My Friend Received Even More

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1P5:7

Hello beautiful brides

I am so excited to tell you the news! I recently shared a praise report, that my dear friend, got asked to leave the home she had built and lived alone with her 4 children.

Well, a friend of hers learned about her situation, how she had nowhere to go and no job and no money saved up! But you ladies already knew just like I did, that oooh yesss the Lord, Her Best Friend, was going to do something amazing! Well this friend told her to find a rental, a nice one, and that she would pay the rent for a whole year!

Well I just met with my friend, to help her pack, and she shared such wonderful news with me!!

Her car has been having some serious engine troubles and she met a guy who said he would work on it for free. Well he discovered that the problem would be way more then the car was worth and my friend just didn't have that kind of money. Well he was sharing her story with one of his friends and the man offered to buy her a brand new car! Yes! That's right! She received a beautiful new SUV!! I couldn't stop smiling and laughing when she told me we both were blown away! Haha then she told me that she was also given a LOT of extra spending money from her friend!

I am still floating on the clouds just thinking about how wonderfully, completely and how BIG he blessed my precious friend, using this wave of adversity to float her safely into a new chapter. Filled to the brim with provision.

Oh my Love how precious He is, how fully He provides and casts all our fears away, so that we can live in perfect peace!

5 thoughts on “My Friend Received Even More”

  1. WOW gee wizz HE certainly went ABOVE & BEYOND for your friend, she received not a shower but a downpour of blessings πŸ˜€ l am so happy for your friend and her children πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’—πŸ€—

    1. Wow what a beautiful testimony of our Living Darling Lord’s blessings. Our Darling Lord is the Best ever, this was so encouraging now, thank you for sharing precious Rasa.

  2. WOOOW PRAISE OUR GOOD. I’m fascinated by all his situations that seem really complicated at a glance but when he intervenes ouuu laaa

    1. How amazing right?! I’m in awe and very honored to be able to witness this and it’s so encouraging!

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