Our needs

"Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

My dear brides, while we were abandoned by the one who shared our lives, we often find ourselves with complicated and difficult situations because we were dependent on a man. We see our EH (earthly husband) as a god who can do everything, he plays not only the role of father, husband and also our handyman. Some of us found ourselves in a house where all our belongings were unfortunately broken and left abandoned.

My encouragement arrives, here for two years, the toilets of the first bathroom have been completely abandoned. So, that we bought new toilets we looked for a plumber for the work, after evaluation the guy tells us $212 us dollar and it is a fortune, we did nothing.

After the departure of EH, I started to pray, I said Lord I cannot welcome people into my home like that, I am really ashamed.
While yesterday a sister posted a verse.

Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

After a time of praise and worship, a plumber I contacted sent me the estimate for the work which only cost $63. I was so joyful that I burst into tears. I do not have the means to pay the plumber but having the mentality of a poor person will not produce a miracle so to pay for the work I am counting on my HEAVENLY HUSBAND (HH) where the basic verse comes from, he knows our needs. He knows that we need certain material things, we desire the things of the kingdom of GOD and it is by seeking His kingdom that certain little things are unlocked. What is material good compared to the Glory of our HH who returns?

He knows what we need one thing I can tell you we spend too much time praying to have a property when we can simply submit our application and rent it.
I have just discovered the prayer tree that you will find below




2 Corinthiens 9:8
Louis Segond
8 Et Dieu peut vous combler de toutes sortes de grâces, afin que, possédant toujours en toutes choses de quoi satisfaire à tous vos besoins, vous ayez encore en abondance pour toute bonne oeuvre,


Mes cheres epouses , alors que nous avons été abandonné par celui qui a partagé notre plat nous nous retrouvons souvent avec des situations compliquées et difficile par ce que nous étions dépendantes d'un homme . Nous voyons notre EH comme un dieu qui peut tout faire, il joue non seulement le rôle de père ,d'époux et aussi notre bricoleur .Certaines d'entre nous se sont retrouvées dans une maison ou tout nos biens ont été malheureusement cassés et laisser a l'abandon. Mon encouragement arrive ,

Voici depuis deux ans les sanitaires de la première salle d'eau a été complètement laissé à l'abandon. Alors, que nous avons achetés des nouveaux sanitaires nous avons chercher un plombier pour les travaux , apres evaluation le gars nous dit 212$ us dollar et c'est une fortune on a rien fait.

Apres le depart de EH , je me suis mise a prié j'ai dit Seigneur je ne peux pas accueillir des gens chez moi comme ca , j'ai vraiment honte .
Alors qu'hier une sister a posté un verset .

26 Jésus les regarda, et leur dit: Aux hommes cela est impossible, mais à Dieu tout est possible.

Après un temps de louange et d'adoration un plombier que j'ai contacté m'a envoyé le devis des travaux qui coûte seulement a 63 $. J'ete dans la joie au point de fondre en larme . Je n'ai pas les moyens pour payer le plombier mais avoir la mentalité de pauvre ne produira pas de miracle donc pour payer les travaux je compte sur mon EPOUX CÉLESTE dóu vient le verset de base il connait nos besoins. Il sait que nous avons besoins de certaines choses matérielle , nous désirons les choses du royaume de DIEU et c'est en recherchant son royaume que certaine petite chose sont débloqués . Qu'est ce que le bien matériel comparée a la Gloire de notre HH qui revient?

Il sait de quoi nous avons besoin une chose que je peux vous dire nous passon trop de temps a prier pour avoir un bien alors que nous pouvons simplement déposer notre demande et le louer .
Je viens tout juste de découvrir l'arbre de prière que vous trouverez ci dessous


5 thoughts on “Our needs”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen, our Darling will for sure supply for all our needs, we can really trust Him. There were so many times in my life, that I didn’t know how I was going to put food on the table and He just did it. And I learned everything that matters to us, matters to Him.

    I remember now when it was so very hot and my Darling supplied a plastic swimming pool for us and there I realized more and more everything that matters to us really does matter to our Darling Lord:

  2. Thank for sharing your faith journey. Prayer changes everything, when we go to Him, we find peace, guidance, love and blessings. We must concentrate in His love for us! And trust that He is fulling all of our needs. Our humble posture develops while we continue to walk by faith, we can find His fingerprints in every situation of our Lives. Thank you for reshaping our lives and hearts, and for providing gfor us our Beloved ♥️

  3. Thank you for sharing this Kateleen. When we seek Him above all else He will provide all that we need. Praying really does change everything and draws us near to Him.

  4. Dear Kateleen,
    What a beautiful testimony you shared, We have the best provider ever. I think it’s great that you trust Him with all the chores that need to be done around the house. H
    This ministry also helped me unlearn my poverty mentality. It has given me so many blessings, I still believe that He will see to it that all things that are worn out will be replaced with new things because He wants our homes to be in order.

  5. Dear Kateleen thank you for sharing how He is providing all your needs because you put all your trust in Him alone. I have also seen Him provide so many times when I trust only Him as my one true source of everything. I’ve seen Him provide through other that He used to help me, or through special prices or through gifts.

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