♕ Today's Promise: "Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, 'Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.'" Jeremiah 1:9
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~ Liora in Texas
The Lord has really been teaching me through Erin's salvation stories. I've learned that I do not have to always open my mouth to people and give my opinion on how they need to be closer with the Lord or get to know Him. Just simply praying for them can move mountains. On other occasions it is okay to speak and minister to others when it is He that is leading me to do it. I believe that He lets us know when and how and who. I have learned this the hard way at times but it is not my job to get anyone to the Lord to get saved, I just need to love them and let them see Him through me.
I have a cousin that I rarely talk to that lives in another state. My cousin and my sister on the other hand speak constantly and keep in touch. The other day, i walked in to the kitchen and my sister and and my cousin where speaking and she was on speaker phone. I decided to say hello and ask how she was doing. She began to tell me that she was having trouble with her daughter and that she was afraid for her daughter's life. Her daughter is in her teenage years and has completely rebelled. She continued to tell me that her and her sons had to put a restraining order on her daughter because her daughter tried to physically harm her youngest son. My cousin also said that her daughter was posting such horrific things on social media and worshiping the enemy.
I felt really bad so I knew the Lord had me walk into the room because He wanted me to comfort her the way He comforts me. I told her that no matter what it looked like now, that God is in control and to leave her daughter in His hands. I told her I would be praying for her salvation and that the Lord is faithful and at the right time, He will do it. I just was speaking to her with love and compassion and as we were about to hang up, I could hear it in her voice that she sounded encouraged and a little more at ease.
I have always been a little on the shy side and keep to myself most of the time. But I know the Lord is teaching me to be a little more open and to not be afraid to speak to others about Him when He leads me to. It also actually encouraged me and so I prayed to the Lord and thanked Him for giving me the words to speak to His daughter.
Thank you Lord for changing me and giving me compassion for what others are going through and thank you for giving me the wisdom to be able to minister to them.
"Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, 'Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.'" Jeremiah 1:9
"...do not worry beforehand about what to say, but say whatever is given to you [by God] in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit [who will speak through you]." Mark 13:11
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