
Since my profile isn’t working and I know longer can find anyone’s email addresses I am going to turn my question into a praise. haha
My profile hasn’t been working for a couple weeks (it used to show my picture and any members) on any website, HopeAtLast,LoveAtLast, EW, etc. I went back and found this post and there is a comment posted from Azariah and I’m not sure if anyone has responded to her yet.

Publish your own post after submitting your Praise

I’m praising my Heavenly Love for these praise reports, all you women ministering to me, the ability to type this and get a response (since I’m having trouble finding who to contact).

Have a great Tuesday (it’s Tuesday here in WV at least) 🙂

5 thoughts on “Question/Praise”

  1. Hi Hope Darling, I came to say that I have read your message and it seems you are able to submit and publish at the EW so although my access is not high enough to help you checking, I will get in touch with the H@L and L@L ministers so they can come and give you a hand with this.
    So happy to know you were led by your husband to convert your question into a Praise, and encourage others to do exactly the same. Trusting Him. 🥰

  2. Thank you Poppy. I just received an email that stated they do know about the issue but of course they are on their honey moon right now. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for asking. Yes, we have disabled a plugin that we saw we needed to investigate a little more and that is what is causing the profile picture problem. We are going to add it to the website again for us to see how it works and if everyone is able to upload their picture. It is a great plugin so I am sure He will lead us to start it here on Encouraging Women once we are back from our honeymoon. ❤️

  3. I agree thanks for coming to post Hopedarling l can answer Azariah question about the difference between a registered user & an author.. which l will do now.. but I’m sure as we trust Him He will help us to sort out the issue..

  4. Hello. I’m a bit late to the party 🥳 but my Husband and I are busy doing a few things and I gained bit more information– – and something for us to each speak to her husband about Yvonne. Now I must trust my husband to help me simplify everything I just witnessed and now understand a bit more.

    1) Hope, emailing or underground communication is something we definitely don’t want to return to, so the plug-in that we disabled may not be enabled. SSG on this one. So many thanks for posting this praise!!🤗💗

    2) When we each first and foremost speak to our Husband about difficulties and issues we run into, and he chooses not to show us the solution, but instead to reach out for help— more than likely it’s because the issue needs to be brought to the light of everyone –– not just providing the solution for one, but for the entire BODY 🤩 So dear Hope, but he led to you to do was absolutely perfect.

    Now that’s all promise 🙋🏻‍♀️ Never to return to underground tunnels, but rather expose everything to the light.

    3) No, you’re correct, Hope, Azariah didn’t get her question answered. So prior to commenting here, my Husband and I went there to answer her first. The information there should help everyone, so I hope everyone is getting my comment and you’ll head over to the link you provided above, Hope.

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