I Learned A Lesson On The Golf Course

"For his God instructs and teaches him properly." I28:26ย 

We are on holiday visiting my twin sister that lives down by the beach. On Friday my sons decided to go and play golf and invited me to join them. When my special son had to hit the ball, he struggled a lot. Immediately my mother instinct kicked in and I wanted to protect my son with everything in me and I felt so sorry for him, so I started praying that his Heavenly Father will please help Him hit the ball very far.

But the next moment I just felt that I had to stop "telling" (although I was asking) the Lord what to do and that I had to give over and trust Him. So I said to the Lord whatever You are trying to teach our son, it is ok with me, I trust Your process.

And suddenly I felt the golf course and my son missing so many balls wasn't so much for him, but for me - I needed to give over control to my Darling Lord and trust Him with the process because He knows what He is doing. The next moment my son said what if he holds the golf club in only one hand (because of his left side brain damage before birth his right muscles are affected) and I know it was an inisiative from his Heavenly Father and playing with the one hand he could hit the ball and he enjoyed playing golf.

Dear precious lady I want to encourage you to give over to our Darling Lord, He knows what He is doing, so trust Him with the process.

Please read this part taken out of Living the Abundant Life, Chapter One "Could This Be His Plan"

So when it doesnโ€™t make sense to us, we only need to remember that His ways are so much above our ways, and just when you think you have figured God out, Heโ€™ll show you that there is much more to Him than you knew.

10 thoughts on “I Learned A Lesson On The Golf Course”

    1. It left me with such a wow precious Adina, because just there on the golf course and I realized I have all these reqyest to our Darling Lord, asking please do this and that, whereas He know why He is allowing certaun things in my children’s lives.

  1. Dear Adina, I have experienced this too and how nice it is to let him run everything. On my way to work I โ€œsurrenderedโ€ my day to the Lord and then added a list of everything I would like Him to do. What a disastrous day it was. The next day, I just told Him: bless the company and Your will be done, the day went well. It was as if He was saying to me: See what I can do when you’re not directing me? well this simple prayer applies to all areas from now on.
    Chรจre Adina, j’en ai fais l’expรฉrience aussi et que c’est agrรฉable de le laisser tout diriger. En allant travailler j’ai “remis” ma journรฉe au Seigneur et puis j’ai ajoutรฉ une liste de tout ce que j’aimerais qu’Il fasse. Quelle journรฉe catastrophique ce fรปt. Le lendemain, je lui ai juste dit : bรฉnit la sociรฉtรฉ et que Ta volontรฉ soit faite, la journรฉe c’est bien dรฉroulรฉe. C’รฉtait comme si il me disait : tu vois ce que je peux faire lorsque tu ne me dirige pas ? eh bien cette priรจre simple s’applique ร  tout les domaines dรฉsormais.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Ednah. When I look back on my life I directed our Darling Lord so many times with my prayers and He is really teaching me to let go and trust Him, because He knows what He is doing and comforting to realize that fact.

  2. thank you Adina for sharing this with us! I could definitely learn from this today. a wonderful reminder that we can trust Him so much we don’t have to try and control what we do or He does but let it all go into His faithful hands. ๐Ÿ’•

    1. We can for sure trust our Darling Lord precious Rasa, because He is trustworthy.

  3. How great! He sees the bigger picture and knows what’s best for us, even when we don’t understand. I know first hand that it can be hard to surrender control, but we know in those moments of surrender that we truly experience His peace and guidance.Thanks for the reminder that His ways are higher than ours.

    1. Yes precious Hope it is for sure in those moments of surrender that we truly experience His peace and guidance and I am learning more and more that is what He wants for us and He anyway just knows better!

    1. Yes precious Jewel we as mothers do feel we MUST but all we have to do is trust Him with our children because He just knows what is best for them and what they have to go trough for what He wants to teach team and help them grow. but so many times I allow my protection as mother take over.

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