Its Been a Tough Week

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4

Well ladies this has been a crazy week, it all started when eh work vehicle’s clutch started giving problems. At the same time a pipe started leaking in my vehicle. I had to make sure it did not overheat. Eventually it got so bad that it started bubbling… thankfulky eh was driving when it happened. Also l must admit it got worse because l forgot to put the radiator cap back when had to top up the water ๐Ÿ˜ข

A day later eh work van broke down too and had to go in for repairs which left our family with no transport. I had to make arrangements for my daughter for a lift to school and home as she is writing exams and walk my son to his tutor and its cold in the mornings now its winter here.

I felt frustrated but as l woke up after my van broke completely down. l spoke to my Husband and felt that HE was pressing in my spirit that HE was with me and is my help and strength. I had a choice to make. Either l was going to be upset, impatient and short with my family or l was going to count it all joy and be joyful and praise Him through the struggles even as there was no food in the house… we ran out of gas… l didnt know what to pack for lunch…

My Darling Love is the best because HE showed me how to navigate thru the difficulties. He got me to organize an uber to go to town to buy groceries, and the gas bottle to be exchanged by the gas company, they provide a door to door service that l never used before, itlight and easy ๐Ÿ˜…

I was able to testify to 2 ppl, the uber lady and my sons tutor how my Love was my help and showed me to have the right attitude and a heart of praise despite my situation. This caused me to become even more happy and joyful as l shared how amazing HE is thru it all ๐Ÿ˜Š

So today eh work van has been fixed and returned and he took the day off to work on my van. And all I can say is how thankful l am for my vehicle and the blessing of eh having a company vehicle l see how much easier having the vehicles made to our lives and how blessed we have ALWAYS been. Even my online job and eh job we are beyond blessed.

In life we tend to take things for granted, the daily things that make our lives easy, having a vehicle, food in the cupboards, gas to cook with, electricity, water, a warm and comfortable bed to sleep in, even our health, being able to wake up and care for our families.

Today l share this so thankful and l am truly grateful ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ HE is so good and is ever faithful ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜

If you have been struggling with trial after trial coming against you and are fairly new to this ministry and your Restoration Journey please check out our Various Trials lesson.ย 

18 thoughts on “Its Been a Tough Week”

  1. Thank you, Atarah, what a blessing to read your praise this morning. It was just what I needed to hear. There have been various trials in my life and your praise just lifted my spirits this morning.

    1. I’m so glad that you were encouraged Yvonne๐Ÿ˜€ my van is fixed now and my Husband blessed me thru eh with new rubber mats ๐Ÿฅณ

  2. Shalom shalom Atarah
    Merci pour cette encouragement , alors que je me retrouve seule a la maison et que les enfants sont ร  l’รฉcole .
    Je voulais prendre le pain mais ce matin comme le voisin se dรฉplaรงait et je n’ai pas de voiture mais je pense serieusement
    a faire les dรฉmarches pour un vรฉhicule car je voudrais tellement sortir avec mes enfants . A l’ile Maurice ๐Ÿฆค, le bus coรปte
    plus cher que l’essence donc je remets cette partie a NOTRE HH . Donc le voisin a pris le pain et comme je voulais lui donner les sous
    il me les a offert gratuitement croyez vous au miracle du pain . Je lui ai demandรฉ deux baguettes et il m’a ramenรฉ trois baguettes …. MERCI CHERI pour ce miracle encore .
    Il prend soin de nous ….

    Jean 6- 9 ๐Ÿฅ–๐ŸฆˆIl y a ici un jeune garรงon qui a cinq pains d’orge et deux poissons, mais qu’est-ce que cela pour tant de monde?ยป 10 Jรฉsus dit: ยซFaites asseoir ces gens.ยป Il y avait beaucoup d’herbe ร  cet endroit. Ils s’assirent donc, au nombre d’environ 5000 hommes. 11 Jรฉsus prit les pains, remercia Dieu et les distribua [aux disciples, qui les donnรจrent] ร  ceux qui รฉtaient lร ; il leur distribua de mรชme des poissons, autant qu’ils en voulurent.

    Shalom shalom Atarah
    Thank you for this encouragement, while I find myself alone at home and the children are at school.
    I wanted to take the bread but this morning as the neighbor was moving and I don’t have a car but I am seriously thinking
    of taking steps for a vehicle because I would so much like to go out with my children. In Mauritius ๐Ÿฆค, the bus costs
    more than gasoline so I give this part to OUR HH. So the neighbor took the bread and as I wanted to give him the money
    he offered them to me for free do you believe in the miracle of bread. I asked him for two baguettes and he brought me three baguettes …. THANK YOU DARLING for this miracle again.
    He takes care of us ….

    John 6- 9 ๐Ÿฅ–๐ŸฆˆThere is a young boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what is that for so many people? 10 Jesus said, โ€œHave the men sit down.โ€ There was much grass in the place. So they sat down, about five thousand men in number. 11 Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were there; likewise he distributed fish to them, as many as they wanted.

    1. Shalom Kateleen ๐Ÿ˜Š How wonderfully HE provided for you with 3 baguettes ๐Ÿ™Œ I know that HE will provide for the car for you and your kids. It was a desire of my heart for many years to get my drivers license and my own car and at the age of 40 l got my drivers lisence and he blessed me with my own vehicle ๐Ÿฅฐ He is faithful what He has done for me He will do for you ๐Ÿ™Œ Keep on praying, believing and trusting ๐Ÿ˜€

      Shalom Kateleen ๐Ÿ˜Š Comme il vous a merveilleusement fourni 3 baguettes ๐Ÿ™Œ Je sais qu’IL prendra en charge la voiture pour vous et vos enfants. C’รฉtait un dรฉsir de mon cล“ur depuis de nombreuses annรฉes d’obtenir mon permis de conduire et ma propre voiture et ร  l’รขge de 40 ans, j’ai obtenu mon permis de conduire et il m’a bรฉni avec mon propre vรฉhicule Il est fidรจle ร  ce qu’il a fait pour moi, il le fera faites pour vous ๐Ÿ™Œ Continuez ร  prier, ร  croire et ร  faire confiance ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. This is so wonderful Atarah! When we have the right attitude and we seek Him, He makes everything turn around. He also finds ways that are a lot lighter and easier than we thought. Everything He does for us is truly a gift and shouldnโ€™t be taken for granted just as you said. I am glad that He was able to take care of so many things for you and your family. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Yes Elda that is so true HE does turn things around but for that to happen l clearly see that it takes the right attitude so we always have to check ourselves because its so easy to become disheartened. Its a choice we make and then HE changes things ๐Ÿ’ฏ faith DOES move mountains ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ

  4. Thank you so much for your praise dear Atarah, what a beautiful reminder that we must count all our trails as pure joy instead of having a bad attitude when it happens.

    “Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various [a]trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces [b]endurance. 4 And let [c]endurance have its perfect [d]result, so that you may be [e]perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”;NASB;NKJV;NLV

    1. Yip so true Adina we must count those trials all joy and as we do HE turns it around its like Prison to Praise ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Esta semana Dios me llevo a meditar en la pobreza y dice que somos Buenaventura dos.

    El me llevo a meditar en estas hermosas palabras que dejo escritas.

    17 ยปยฟQuรฉ son los seres humanos para que nos des tanta importancia,
    para que pienses tanto en nosotros?
    18 Pues nos examinas cada maรฑana
    y nos pruebas a Disfruta de lo que tienes en lugar de desear lo que no tienes; soรฑar con tener cada vez mรกs no tiene sentido, es como perseguir el viento.
    Eclesiastรฉs 6:9 NTV
    Y luego me enseรฑas.

    10 Todo ha sido decidido. Ya se sabรญa desde hace tiempo lo que cada persona habrรญa de ser. Asรญ que no sirve de nada discutir con Dios acerca de tu destino.
    Eclesiastรฉs 6:10 NTV

    Dice una hermosa alabanza Mi trabajo es creer, y esperar en ร‰l. Es hermoso reposar entre sus brazos y esperar pacientemente en ร‰l. Confiar que suple cada necesidad no importa cual. Podemos ver los lirios de los valles quรฉ visten mรกs hermoso que el rey salomรณn. Pero nos dio a su hijo lo mรกs precioso que existe y lo entregรณ por amor a nosotros y el dรญa de las bodas del Cordero se nos vestira de blanco, se nos darรก una piedra blanca con un nombre nuevo El gobernarรก sobre todo y su luz nos irradiara. Esperemos con paciencia la carrera que tenemos por delante. Ese dรญa de la gran boda serรก hermoso y nosotros seremos la novia. Que promesa mรกs hermosa, los que esperan en Jehovรก serรกn recompensado, no seremos avergonzado. Aleluya๐Ÿ˜

    This week God led me to meditate on poverty and says that we are Bonaventure two.

    He led me to meditate on these beautiful words that I left written.

    17 “What are human beings that you give us so much importance,
    that you think so much about us?
    18 For you examine us every morning
    and test us to Enjoy what you have instead of desiring what you do not have; dreaming of having more and more is pointless, it is like chasing the wind.
    Ecclesiastes 6:9 NLT
    And then you teach me.

    10 Everything has been decided. It was already known long ago what each person would be. So there is no point in arguing with God about your destiny.
    Ecclesiastes 6:10 NLT

    He says a beautiful praise My job is to believe, and wait on Him. It is beautiful to rest in His arms and wait patiently on Him. Trust that He supplies every need no matter what. We can see the lilies of the valley that dress more beautifully than King Solomon. But he gave us his son the most precious thing that exists and gave him for love of us and on the day of the wedding of the Lamb we will be dressed in white, we will be given a white stone with a new name. He will rule over everything and his light will shine on us. Let us wait patiently for the race that lies ahead. That day of the great wedding will be beautiful and we will be the bride. What a beautiful promise, those who wait on the Lord will be rewarded, we will not be ashamed. Hallelujah๐Ÿ˜

    1. Amen Hallelujah thank you for sharing those scriptures ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŽ‰ it is soooo beautiful ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ yes we must believe and wait on Him ๐Ÿ™Œ

  6. That would be a lot to handle on your own! Iโ€™m glad you chose to be joyful, positive and trusted in your Husband. We can always count on Him. Thanks for sharing โค๏ธ

    1. Yes Hope that morning when l woke up l felt it so strongly to make that choice and lm so glad l did. Really thankful to Him for impresssing it on my spirit ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œ

  7. Love, love, and love how He gives us wisdom on each challenge!!! Our lives are never the same when we surrender and trust!!
    We will continue to face trials, heartbreaks, and challenges but we got Him fixing our days!! it is a matter of the heart, to trust and believe that He is so powerful that the blessing is coming!!
    He is perfect for us in every season, He enabled unlimited access to His presence, Heโ€™s with us in our homes, getting his hands dirty with our family problems and messy emotions, because He cares.
    We are so loved!!!

    1. Wow yessss so true Isabella ๐Ÿ’ฏ He is right there with us in the middle of it ๐Ÿ‘ and moving those mountains ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿฅฐโ™ฅ๏ธ

  8. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Atarah. I have said it before but I am going to say it again, I just love how my Darling leads me to read a post at the right time.

    This week our electricity was off along with the water and getting home after a long day at my outside job and just wanting a warm bath (because it is winter here and we have a cold front), the water was off again. And your post was just a reminder now that I must stop complaining and give it all to my Husband and He is really faithful.

    I will consider all these trials all joy. And have my Darling next to me makes everything ok.

    1. Yes Janine brrrrrrr its been cold and a hot bath or shower warms you up so nicely… But yes we must consider it all joy and know HE will sort it all out while we praise HIM because He is such a darling ๐Ÿฅฐโ™ฅ๏ธโค๏ธ

  9. Thank you Atarah, it has filled me with joy to read you.
    These days have been a test and a measure of courage.
    Our Beloved, does everything for our good.
    And we should always listen to Him and praise Him.

  10. Thank you Atarah for encouraging me with the Scripture that you share with us. One to meditate on the next weeks to come. To stay focus on Him and don’t let my circumstances get me down๐Ÿ˜

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