MM: Sandra in France


What language do you speak
I am here:
I am seeking to restore my marriage.
What is your current marital situation?
Have you read the book “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage?”
How did you find our ministry?
I started reading the beginning of your book and it is very encouraging
Now please tell us about your situation and why you came to us for help and what has your husband/partner said are the main issues or problems he has with you and your relationship?
I am currently divorced since May 2023. My ex-husband filed for divorce following several cases of physical violence... he could no longer stand the violence towards each other.
He accuses me of being too oppressive, very jealous and violent (all of this comes from a total lack of self-confidence..)
I love my ex husband very much...
Please use the space below to simply talk to God, in your own words, opening your heart to Him.
God you know how much I suffer from this situation, from this divorce... you see that I would like to restore my marriage.. but I know that with my own strength this is impossible but that with you everything is possible.
I want to keep hope and trust you. May I be able during this time of trial to learn to gain confidence in myself and to put you first in my life. You have given me this verse many times that the fool builds his house on the sand and the wise builds his house on the rock. You know my marriage was built on sand and I want this marriage to be built on you the rock
I want to do your will Lord
So that we can serve you more effectively, please check which concerns apply to you:
Finally, please choose how you would like us to conduct your marriage assessment from the choices below.
Publish your Public Questionnaire on Encouraging Women. Example


Quelle langue parlez-vous
Je suis là:
Je cherche à restaurer mon mariage.
Quelle est ta situation conjugale actuelle?
Avez-vous lu le livre "Comment Dieu peut et va restaurer votre mariage?"
Comment avez-vous trouvé notre ministère ?
J'ai commencé à lire le début de votre livre et cela est très encourageant
Maintenant, veuillez nous parler de votre situation et pourquoi vous êtes venu nous demander de l'aide et qu'est-ce que votre mari/partenaire a dit comme étant les principaux problèmes ou problèmes qu'il a avec vous et votre relation ?
Je suis actuellement divorcee depuis mai 2023. Mon ex mari a demandé le divorce suite à plusieurs cas de violence physique.. il ne supportait plus la violence l'un envers l'autre.
Il me reproche d'être trop oppressante, très jalouse et violente (tout ça provient d'un manque total de confiance en moi..)
J'aime énormément mon ex mari ...
Veuillez utiliser l'espace ci-dessous pour simplement parler à Dieu, dans vos propres mots, en lui ouvrant votre cœur.
Dieu tu sais à quel point je souffre de cette situation, de ce divorce... tu vois que j'aimerais restaurer mon mariage .. mais je sais que de mes propres force cela est impossible mais qu'avec toi tout est possible.
Je veux garder espoir et te faire confiance. Que je puisse durant ce temps d'épreuve apprendre à prendre confiance en moi et à te mettre à la première place dans ma vie. Tu m'as donné ce verset plusieurs fois que le fou bâtit sa maison sur le sable et le sage bâtit sa maison sur le roc. Tu sais que mon mariage était basé sur le sable et je veux que ce mariage soit bâtit sur toi le roc
Je veux faire ta volonté Seigneur
Afin que nous puissions vous servir plus efficacement, veuillez vérifier quelles préoccupations s'appliquent à vous :
Enfin, veuillez choisir comment vous souhaitez que nous procédions à votre évaluation de mariage parmi les choix ci-dessous.
Publier votre questionnaire Public sur Encourager les femmes. Exemple

Before commenting, remember to:

  1. Speak to your Husband, your Maker, to know what He wants to say to this brokenhearted bride.
  2. Keep it SHORT.
  3. Encourage sharing 1-2 Promises.
  4. Bridge to the course He used to lead you along your Restoration Journey.
  5. Once YOU see a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride, PLEASE copy and paste in a comment:

"Thank you, we have a 3 Cord of comments supporting \o/\o/\o/ this bride. This session is now CLOSED."

After 3 MM Comments, please confirm what the ministers are saying by replying beneath their MM Comments. “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1 Thank you!!

5 thoughts on “MM: Sandra in France”

  1. Dear precious Sandra thank you for opening your heart in the marriage questionnaire and I am so sorry for all the hurt you went through.

    I want to encourage you to please do Course 3 – and to also journal where you can pour out your heart to our wonderful Lord and get your self confidence in Him, because I too struggled with self confidence and with depression and He was the only One that could give me self confidence and heal me of all depression. What helped me a lot was to start speaking the Lord’s promises into my life, I share my favorite promise (say it every day out loud and make it your own): “…everlasting joy shall be upon their (my) head: they (I) shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and morning shall flee away” I51:11

    This is your divine appointment with the One that can bring restoration in every area of your live –

  2. Dear Sandra, it is a joy to welcome you here to our ministry.
    I can relate to everything you said, because I also felt all of this when my marriage fell apart and I went through divorce. But when I found my Beloved and handed over my situation to Him, He held my hands and gave me the strength to walk this path to which He also brought you. Because it is only through Him that we can accomplish all things. It’s okay to be weak because we have the best Defender. He will fight all your battles for you darling. “The Lord will fight for you; just calm down.” E1414.
    You said you started reading the book, so I would encourage you to keep reading it, and also if you haven’t started yet, start our courses ( ), pouring your heart into the journals, recording what you learned.
    Be sure to visit Our Blog every day to nourish yourself spiritually:
    And remember “For nothing will be impossible with God.” L1:37

  3. Dear Sandra, I am sorry that you are feeling depressed. There’s much healing to do and this cannot be done without the Lord. “He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.” Psalm 107:20
    You mentioned that you are lack of confidence. Here I want to encourage you to feel confident in the Lord. He is more than able! “For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:26
    I also want to encourage you to read the following if you are not sure what to do next –

  4. Bienvenida siéntete muy amada por quien nos conoce y escudriña los corazones, él te a traído a este ministerio porque a contestado tus oraciones y desea tu Restauración primero con él, su palabra dice,: Buscad primero el reino de Dios y su justicia y todas las demás cosas vendrán por añadiduras . Al traerte aquí es la forma de decirte nuestro amado que te ama con amor eterno y que los planes de él para ti son de bien y de paz. Así como la nuestra amada te recomiendo que comiences porque aquí: y él te seguirá guiando en tu viaje de restauración 🙌🙏

  5. Chere Sandra je suis désolée que tu te sente déprimée . Sache que le seigneur est avec toi et qu’il ne t’a pas abandonnée. Il veut se révéler à toi comme epoux confidant celui qui pourvois . Aucune situation n’est trop difficile pour lui aucun mariage n’est trop endommagé même si un divorce a eu lieu . Je veux t’encourager à garder cela en tête . Se qui c’est passer dans ton mariage n’est pas la fin Dieu est plus que capable de te restauree . Je t’encourage à le chercher de tout ton cœur et appuyer sur lui seul prend sa main et regarde le acccomplir l’impossible dans ta vie . Je te partage le lien d’un cours gratuit qui ma grandement fortifiée . Sois bénie

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