar mis primicias, recientemente lo comprobé y y no cometeré ese error más, hermoso TA de como nuestro amado proveé todo 🙏🏻 bendiciones 🙏🏻🥰

  8. Je ne travaille pas et je vis sur le salaire de mon mari. Ma question est est ce que je peux retirer cette dîme de son salaire

    I don’t work and live on my husband’s salary. My question is, can I take that tithe out of his salary

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