
"Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." ‭Psalms 51:7

Ladies, I want to share something very personal with you today. For 20 years I've struggled with heavy menstruational pains. I was diagnosed with endometriosis at a very young age. I had gone through 3 operations but endometriosis is something that can't be removed completely (surgically).
Every month for the first 2 days I can't even walk,the pain is unbearable.
Last month, my mom asked me: have you ever asked God to take it away? I said no. So for the last month I've been praying that He would heal my womb and take away the pain...
Ladies, this month, NO PAIN - at all. Nothing!
I never asked up until now. This is just amazing. And I can't praise Him enough!!
If He can heal something so small inside of me, just imagine the big things He can do! All we have to do is ask and believe!

‭Psalms 51:7 NIV‬
[7] Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

‭John 15:7 NIV‬
[7] If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

7 thoughts on “Pain-free!”

  1. Thank you dear Elora for the wonderful testimony. Yes our Lord is wonderful He can do the impossible. He’s miracle can be bigger then we can think.

  2. Wow Elora, this is so powerful! He answers us when we come to Him. He wants to take all of our pain away.

  3. haha yesss this makes me laugh with praise!! what a wonderful amazing mighty Love mighty King we serve!! how great, that you asked and with the faith he’s given you, you could believe for it!! I am so happy for you dear sister!

  4. Wow what a beautiful praise report precious Elora. We have the best ever Healer!!!

  5. Merciii pour ce partage qui me rappelle qu’il faut toujours demander avec foi. Il est le Dieu de l’impossible
    Gloire Γ  Dieu
    Thank you for sharing this which reminds me that I must always ask with faith. He is the God of the impossible
    Glory to God

  6. What a beautiful testimony. He’s so good!! Your testimony encourages me to ask Him for healing too! Thank you for sharing!

  7. That’s great. Awesome!
    What a lovely testimony

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