Let GO Found Chinese Exciting UPDATE!



From: Gioia Faith

Dear Adina,
I promised Erin I would get in touch with you once I talked to my mom about journaling in Chinese. Sorry it took a while (I am in the process of studying a certification and have just completed my course 1 out of 5). I did talk to her and she agreed to proofread. Can you share with Erin about this and let me know what the next step is? I am ready to get it started but I am not quite sure what I need to do. Thanks Adina!

Dear Gioia,

We are all thrilled to hear back and had it been earlier before we let go of our Translation Director as He led us, we would know exactly what the next step is. This is a GOOD place to be no matter what you are uncertain of because it means we can be completely and totally dependent on Him, which means His perfect plan for us—for the Chinese RYM and ministry and you and your mom and me.

As I was typing, listening to what He was showing me, what I was envisioning, He reminded me of one of the promises He led me to read every day for a year, and now weekly.

“No one lights a lamp 🪔 and then hides it or puts it under a basket 🧺. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house, those who come may see the light.” L1133

Prior to us letting go of our Translation Director, our process for translating and proofreading was hidden, but now what He's showing me is to go to https://wiecznamilosc.com/chinese/ and begin with Chapter 1, which is in the menu. He reminded me (since it seemed odd) that you mentioned you had hoped your mother would read the book, and because this has been proofread, there should be few corrections needed.

When she sees an error, copy the sentence or paragraph and paste it into the comment, followed by the same sentence or paragraph that can EASILY be exchanged/replaced. After each chapter is completed, He'll have me add it to the menu so we can all witness and celebrate!!

Gioia, since this is a journey, we will continue to allow Him to lead us, and He'll help us make any necessary adjustments along the way. Any issues or concerns, leave a new comment, and one of us will usually respond within a day!!

For all of you who are reading this, speak to your Husband and ask Him if He's calling you to help in any way. Start by registering on a website, adding your radiant picture and bio, then begin to post praise and comment—we will be watching and moving you up.


It's DONE!! All the chapters are on the new RestoreMinistries.net website. YES, the website has a new name, but we still need to WAIT (but that's an added benefit and blessing, waiting) until I am free to get back into our Internet Domain Registrar after being locked out for nearly two years. That will be another praise.

I've left a comment on the page https://wiecznamilosc.com/chinese/ that you might enjoy reading and commenting on!

Today, Saturday, Yvonne and I were excited to spend most of the day working with our Husband because no one is really around in the offices.

What we PLANNED to do is not exactly what we could have ever dreamed would happen. We had agreed that the smallest 4 of our websites should be moved onto the largest of these websites—eventually to LET GO and shut them down. These 4 websites are currently being ministered to by missionaries but so far we have had no native interaction with women speaking that language.

After moving just ONE website, the smaller Japanese, we discovered CHINESE—GOD KNOWS where we found it, but we did and immediately took possession.

“For you will spread out, expand abroad to the right and to the left, and soon BURSTING at the seams. Your descendants, offspring, SEED, will occupy the nations, dispossess nations, resettle the ruined desolate, deserted cities, getting back the land that the others now occupy.” I543


We found an old cover, then the new cover, then the PDF, and then just following His lead, voila! We were able to paste chapter 1 right onto the webpage!!! Now we must TRUST GOD to send Chinese-speaking women to discover our MIRACLE and finish taking possession of all we have translated into Chinese.

8 thoughts on “Let GO Found Chinese Exciting UPDATE!”

  1. Wow this is so awesome dear Erin, I am trusting and believing the Lord to send Chinese-speaking women.

  2. Sharing this page with my mom. So excited! Erin I speak Chinese (native). Translation is not my strongest suit but I am happy to help if there’s anything.

    1. Good heavens Gioia! You never cease to amaze us. Paula in Brazil 🇧🇷 texted me late last night with a link and “OMG” so I didn’t wait to read your comment but I knew I’d never sleep 😴 if I replied. Instead I focused on my Darling and how He’d again did something I was not expecting.

      “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty and marvelous and wondrous things, which you do not know…things to come, things you could never figure out on your own, remarkable secrets…“ J333

      I’ve read this year’s partner promise every day for a year and then weekly since then (remember He gives it to me 4-5 months before the new year) and He continues to “show me great and mighty and marvelous and wondrous things, which I did not know…things to come, things I could never figure out on my own, remarkable secrets…“ I could never “dream or imagine.”

      After Yvonne and I succeeded in following His lead and establishing ownership of this combined website (that He called and Yvonne reminded me was our ministry “orphanage” abandoned by the translators who birthed them waiting to be adopted and loved by new parents) because of this promise “Every place on which the sole of your foot steps shall be yours… No one will be able to stand against you; the LORD your God will instill the dread of you and the fear of you in all the land on which you set foot, just as He has spoken to you” my Husband reminded me we had NO EW post and as tired as we were (because creating the MESS we left in the recesses and bowels of the Polish 🇵🇱 website) it was difficult to even think. So typing and speaking out loud we pulled together this post.

      Gioia, we have 15 Chapters my dear precious friend Phyllis who I spent time with on my first trip to Hong Kong 🇭🇰 translated that I’m excited to get up on the Orphanage website. I’m wondering if you and maybe your mother would serve as ambassadors and specifically help Adina create a short journal in anticipation of hurting women who’d benefit from this translation.

      Normally I’m eager to delegate mundane tasks like creating the pages and following the delicate code or crooked path we took to get it on the page as you see it—but I CAN’T. It’s just like a newborn baby placed in my arms. Even now I’m teary 🥹 eyed.

      I’ve also asked Yvonne if anyone would be interested if I were to record and share the pictures of this trip and meeting Phyllis. She said she would and so this might be where this dreamed about and imaged journey may begin and the completed private viewing with the women I love and who love me because of their delight in HIM 💗 …we shall see…

      In the meantime I will post our progress here for everyone who is as excited as we are 🤩🥳 wow!!!

      1. Yes, and still I can’t stop saying OMG 🤩🤩🤩 and now I am really touched by what you shared in your comment , Erin: ministry “orphanage” – I’ve got tired eyes and I am really excited to watch how He is going to unfold this ❤️‍🔥 Wow!!!!

      2. Hi Erin, happy to help! I secretly want my mom to read the whole book so this sounds like the perfect opportunity. I have not personally written any journal but trust the Lord will lead if He wills. I will discuss this with my mom (she is actually not in the US so we have time zone difference and on top of that she does not speak English but I can still see her play a role in this because from what I remember, she has helped my dad written articles for work and I am always amazed by that. Plus she is retired so no excuses :p). I will connect with Adina once I hear back from my mom. If there’s anyone else I need to connect with, please let me know.

  3. Thank you Gioia, to be here 🥰 As Erin said when I read your comment, even being so late I could not wait to share my excitement with her. God bless you dear, Gioia and you mom, and of course, all Chinese brides that He wants to call to Him 💗

  4. Gioia, that is amazing!!! I am in awe, how amazingly our crises fit together for so many good things….like big puzzle 👏👏👏💃😘

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