♕ Today's Promise: "If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’” Matthew 6:30-31
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~ Bernie in Slovakia
Dear brides, I praise my Husband, who is absolutely wonderful to live with. Even if they are "little things", they make me feel very, very loved. He recently blessed me to spend one full day with my former brother-in-law, his wife and daughter, and my sister-in-law's family. Among them was my friend and her "miracle" - a one-year-old daughter, whom she and her husband had longed for for a very long time (I wrote a praise report about it).
It was a wonderful day at an outdoor festival where we watched movies, listened to concerts and played with children. The little one needed sleep, so we took turns and kept an eye on her while she slept on a quiet place. She just woke up when I was with her and I wanted to carry her in the stroller if she still wanted to sleep. I was worried that I would break the brake lever, so I called my friend. While she was explaining to me how to unlock the brake, I broke the lever! Helplessly, I asked my Love, what now?
My friend kept assuring me that it was no problem and that the lever was available everywhere on the Internet at a low price. I wanted to order it right away, but my friend insisted that it was not necessary. I have to admit that I was worried, because in a few days she and her daughter were to travel home alone to a foreign country, and the malfunctioning brake on the stroller only made things more complicated.
A few days later I wrote her that I wished them a blessed trip home and that I believed they would not have any worries about the "legendary" lever. I couldn't believe what she wrote back. She sent me a photo of the lever with the text that her friend from the apartment house printed the lever for her on a 3-D printer and wanted nothing for it, and that God is in control of the smallest things! I don't know about you, but here in Slovakia it is still not common for people to have a 3-D printer at home so they can print all kinds of things, I felt like I was in a movie My Beloved blessed my friend in a wonderful way and showed me again how amazing He is \o/
I also want to tell you how He blessed me and my family recently at a restaurant when we celebrated my mother's birthday. They must have messed something up when placing the order because the whole restaurant was already eating (even those who came after us) and we were still waiting for the second main course. In total we waited about 1 hour!!
While we were sitting there, they apologized to us several times (which I rarely experience, because people who have nothing to do with gastronomy often work in our restaurants) and we thanked them and said that it was okay, nothing could be done. Then they brought us a small snack from the bar and later they even brought us the menu saying that we can order anything on their account. We enjoyed some cocktails and coffees and then the food arrived which we really liked. Even though some of the relatives at the table got upset, we ended up laughing about it and I told them that it turned out well for us in the end and we got so much extra. Beloved sisters, another example of how caring He is, we really just need to stay calm, He will always take care of us and love to bless us.
"If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’” Matthew 6:30-31
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
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