My Heart Broke for Him

Something very strange happened to me this morning when I was reading the bible with my children. We enjoy our morning reading so much because we start our morning with Him. We were reading in Samuel where Israel was asking for a king and I read the following verse: β€œDo everything they say to you,” the LORD replied, β€œfor they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer.”

Something so profound happened inside me, I had to hold back tears because I was so saddened by this. I immediately felt silly, because why would I be so sad and then I was reminded, this is my Husband they rejected and that was why I felt sad. It still feels kind of crazy for me, because I have never gotten so emotional about things in the old testament, you know. I wish I could explain my feelings exactly to you, but I cannot not. You may even think me crazy, but I knew I had to share.

7 thoughts on “My Heart Broke for Him”

  1. Yes that is soooo sad Yvonne l had to think a little bit about what you shared but l do get why you were sad.. they rejected the Lord our wonderful Husband who is so wonderful, who we are in awe of everyday … who does such amazing things for us blesses us, provides for and loves and heals us. For a mere human being…

  2. Oh dear Yvonne, I understand what you are saying and thank you for sharing, some time ago reading the same bible verse, my heart also saddened and for a while I thought it was an exaggeration, but I realize that I was not the only one, I think it is the love and care of our Beloved that compares to none ❀️

  3. Yes Yvonne, I think we often times do not understand how many times our HH gets rejected by the people He loves so much, but still He keeps on knocking. And that sentence really touched my heart as well.

  4. Yvonne, I don’t think you are crazy. When we see the One we love being rejected by others, it breaks my heart too. Thank you for sharing. I love these moments when spending time with Him, then He shows us amazing truths. It also showed me how amazing He is, because once I was also like the people who have rejected Him.

  5. Thank you Yvonne for sharing how sad you felt. Just a few days ago I was watching David’s life and went to read the Bible and He is surprising me lately so much to see how He is using David to teach us so many things. When reading your PR I became sad just to think about all those years He was waiting for me to pay attention to him, to turn my heart to him and I did not. I was one of those people He is talking about in the verse.

  6. Yvonne you know I cry 😭 all the time when my Darling is blamed for everything that happens to people and entirely ignored with every bit of good and goodness He continually gives them. Thanking the universe of all things!
    That’s why all of us gathering and sharing His kindness and goodness and patience and love is the only place / with the only people I want to be with. All of YOU πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

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