Join in on Sunday Study Living Lesson β€œHe Leads Me”


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"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." Ps143:10

Developing a close and intimate relationship with the Lord is possible when we recognize His closeness to us. We should ask Him to lead us with the simplest or most complex task.

  • Is30:21 reminds us that whenever we veer off course, we can hear a guiding voice leading us back to the right path.
  • J10:27 emphasizes that as His sheep, we possess the ability to hear His voice, and in response, we follow Him.

"For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; β€˜he will lead them to springs of living water.’ β€˜And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’R7:1617


8 thoughts on “Join in on Sunday Study Living Lesson β€œHe Leads Me””

  1. I love this lesson and “He leads me” became real to me on my journey. Whenever I need to deal with any given situation, I learned to first talk to my Husband and surrender the situation to Him, then wait patiently for Him to lead me. I learned to wait for the voice behind me saying go left or go right. I learned that not waiting and listening always results in a negative outcome, whereas waiting on my Beloved always turns out good.

    Just last week I say how waiting on Him nudging me to do something I asked Him about now, and being obedient to His guidance, worked out amazing. (

    And following His lead does lead us to rest and peace.

    1. Yes, sometimes we just try to rush ahead and be impatient but when we seek His guidance and follow His lead, we find rest and peace. πŸ’•

  2. I am grateful for this lesson and have learned that we need His guidance not only in big things or important choices, but also in the small everyday things. We must learn to recognize His voice and follow Him in faith and not doubt what He tells us to do. I long to seek even more guidance from my Dear Heavenly Husband. He is all I need.

    James 1:5-6
    If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
    But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

    1. I am also learning to have Him lead me in small things. It’s so important to listen to Him and trust His guidance. He is the best source and everything we need.

  3. I enjoyed this lesson very much because there are so many changes going on in this season of life. But lately instead of getting anxious and worried, I’ve heard His still voice saying lay down and rest. Originally I have tried to fight this voice and continue doing, doing, doing. But now I have seen how wonderful it is to just relax and sit in His peace knowing He will take care of everything. I don’t need to worry about anything. He will lead me in every step.

    1. Exactly ❀️ The Lord is always there to lead us and care for us and when we learn to trust in Him and let go of our worries, we can truly experience His peace.

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Hope. I remember when I joined RMI I started with proofreading for the Afrikaans ( ) and I started with the living lessons and my Darling Lord knew precisely that I would enjoy the living lessons and this specific one, is one of my favorite living lessons. When I was still a young child my dad learned me Psalm 23 ( ) so it had a special meaning for me and when my dad got a stroke, it was also the promises I held on to.
    Our Darling Lord is the best ever to lead us, I just love how He does it!

  5. Janine, this is also one of my favorite LL’s. Sometimes I just go about my day repeating “Lord, guide me”. because I can do NOTHING without Him. It’s so heartwarming to hear how your faith has helped you through some difficult times and He has given you special promises that are dear to your heart.

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