Knight in shining armor

I just want to give the Lord a praise today because this beautiful morning again He knows just what I need, my beloved. I listened to the zoom audio from yesterday (Sunday) and I thought I would share it. Sometimes God shields us from things, from the hurt it may cause, in different ways, for instance, distance. However there can be a point where the Lord may allow things to be put in front of you that may be very hurtful. In this zoom meeting the ladies share their honest feelings about real episodes that ladies must sometimes confront with adultery. They also share at times they may feel those same feelings of unforgiveness or pain, when faced with matters like with our children. This site is a blessing because you can get a cup of coffee and hear of others that have gone through similar things. You realize that as a woman you are not alone, and that it all still points to HH to clear away pain, hurts, and resentments. He is the only answer. This audio also talks about when the OW takes the children. What pain! But our God is greater and He is the healer. I enjoyed listening to Keziah when she admitted she felt that old familiar sting and had to rewind. She also mentioned how it was possible that maybe in God’s plan she may need someone to care for her child if she is not around. The truth is we do not always no God’s plan or why things happen the way they do, but we know that He is God and He knows the fruit he wants in our lives and how He wants to use us to help another woman that is experiencing what you have gone through. The beautiful fruit of righteousness God at times seems to squeeze from us like a lemon is like when a child says “no”. However without that discipline, as the most loving parent, how would we be the beautiful brides, He as Lord would want us to be? What a beautiful woman you would be of you radiated the love of God to everyone, even the OW? No matter how long it takes, it really doesnt matter. We’ve all come from different places and upbringings and different personalities. But our HH loves us unconditionally and like a knight His loving kindness challenges us to be the most beautiful brides for Him. I just want to encourage any ladies today that are dealing with OW with their children to listen to he zoom audio with Keziah and Adina, and be blessed and bring all your cares to the Lord, He is our knight and shining armor, He will love us, defend us, and take care of us as we submit to Him.

3 thoughts on “Knight in shining armor”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise Azariah. Our God is for sure greater than anything and He is our Healer. I just love how He has a plan with each one of us. It’s all about His love and all because of His love, we are nothing without Him.

  2. Thank you for sharing this praise, Azariah. We all go through different trails to have testimonies to share of how our HH brought us through each one of them. Our pain can be used to help others that come behind us.
    We can go through each and every trail with our Heavenly Husband, holding on to Him and trusting that whatever we must go through, is part of His perfect plan for our lives.
    He is our Great Physician, Mighty Counsellor, Prince of Peace and the Lover of our Souls. He is just knocking and waiting to shower His love on us, to heal us and to give us peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.
    Open your heart to Him and allow Him to become your Heavenly Husband, He is waiting to take all the pain and sorrow away!

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