Its Been Difficult

โ€œFor I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lordโ€. Rom 8:38-39

Ladies l just want to share with you that l am going thru some struggles but l realised this morning just how thankful l am.

Its been difficult because my eh decided to leave his job and start a business so right now we are living on my income which l am really thankful for but it requires me to have to spend a certain amount of hours working which leaves me with way less time for everything else.

On top of that eh is home, he is constantly there and this makes it even more difficult to just spendย  time alone with my Husband my true love who loves me and understands me better than anyone elseโค๏ธ

I will be honest with you ladies and say its frustrating because l miss the alone time with my Beloved in the mornings when l would listen to my bible app and colour in my creative bible…

Maybe it sounds like l am complaining but l just want those of you who are separated, divorced to know how blessed you are because being restored is wonderful BUT the honeymoon verrrrry soon wears off.. I love my eh and my family but only my Beloved loves me the way l need to be loved, understands me with all my faults and weaknesses. Heals my spirit by just spending time with him giving him all my worries, burdens and my concerns.

Count yourselves blessed ladies! Many of you find yourselves here alone with a broken marriage but let me tell you if you embrace Him as the special love of your life you will be far happier ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Speaking of which HE never ceases to amaze me by blessing me.. I was blessed thrice unexpectedly with money and it just amazed me because it came when l really needed it ๐Ÿ™

Also my eh decided to go fishing last night he left late in the evening and wont be home until the afternoon. I woke up at 4h30am and l could not fall asleep so l started reading a devotion but l felt tired so l started speaking to Him about what l read and drifted into a peaceful sleep. I woke again as the sun was rising and again could spend time all alone with Him with no interruptions. Ladies you wont understand what a blessing this is ๐Ÿคญ

Anyway l shared more than l intended so l hope that what l shared can encourage one of you beautiful brides today ๐Ÿฅฐ

Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

13 thoughts on “Its Been Difficult”

  1. Atarah thank you for sharing your heart. I must tell you that I do appreciate the time I have with my Beloved. Even if my children are here every day during the week, I have time to spend with Him because they are growing up and do not need my constant attention like when they were little (not that I do not miss them needing me the whole time ๐Ÿ˜). I can’t imagine having it any other way ๐Ÿ’–

    1. Thank you atarah, I smile at your blog, when we are alone we often want to have people around us to fill a little that loneliness. But some of us are alone to better hear him speak to us, to hear his voice tell us I AM WITH YOU.
      Since I realized that I couldn’t always be with the boys, I spend most of my time on RMI. When I wake up at night I’m reading my bible or I’m on AIDE MARITALE and I ask him what you want to talk about next week.
      Like this morning, he reminded me that I was not giving my tithe properly, I was taking it out of the shopping money but in fact I had to take it out of all the money my EH gives me for the house.

    2. Yes Adina you are so blessed and you can go anywhere with Him and spend lots of time. I always have to let eh know where lm going theres no spur of the moment lol!! I do get some moments alone with Him when l go to the gym, l spend time with Him in my vehicle outside the gym ๐Ÿคญ and its nice because l can just look out at the sky and trees and speak to Him ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, I needed your reminder this morning, isn’t our Darling Lord the best ever.
    I had a what if moment this morning of growing old alone and now reading your post, I know this is my Darling Lord leading me to your post, because it is ok if I am alone, because I am not actually alone, I have Him and I because I have Him, I have everything!

    1. Ag Janine i am so glad! I am actually looking forward to as l get older and my family needs less of me, even one day having an empty nest… I think l will b ok with that too because He is everything we need and only He really matters then everything else falls into placeโค๏ธ

  3. Thank you for sharing Atarah, I am going through a very similar situation. I miss the quiet times throughout the day just being so deeply involved with my HH. Itโ€™s funny how once we really tell Him how we miss spending all this time with Him, He finds a way for us to get alone time. He is so amazing and Iโ€™m glad you were able to find that as well. He loves you so much and He does understand what we all go through and what we need.

    1. Yes Elda its so true He makes a way for you and me and l know wirh your kids being so little its even more of a challenge.. That makes it so much sweeter when he makes a way for you. ๐Ÿ˜„ Thank you Elda its a lovely reminder to know that He loves us so much he moves heaven and earth for us ๐Ÿฅฐ

  4. Merci pour ton partage Atarah, au dรฉbut de mon voyage je me prenais la tรชte avec mon MC, comment vais-je passer du temps avec Toi une fois restaurรฉ, je ne veux pas que notre relation s’arrรชte. Il m’a fait comprendre qu’il dรฉgagera toujours du temps pour nous deux. Et puis j’ai appris ร  lui parler dans mon cล“ur, je me sens mieux depuis.

    Thank you for sharing Atarah, at the start of my journey I was struggling with my MC, how am I going to spend time with You once restored, I don’t want our relationship to end. He made me understand that he will always make time for both of us. And then I learned to speak to him in my heart, I feel better since then.

    1. Yes Edna that is so true we must not forget that HE is right there we can speak to Him in our hearts. Its crazy how when we have come know Him in this intimate way we cannot do without it and how much we need this time all alone with Him. Never in a million years would l have believed that l could feel this way!

      Oui Edna c’est tellement vrai il ne faut pas oublier qu’IL est juste lร  nous pouvons Lui parler dans nos cล“urs. C’est fou comme quand on Le connaรฎt de cette maniรจre intime on ne peut plus s’en passer et combien on a besoin de ce temps tout seul avec Lui. Jamais dans un million d’annรฉes je n’aurais cru pouvoir ressentir cela !

  5. Thank you for sharing your honesty. Sometimes, it can seem like everyone else is having has a more intimate relationship with their HH, except for us, and that there are no temptations or difficulties for them. It can make us feel lonely and wonder what we’re doing wrong. My eh is constantly going from one project to another, working, and always staying busy and the temptation to feel sorry for myself arises, and I may start to feel lonely. But He reminds me that He’s creating opportunities for me to spend time with Him by keeping my eh busy and afterward, I always feel refreshed and filled with His love! โค๏ธ

  6. Yes Hope lol we have to practise that unconditional love for our eh that HE shows us and we can look forward to times we can be alone alone with Him โค๏ธ and yes hope l am being perfectly honest because up until a few months ago my eh was working and financially things were good. l see it as a season he has me in right now so l am looking forward to the future โœจ

  7. Atarah, I am just sitting alone here reading your praise while my children are away at their dads. This weekend it was difficult to let them go, but as I did I realized that I could spend my weekend with Him and Him alone and to enjoy it because it has been such a busy few weeks with projects and exams in home schooling. Thank you for your beautiful praise that just confirmed to me again to cherish every moment I have alone with my Amazing Lovely Lord.

  8. It is true, dear Atarah, just yesterday, my children went out, and I spent that little time with my Beloved, and when we spend the day busy we feel incomplete, because we need His company.
    Blessed be Our Lord, who completes us

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