Just Ask

โ™• Today's Promise: โ€œAsk and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

โ˜Š PR Podcast Yvonneย 

My daughter is back home! All glory to my Heavenly Husband and how He brought it about.

I shared the change in lockdown regulations with my FH and the next day I spoke to my little girl and she explained to me that again they asked her if she wanted to go home and she told me that she wanted to tell her dad that she wanted to come home, but her stepbrother was there all the time and he would be angry with her if she asked to go home.

I was really crying my heart out to my Heavenly Husband, telling Him everything that was on my heart and of course how angry I felt that this decision was left up to my 10-year old daughter. How absolutely torn she must feel. I know she wants to be with me and she wants to be with her father, so leaving this up to her, would be like trying to cut her in two.

In the beginning, I felt that my daughter should really learn to say what is on her heart, but when speaking to my Heavenly Husband about it, He reminded me of the story in Kings where the two women came before King Solomon and he suggested the baby be cut in half. The Lord was telling me that expecting this from my daughter would be like cutting her in half.

As my daughter was talking to me on the phone, she was trying to think of all types of excuses I should use just to let her come home without it seeming that she wants to. It was so heartbreaking for me. I told her we would leave it in the hands of the Lord and see what He brings about.

I told my Heavenly Husband exactly how I felt and asked Him what to do and He said, just ask. And for a moment I felt confused and I said Lord, but I am asking and then I realized that I should ask my FH. Remember I donโ€™t ask my FH for anything, EVER!! I decided not to do anything until I was absolutely sure this came from my Heavenly Husband. Then when I felt at peace with my decision, I sent a message to my FH without trying to make excuses for why she should come back, I just asked humbly if he can please bring my daughter back home.

Then he responded that he will bring her back after the weekend and that he can then leave them with me for two weeks and let both of them spend another week with him. Thank You Lord!!!

Later that day my FH phoned me and I thanked him for bringing my daughter home and he told me that it was no easy task and it led to a fight. I apologized, but he said it was nothing for me to worry about and I could hear that he felt like the hero of the situation, which is what my Heavenly Husband wanted to bring about.

When my daughter returned home for 2 days she would not leave me alone, she would follow me around and be everywhere I am and tell me how much she missed me and how much she loves me? Is He not just so amazing in everything He does!!!

Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV) โ€œAsk and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

I do believe the key here is that we should go to Him first and ask Him and then He will lead us to where He wants us in order for His name to be glorified!

~ Yvonne in South Africa
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