My HH Came Through For Me!

I want to share with you what my Heavenly Husband did for me this week. πŸ’—

For those of you who don't know, I've moved back to my old town at the beginning of June to be here for the children (fetch them from school everyday, help them with homework/study, and to share a week/week custody plan) after I lost primary custody and spend a year on honeymoon with my HH and as a weekend mom.Β  But to read more, please go to: RJN β€œMy Custody Loss” Adina Jacobs.

One of the reasons my fh (former husband) wanted me to move back, was to eventually homeschool the children. It was a answered to prayer when he spoke to me about it the first time, but since then I haven't heard anything again and did not ask any questions, I just gave it to my HH (Heavenly Husband). Wednesday I received two emails from my fh, one with quotations he requested at a Christian Homeschool Institution, the other with info-packs πŸ™Œ, he asked me to have a look at everything. I did not reply to he emails, but had a look at everything. When he came to fetch the kids (they slept at his place this past week, but was with me in the afternoons after school, "his" week) he asked me about the emails. I have to add that my fh and I have a good, peaceful co-parenting relationship at the moment, all because of the changes HH made in me and the principles that becomes part of you when you find the LOVE of your life). I told him that I saw it and asked when he want to start homeschooling the children. He said next year since you need to give 3 months notice at the school they currently attend. This really is an answered prayer because it was something I talked to my HH about while on honeymoon with Him because He placed the desire in my heart to homeschool my children, and HH turned me fh heart because during the custody case, he didn't want to hear anything about homeschooling!

The second praise is about the school's Line dance event this past Friday evening. My children had to sell food at the Line Dance for their entrepreneur's day and to get marks for a certain subject. I immediately thought of the normal food we sell here in South Africa when we have festivals or events. But the teacher told me it must be American fair food because it is a Line Dance event and she suggested funnel cake. I was lost, πŸ˜‚ never heard of funnel cake and went online to search for videos on how to make it and what it is. It looked very complicated so I asked me HH to please show me something else I can make. And He led me to find a list of American fair food and two items stood out: deep fried Oreos and Twinkies (Tinkies in SA). I told my Husband that this looks easy enough, although I never deep-fry anything, I will trust Him to help me. So, I send the teacher what I was going to make and my expenses (they wanted it to give the money back and they keep the profit as fund-raiser). This past Friday morning I deep fried the Oreos and Tinkies (after I asked my Husband to help me), I had no flops and everything looked good. The afternoon I helped the children to set up and decorate their table and came home. My fh helped them with the selling and money. I was praying that the Oreos and Tinkies be a success and that the people will like it and buy everything. After the event my fh and the children stopped at my place to fetch their bags and they told me that they sold everything and the people said it was delicious! They made a good profit! My HH really came through for me!

Every woman longs to be loved,

Every woman deserves to be loved,

But few ever find the love they're looking for,


Today is the day YOU begin to experience TRUE

Love At Last !!

"WithΒ everlasting LOVEΒ I will have compassion on you"


10 thoughts on “My HH Came Through For Me!”

  1. Dear Adina, I love what the Lord does and how He is answering the desire to home school your children and the part when we tell our desires to our HH is, that we don’t have to do anything except to trust Him.
    I am so grateful with your that the Tinkies were a success, I will look out for the recipe on Home Grown.

  2. I enjoyed reading about how you HH came thru over and above for you Adina!!! Im so excited and so happy for you that you will b home schooling your kids like yvonne πŸ™Œ this is really wonderful news!! When you go thru such difficult trials like the year you lost custody of your kids it reminds me of the “Wave Of Adversity”

    but you were “Being Set Up” for something AMAZING πŸ™Œ

    1. Atarah BEAUTIFULLY commented as a MINISTER. It’s lovely πŸ₯° to leave affirmation for the author of the post but weaving in resources to the well of fresh water of the Word can only happen with intimacy and working with your Husband. I know 😍 WELL DONE enhancing an already outstanding posted praise πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»

    2. Thank you for sharing the resources Atarah, both lessons are worth reading and embracing. If I look back now I will not exchange the year as a weekend mom and on honeymoon with my HH ( for anything. He turned what was supposed to break me, into something wonderful and special!

  3. I’m in complete AWE and WONDER Adina by what your Husband did for you and your children but also by exhibiting your love for your Husband as you waited for Him to open the door to unfold His miracle at the appointed time!!!
    I also had to laugh πŸ˜† at the American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ food He led you to make. I’ve never tasted either deep fried haha though I’ve heard it’s popular especially at fairs. Twinkles were my favorite high school treat that my best friend’s parents kept in their pantry just for me and Oreos were always my children’s favorite treat.

    1. I am also in awe at how He changed not only my heart to have the desire to homeschool ( my children, but also turned my fh heart without me saying a word!
      I never thought that you can take Oreos and Tinkies (SA version), dip it in batter and then deep fry it! I didn’t taste it because I didn’t want to eat my children’s profit 🀣, just heard everybody said it was delicious. I also loved Tinkies as a child, Oreos came to SA later on. My children love Oreos with a glass of milk!

  4. Adina, this is so amazing, I am seeing how He is providing for you and giving you the desires of your heart. Wow, in all my years, I could not have imagined it!!! Today, I am just staring at Him in amazement knowing how much He is doing. ❀

  5. How amazing and exciting you get to homeschool your children. It all seems to be working out wonderful and without you having to say a word. He is taking care of it for you.

    I always get a funnel cake if I go to a fair but being from the US I have never had a deep fried Oreo or Twinkie. Everyone says they are delicious though. I may have to try. πŸ™‚

    1. I am going to share the recipe on Homegrownministries (, I saw some people make their own batter for the Oreos and Twinkies and some use pancake mix, I used a pancake/flapjack mix. My kids said it was delicious, but I didn’t taste it..with Him helping me there was not one fail I could test πŸ™‚

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