My Son’s Tour Money Was Paid In Time

"...“I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!" M3:10

My son was chosen for the championships for the physical disabled team to compete against the whole country. It is a week tour so I had to pay R5000 (263 dollars). We could ask for sponsorships but this year very little wanted to sponsor until my Darling Lord, my son's Heavenly Father stepped in. Last week Wednesday they were leaving and the money needed to be payed in by Tuesday. Monday morning I asked my Darling to please help and that is precisely what He did.

"My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth!" P121:2 

But first I have to confess my sin, a very big mistake I made! “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1J1:9 Last year my son also went on tour and sponsors gave the money so quickly and I didn't give my Darling Lord all the honor which He deserves, I admit it, I said wow the sponsors were so generous to give the money. This year they just didn't pay and I had to confess my sin and ask my Darling to please forgive me and I am so very sorry that I did it and I was so very wrong because if our Darling Lord doesn't lay it on peoples hearts, they do nothing. He deserves all the honor and glory. I am so very very grateful for my Darling's grace upon my life, without Him I am nothing!

After confessing my sin, my work colleges suddenly said they want to sponsor my son and a lady contacted me and said she wants to pay what is outstanding, Tuesday morning everything was paid. A lady that I don't even know contacted me and said if he needs anything I must please contact her and then another lady contacted me and said she wants to sponsor my son's pocket money.

Tuesday my son and his team received so many gifts (a beautiful sports bag, a beautiful water bottle with his name on, a hat, body creams, a big bottle sun tan lotion, body sprays and body washes) and this my dear friends is all the provision of our Darling Lord.

I am forever grateful for RMI for teaching me the very important principal to tithe, because I experience the windows of heavens being opened for my son.

6 thoughts on “My Son’s Tour Money Was Paid In Time”

  1. Ag Janine l sommer feel emotional reading your post. What an awesome, amazing and wonderful HF your son has. Our children our blessed because they have a HF that takes care of them as a Father as their provider 🙌

    Growing up was at times painful for me the otber day l shared with my daughter how l started working at 15 when the legal age was actually 16… I never knew l had a H F that could provide for all my nedds abd l had such basic womanly nedds that my parents struggled to provide but yet there was a HF that was just waiting for me to ask.

    Its a simple thing really but lm going to make sure l share your praise with my kids today so they understand how awesome a HF they have 😊🙌🤗♥️❤️

    1. Yes precious Atarah our Darling Lord is the best ever Heavenly Father to our children, they are really blessed. In my case I always thought it was a very big loss for my youngest son to grow up without a dad and all the damage it can cause, but learning through RMI how my son has a Heavenly Father, Who is far more and better than any earthly father can be and they more ok because of their Heavenly Father. And when I look back now, I see His hand in my sons lives from young. I just love Him and I am so grateful for having the best ever Heavenly Husband.

      I am so sorry that you had to work at such a young age, but I also know our Darling Lord was preparing you for the testimony you are, all for His glory.

  2. Que lindo!
    Eu estava apreensiva agora, lendo esse testemunho, sobre o prazo que tenho para entregar meu apt e me mudar.
    Foi enquanto lia, que os compradores do meu Apt me disseram que não tem pressa que eu saia.
    Que posso ficar enquanto organizo as coisas na minha nova casa…
    Foi ontem que orei para Deus me mostrar o caminho…foi enquanto lia seu testemunho que lembrei “Aguarde e veja o livramento do Senhor”, e “o meu socorro vem do Senhor”.
    Louvado seja Deus pela Sua bondade e misericórdia! 🙌🏻
    How beautiful!
    I was apprehensive now, reading this testimony, about the deadline I have to hand over my apartment and move out.
    It was while I was reading that the buyers of my Apt told me that they are in no rush for me to leave.
    That I can stay while I organize things in my new house…
    It was yesterday that I prayed for God to show me the way…it was while reading your testimony that I remembered “Wait and see the deliverance of the Lord”, and “my help comes from the Lord”.
    Praise be to God for His goodness and mercy! 🙌🏻

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Camila, I can’t wait to read your testimony too, because our Darling Lord is for sure our help and you too are going to come and write your testimony, that is just Who our Darling Lord is!
      Obrigada por compartilhar a preciosa Camila, mal posso esperar para ler o seu testemunho também, porque o nosso Querido Senhor é com certeza a nossa ajuda e você também virá escrever o seu testemunho, isso é quem é o nosso Querido Senhor!

  3. Praise Him always!! This is so exciting for you and your precious son 💕 what a huge blessing after the other. As a mom, seeing how our Beloved provides for our children beyond we could even imagine, brings tears to my eyes.
    Janine this blessed me a lot. Thank you for sharing 🌟

    1. Isn’t He just the best precious Isabella, I would always beg my earthly husband to provide for our son, but the Lord is anyway a far much better Provider and the moment I let go and He became my Provider, my son has all He needs. He is really the best ever Heavenly Father for our children!!!

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