I Silently SCREAMED Inside

I have to say my HH really surprised me with this testimony I am about to share. He is amazing!!

We met a family through our son in an event we were invited to. At the gathering, they shared how they go every year to Nicaragua and would love for our family to join them. I thought, "my EH would never agree, I mean we just met them." and before I could even finish thinking about it, he was accepting the invitation.

I thought for sure when we got home he would change his mind saying he was just being polite in agreeing, but no he was talking about the trip and how it would be a great family vacation!!

Well at that time I started to get excited because Nicaragua is where RMI ESP has our yearly retreat and my family will see the country I go to. I SG and asked for His will. The time came when my EH asked me to purchase the plane tickets and not to wait. I did so, but at that time the country started having rioting. I obeyed and trusted God since the tickets were very expensive and non-refundable.

As a couple weeks passed by and the other family called me. She has family in Nicaragua and said things were getting worse over there and what was just rioting turned into a small civil war, so bad that they removed the American Embassy. I just listened and asked what their plans were, since we were invited by them we would follow their lead. She explained that she had called the airline various times and to change the flights it would be a very large fee per ticket, not to mention the pricey tickets that we had already paid. It was almost like we would have to wait until the last minute to see if they put up a "travel Alert" at that time to change, but we wanted a vacation that was planned and organized. She said she would continue to try and contact me in 3 days.

I, of course, gave all this to the Lord and shared with my EH in which he said just wait for them to call in 3 days. I got the call as scheduled and they shared that the airline is still not changing the flights without the fee, but that regardless they for sure would not be going to Nicaragua but instead to Costa Rica. Well, this was bittersweet to me. I have been wanting to go to Costa Rica for over a year now. It was most definitely a desire of my heart. SO once again I got super excited, but my EH said he would not pay any changing fee and we would just have to see where else we can go.

In obedience, I looked at so many different places, but none felt right. Then coming into the office my EH said for me to call the airlines and DO and SAY whatever it takes to get those tickets changed to Costa Rica without having to pay those fees, even if it meant to get nasty. Well after reading many times the chapter in MM and how Michele got the Hawaii trip changed after it was absolutely non-changeable and she did it in such a calm and trusting way, I wanted NOT to be nasty but prayed to be protected from that and for Him to do the miracle.

Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute In the sight of God and man. Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.… (Proverbs 3:3-5)

I called and remember being super sweet and just kindly explained the situation and she answered so nicely that she really wanted to help me but would have to put me on hold to get approval. Well after a couple, "thank you for holding, I am still working on it" she finally came back that they approved the change WITHOUT the fee (I didn't even ask them to waive it) and that she would have to do it manually since it is not normally done!!! I silently SCREAMED inside and cried just PTL!! He had done it! We were going to Costa Rica and although they still gave the other family issues, after they gave the airline our last name they agreed to change theirs also.

For those who find me find life and receive favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 8:35)

I will be meeting a member and taking 2 boxes of books for distributions and doing outreach to a very poor school of 55 students. MY HH IS THE BEST!!!

I’m a tithing partner. Learn more.

Restored after going THROUGH the Fire!
RMI’s Spanish Español Minister

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Chapter 11

Stop Fretting and Trust in HIM, Alone!

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”