My other brother protected! πŸ₯³

I have such a wonderful praise to share with you today, first I want to remind you of a previous praise I added here about my oldest brother.

Once you have read that short but wonderful praise, let me share what happened to my other brother.

Someone broke into my brother's place and started shooting at my brother and his girlfriend. 😱 Being in security, my brother was able to shoot back and drove them off. When the police and forensics came, they found a few bullets in the wall right where my brother's head was. If he had moved a few centimeters (let's say an inch) to the side, he would have been hit in the head.

It was just the Lord's protection that kept my brother safe and he knew it because this is the part of the praise you need to hear. The Sunday after the incident occurred, we had a get-together with all my brothers and sisters and then when it came to having lunch, my sister said as always, "the food is ready, you can help yourself" and my brother stopped us and said: "Wait, let's first say grace" and then he did not appoint someone, he prayed himself. What?!? I am not sure I have ever heard my brother pray. My jaw dropped, but I realized that my Husband is showing me that He is working in the lives of my family. It may not be in big announcements, because come to think, I don't think I ever told my family about my encounter with God that day when I felt all hope was lost, but they could see it because He started changing from that day. I am so grateful to see my Husband doing His good work in my family and protecting them from harm. Everytime I think of what my brother went through and I want to feel horrified, my Husband is so kind as to remind me of how He used it for good.

7 thoughts on “My other brother protected! πŸ₯³”

  1. Thanks for sharing this praise yvonne πŸ™ŒπŸΎ praise God He was watching over your brother keeping Him safe and yes we all know that so much of the time He uses a crisis, danger, trials.. so many things… to get us to pay attention to Him!! He uses ALL things for GOOD even tho sometimes its so hard to understand HOW?! Im sure yes that must have been such a surprise your brother not calling to open the meal in prayer but to also pray himself! πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

  2. Wow Yvonne! He is definitely getting your brothers attention with the wreck and shooting. Praise our HL for His protection and drawing your brother to Him. πŸ’•

  3. What a terrible situation it could have been!!! But look the blessing behind it!!!! I love how our Beloved really turns everything for good!! And how He touches our families lives!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  4. wow!! Awesome!! He never ceases to amaze us with the situations he uses to get our and our family’s attention! Just praise my Husband for protecting your siblings on different occasions, one day you will all have a lot to share together about your own ways with Him. It’s something I enjoy with my sister πŸ™‚

  5. Yvonne, when you first told me, so many thoughts ran through my mind and through it all it just shouts one of our favorite verse that’s become almost our THEME recently:
    My grace is sufficient
    My grace is sufficient
    The entire promise reads…
    “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather BOAST about my WEAKNESSES, so that His POWER may dwell in me. ’” 2C129
    But just as the 3 words HE LEAD ME says soooo much
    So, too, these 4 Words…
    My grace is sufficient!!!

  6. Thanks for all your comments. Yes, this was a shock because you hear of these things happening, but it never occurs to you that it can happen to your loved ones. It is so freeing to know that we have a Husband that even in times like these, we can just know that He has the whole situation covered.

  7. O Wow Yvonne, this is only Him, our best Protection. Yes, we hear about things like this happening, but when happens to our loved ones, you realize once again that this is a reality and can happen to anybody. We can only put our protection, and our loved one’s protection, in His hands. Thank you Erin for the verse you shared.

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