The Vessel of His Purpose

“I the Lord have made you the vessel of my purpose, I have taken you by the hand, and kept you safe, and I have given you to be an agreement to the people, and a light to the nations:” – Isaiah 42:6

Dear Brides, I just want to share what I have encountered in the past 2 days. EH led us to the church again yesterday and the message during the service centered around “Is God using you”. As usual, I went to pick up my younger one from the infant room after service, and there it was, the lead of the Mom’s Group was passing out flyers to the moms who were picking up their children. I hesitated to take the flyer, knowing I would not be part of it, but I did it anyways and placed it in my handbag.

Fast forward to today, I was at the playground with my children and at that time, pushing my younger one who was on the swing. Next to me was another mom who was pushing her daughter. She initiated conversations with me and I have politely replied. In a glimpse, I saw the flyer about the mom’s group in my handbag and felt an urge to share it with her. I have to admit that I just shrugged it off, thinking it was me being silly. Then I “heard” “give it to her”. So I finally asked her if she was attending church and she said she is but she does not really belong to that church as like being a member. I shared the church we were going to and the flyer with her, telling her I didn’t know why I asked her about church. Then to my shocking, she shared that her husband just passed away 2 months ago and she is now raising her 3 little children by herself. I felt chills down my spine and kept wondering – is this why you want me to share the flyer with her Lord?

I have longed to hear from the Lord and recognize His voice and today, it just confirmed it for me. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, β€œThis is the way; walk in it.” -Isaiah 30:21
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you…” – James 4:8

Hope this encourages all the brides to draw near to Him and let Him lead.

3 thoughts on “The Vessel of His Purpose”

  1. Thank you for this beautiful praise Gioia. I love that He is using you to encourage this dear widow and I know that this is only the beginning of what He wants to do.

  2. He orchestrates things perfectly. πŸ₯°
    β€œ We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.” R828

  3. Thank you for coming to share Gioia its such a wonderful blessing to hear His voice and be the vessel that He uses to encourage others.

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