My Beloved honors me!Β 

"The fear of the Lord imparts wisdom; humility precedes honor." Proverbs 15:33

He who pursues justice and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21

Recently my Beloved granted me the blessing of knowing Costa Rica, to the glory of my Beloved my husband decided I should accompany him because he wanted me to help him in his work, this is a praise in itself because I know that my Beloved has restored that β€œtrust " in me, I have realized that I am once again that friend to whom he tells everything and with whom he wants to share the most important moments for him. The great news is that my heart is still His, which only makes me look to HIM to thank Him!Β 

It turns out that he offered to do some heavy work that was not part of his job there, however, he wanted to help, the work was in a high-temperature oven, suddenly I became interested in helping him with some towels to get around sweat, which I did constantly, always thinking that my Beloved would be more than happy for me to serve him in that way if it were HIM. It wasn't difficult for me and those types of attitudes were not what characterized me before. I could see gratitude and joy on his face for that small act of service, I noticed that he felt honored because everyone there saw him with respect. The entire week we were there, my Beloved led me to do those types of acts of service that just flowed through me, it wasn't something I was thinking or looking to do, I know it was Him and His love flowing.

At the end of the week, on the day of rest, my husband's friend, who hired him for the consulting he was doing, suddenly told us he would like to have a wife like me, (not referring to my physique of course! and much less to romanticize with me!! πŸ˜‚) he was referring to the role of Helper Suitable that he saw in me, he mentioned how nice he thought it was and how blessed my husband was because I was happy to take care of his needs and our home and said he wished he had a companion like that. It was HIM honoring me even when I did NOT deserve it, because everything I am is His work!!!Β 

My Beloved has transformed my heart so much while I spend time with Him, that this docile, soft, gentle, kind behavior has become natural to me, because all my desire is in HIM, thinking of my Beloved!! He has made me his best helper for the mission field to which he sent me to this earth! What I do, I do for HIM and I know that my husband's response comes from HIM because it is He who has arranged him as authority and representative before me. I do not want you, dear ladies, to set your eyes on earthly things, because this honor and all the good that we receive comes from God (James 1:17), it is He who was honoring me and letting me know that my relationship (with HIM) continues to grow in intimacy.Β 

I honestly hesitated to post this praise because I don't want to be a stumbling block for you to desire this kind of attention or words from the lips of your earthly husband, but rather long for them to come from the Lord, however, today during the Wise Woman Reading Group reading, This paragraph confirmed to me I needed to publish this praise:Β 

How should we act with our husbands? As is fitting in the Lord! β€œWives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord” (Col. 3:18). Is the way you act toward her husband consistent with the Lord? In other words, would she act the same way toward the Lord if He were standing in her husband's place? A thought to react, right?

Now, this has a root. I had been praying for years that my Heavenly Husband would honor me because until very recently I felt that dishonor was following me on social networks. Even though I stopped using them since I learned that principle here, I received messages questioning the restoration of my marriage from people I don't even know, and there are networks like WhatsApp that sometimes become a little more difficult to manage. During the time of crisis, I remember I blocked everything related to my husband, I had his chat archived, I had blocked him from the statuses and I avoided at all costs seeing his photos or anything related to him (even these days, I don't see their states). As the popular saying goes β€œout of sight, out of mind”. But once it was restored I could no longer archive it because it had to allow fluid communication.Β 

My Beloved knew how much it bothered me to see his profile photo: a famous sculpture from the country he visited on vacation with the other woman. He reminded me of that bitter moment on the trip that caused me such shame because the few family members who knew about our crisis were angry with him for shamelessly leaving and even more so with me β€œfor letting him go.” But after asking the Lord for so much, I stopped expecting to be honored and began to pray that my Beloved would help me to honor HIM as it should be because He reminded me β€œ...Everyone reaps what he sows”, β€œRemember this: "He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully," "Let us not tire of doing good, because in due time we will reap if we do not give up." Galatians 6:7, 2 Corinthians 9:6., Galatians 6:9.Β 

It was about 3 years of enduring the photo until I finally stopped caring and I think that in a way seeing it so often made it stop hurting, bothering and become something insignificant. The day I saw the new photo I was struck by how different it was, but it was days later that my Beloved made me realize that he had finally changed that photo hahaha, just when I no longer cared!!Β 

Here the praise goes to my Beloved for His faithfulness! The principle of Sowing and Reaping is infallible!! It is fulfilled in EVERYTHING!!! Today I encourage you to sow what you feel lacking and see how His truth becomes a reality in your lives, but please do not stop posting your praises so that we can all delight in His wonderful works!!

5 thoughts on “My Beloved honors me!Β ”

  1. Thank you, Anastasia, it is amazing to see how He changed us on our journeys, and how He comes through for us when we surrender everything to Him. Doing everything and treating others as unto the Lord, really changes how we see, treat and react to others.

    1. If you guessed it, our Beloved definitely knows what He is doing, and the tools necessary to use to transform us and mold us into His image. For a long time I struggled with the idea of ​​having to do it on my own, but the changes come just from spending time with Him, it is so easy and light!

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Anastastia, this is such a beautiful praise.
    I love how our Darling Lord talks to us through the post, like yours now. I have been moaning and moaning about my wait and suddenly I realized, I am holding on to it and when you didn’t care about the photo and LET IT GO, our Darling Lord changed it, wow!

    1. Honestly, I hadn’t realized that I had “let go” of the photo issue, but yes, that principle certainly applies here as well. It seems that in order to let go, we need to turn things around and put that energy (thinking about what hurts us) into giving what we need to our Husband or someone else, so that we begin to sow what we feel lacking in.

  3. Wow, what a beautiful praise! It’s so encouraging. I love your desire to please Him in all that you do. I pray that it will encourage other women to seek intimacy with the Lord and to submit to their husbands with joy and love.

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