My Treasure in Heaven

"...If you want to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property." Matthew 19:21-22

This week, during my free time, I watched a romantic miniseries with my Beloved which took me through many beautiful emotions. For a brief time, I contemplated the desire to experience that kind of romantic love from my spouse, but I immediately thought about how harmful it would be. That would be to my flesh if it led me to separate myself from my Beloved, so I told Him that I preferred to live that type of romantic love with HIM and that I would love to remember each of those details of His with me. I could see that they present the protagonists as the perfect men that we all would like and it was easy for me to show that such perfection is because our heart longs for the ONLY perfect Man that exists, our Lord, only He can bring together all those characteristics that we look for in a man of perfect and FAITHFUL form that never fails or changes!! So I was happy to be so lucky to have Him now and be His!Β 

( I DO NOT recommend at all that you watch romantic series at this time of your journey because you may feel in need of human affection, He has the perfect time and you need to be stronger in your relationship with HIM. I have watched them again after 7 years of intimate relationship with HIM with a heart that longs for HIM).

Then my Beloved gave me a new understanding of our relationship and love that touched my heart deeply and I felt guided to share this revelation with you, perhaps some of you have already seen it this way, but for me this time it was something new. He made me see that my Heavenly Father made a new covenant [commitment] with me, one in which He has extended His mercy to me which He says is β€œforever” meaning that it β€œcontinues to exist, remains firm under suffering or misfortune.” without giving up” πŸ’— the word always means β€œfor an unlimited time, at all times, continually” these words realize the great love of God for me that is firm, trustworthy, tenacious and endless. My Father blessed me with my Lord to enjoy that type of romantic love that I have always desired.Β 

He reminded me of the marriage covenant that was with and before Him. It reminded me of what is normally said as vows in marriage ceremonies, in which we promise to love the other [as if it were HIM] until death do us part. This is in contrast to my new pact with my Heavenly Husband which is for all eternity, which is why it is the MOST important relationship I want to cultivate!!Β 

What I feel is that He has made me aware of my commitment or promise as a Bride to HIM, and basically, these are the words He put in my heart: β€œMy beloved, I have promised to love you [to be patient and kind, not to be envious or believe me.” more than you, not be proud, rude, selfish, or offensive. Not demanding that things be done my way. I will not be irritated nor will I keep a record of the offenses received. I will not rejoice at injustice by applauding evil but I will rejoice when truth triumphs. β€œI will never give up, I will never lose faith [in you], I will always have hope and I will remain firm in all circumstances.” 1 Corinthians 13:5-7 NLT] with all my heart [which is pure and holy] for all eternity. πŸ₯°

Isn't His way of loving us wonderful?

Now mine: My beloved, I ask you to help me love you [be patient and kind, not be envious or believe me more than you or others, not be proud, rude, selfish, or offensive. Not demanding that things be done my way. Do not get irritated or keep a record of the offenses received. Not rejoice at injustice by applauding evil but rejoice when the truth triumphs. To never give up, never lose faith [in You], always have hope and remain firm [with You] in all circumstances] with all my heart for all eternity, demonstrating that love to You through what I do to my neighbor as to myself until you come back for me.” Β  (1 Corinthians 13:5-7 NLT, Matthew 22:34).

Reading it that way has made me see that HE has really delivered and that I need a lot of help!! He has behaved in that loving way with me. I feel extremely loved, much more than the protagonist of a romantic series!! NO ONE loves me like HE does, nor makes me feel as happy and complete as HE does!! I am glad He has taken it upon himself to show me that HE is still the prince charming that my soul longs for! And YES He is a jealous God!! Since He made sure that my heart did not spend much time thinking about the perfect leading men in romantic series and that I knew HE is MINE and he is by my side!! I love Him so much!!! β€”I write it with tears of deep joyβ€” πŸ₯°

I wish to have that perfect heart for HIM and let go of every one of the things that I considered valuable in my life [as the rich young man thought he had] to see them with the true value they have, since they are only additions, because HE is my treasure special and VALUABLE, He is everything I possess, my most precious and valuable possession! I don't need anything but HIM.Β 

Dear Bride, this journey is designed for us to surrender all our possessions and desires, everything we consider valuable, because only HE is the stone of GREAT value, when we find Him and know Him intimately we can discern Him and embrace Him with our entire being. He tells us: "Therefore, this is what the Lord says: β€œIf you return, then I will restore youβ€”You will stand before Me; And if you extract the precious [He] from the worthless [possessions and worldly things that are precious or valuable to us], You will become My spokesman. They, for their part, may turn to you, But as for you, you are not to turn to them". Jeremiah 15:19

8 thoughts on “My Treasure in Heaven”

  1. Thank you so much Anastasia, He is indeed the perfect Man. My whole life I looked for love and acceptance in people. Now I know that no one has what He gives me. This is still my favourite lesson and one I will keep sharing because I really think every woman should know this:

    1. Me too, Yvonne, all my life I sought to feel loved and accepted without knowing that I already was. It’s true, Yvonne, that lesson makes us finally see the reality, that no one but HIM has what we need and long for.

  2. Beautiful πŸ₯° His perfection and faithfulness are unmatched, making Him the perfect partner. We’re blessed to have Him in our life!

    1. Yes Hope, it’s wonderful!! Now I can see HIM in the little details, his caresses when the wind blows, his hand when he opens a door with a smile, I see HIM in all of His creation and I marvel at how impressive and precious it is. Since I think about it like this I can’t stop sighing while I think about HIM…

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Anastasia, our Darling Lord’s way of loving us is really wonderful. I will never forget how I longed and longed for my spouse and when I received a restored marriage I still felt more lonely and empty than ever before. And it was only our Darling Lord that really could fulfill me. It was so wrong of me to look for fulfilment in another person.

    1. It’s true Janine, I am so grateful to have learned that “they don’t have it” because I never look to my spouse to receive anything from him anymore. I now know perfectly well that EVERYTHING I desire is hidden in my sweet Heavenly Husband! That’s why the bitterness is gone because in HIM I am full and satisfied.

  4. Thank you so much for the reminder Anastasia, I also looked for love and acceptance from men, I really thought it would fill the voids I had in my heart, but PTL He stepped in and I learned that He is the only One that can fill those voids. And with our hearts overflowing with His love, we can love the unloveable with the same love He loves us.

    1. Amen! Praise be to HE who opened our eyes to this very important truth.

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