“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail”. P1921
Although the unexpected trip to my country was due to the death of my husband's grandmother, which was a sad environment, my Beloved allowed me to enjoy my family, which He knows is my heart's desire every year, I am very glad He orchestrate these types of “getaways” that give us family time that we appreciate so much. I see it is often good we feel the absence of something precious in our life so we value and are ready to enjoy the few moments that are presented to us to share and make them memorable, much better than when we have it easily available.
I am so grateful to my Beloved, for blessing us so much to allow us to travel from one moment to the next without getting into debt or feeling limited, but on the contrary with the blessing of being able to give to our families every time we visit them, as it was this time. I do not say it with the desire to brag (which I hate to do) but to praise my Beloved because everything I have comes from Him, and if I want to brag about someone it is who He is.
On the other hand, my Beloved has pleasantly surprised me!!! You see when I got married, I wanted everything to be perfect in my life, which I mentioned in my previous praises as my obsession, I wanted the perfect husband and the perfect house, I was very demanding, and I was not grateful for what my husband could give me back then, on the contrary, it made him feel that he had led me to live in worse conditions than I lived in my parents' house 😓
After being restored, and starting over together in another place, I had to learn contentment while having just the bare necessities (a very cheap sofa, cooking utensils, sleeping mattress, small nightstand, and work desk) It's not that we didn't have the means to buy, but my husband wasn't sure that we would stay for a long time and he decided not to invest so much until he was sure. I had to be patient and content with what we had. But in addition to those "imperfections,” it was added that the ceramic floor broke in the kitchen and in the living room since it was misplaced, I wanted it to be corrected immediately, and I prayed for that, but my Beloved was pleased to answer that prayer two and a half years later!! Which was good for me as I learned to live with imperfections (like R828 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them).
My Beloved, as sweet as He is, blessed me not only with the change of the ceramic floor but also put in my husband's heart the desire to buy furniture, we were also blessed with the change of paint in the apartment, which gave me the possibility to choose the colors to my liking and organize all the interior design as my own project, this is something that He knows I like and enjoy a lot!! So I come to express my gratitude to my sweet Heavenly Husband publicly!! I am very, very grateful to Him for having taught me the principle of tithing in my storehouse, I can safely tell you that His financial blessings have abounded in my home!!!
P.S.: I would like to clarify that the change of floor and paint were not costs we had to assume, but the man who rents us the apartment.
Darlings, it is worth waiting on Him!!!
“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent”. 2P39
“But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.)” R825
~ Anastasia
Spanish LMF 🇪🇸
Thank you for this beautiful praise Anastasia. How He just blesses us with exactly what we need. I love how He had you wait because He knew you needed to wait more than you needed new things around you and have everything perfect. I love that He gives each of us what we need. “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”
You are right! I thought I needed things but He knows that I really needed to wait to learn my own living lesson. He knows more than me what I need, I just need to trust in Him. thank you for sharing your heart!
Beautiful praise. Thank you for sharing how He is making you content with situations and imperfections.
“I am telling you this, but it is not because I need anything. I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens. I know how to live when I am poor. And I know how to live when I have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens. I have learned to be happy when I have enough to eat and when I do not have enough to eat. I have learned to be happy when I have all that I need and when I do not have the things I need. I can do all things through Christ because he gives me strength.” P41113
Thank you for your comment, Hope. He is healing my perfection obsession…
Dear Brides, you could be healed for any obsession that you have: https://loveatlast.org/hhm/
When I read the verses that you shared, Hope, I felt like He was telling me all that words for me, Is SO beautiful to see the way He changed my heart to give me satisfaction while I was in the same situation, you know, no when He gave all that I wanted, but when He gave time to learn ti be satisfied in any situation of my life!! PTL!!!
Beautiful praise my sweet Anastasia! It is amazing how the desire of your heart to let go of the obsession of having everything perfect is leaving!! That is such a huge blessing that opens the opportunities for you to enjoy life at is fullest!
And the opportunity to bless is just amazing, praise the Lord you are now in the position to help others and become a blessing and an open letter of what He is doing in your life!! Thank you for sharing!!
I Agree. I am enjoying my life WITH the imperfection that is has. I am so grateful to have just one perfection in my life HE, and He is all that I need to be perfect (in Him) and complete.