πŸ’— Register and Become a Member of Restoration Fellowship

Hello dear brides!

We're excited to invite you to join us as an RFM πŸ’— "Restoration Fellowship Member.Β 

We have been fellowshipping, getting together over coffee β˜•, enjoying each other's company, and sharing incredibly encouraging praises of what the Lord has done in our lives.

As a Fellowship Member YOU:

🀩 Gain exclusive access to ALL our RFM Zoom and Telegram Fellowship GROUPS, where we enjoy discussing different topics.
🀩 Gain early access to our PODCASTS.
🀩 Gain exclusive access to video recordings from any of our Zoom fellowships.

Ready to join? Simply complete our short Restoration Fellowship Registration Form.

Want more information? Click here.

We can't wait to meet you!!

8 thoughts on “πŸ’— Register and Become a Member of Restoration Fellowship”

  1. I just want to share how much the fellowships meant to me on my journey. In the beginning I was a bit unsure about joining or sharing anything, but after my first fellowship I realized just how encouraging it is to listen to other bride’s praises and also what our Beloved Lord showed them in a lesson or a course. I always take something away from each fellowship that really spoke to me. Even on days that I feel a bit down, joining the fellowships lifts me up and I always leave feeling encouraged. The fellowships were and still is a vital part of my journey; seeing and connecting with like-minded brides, seeing their faces that radiate with our Beloved’s love. peace and joy are what gave me the desire to also experience such and intimate relationship with the Lord and to also have a radiant face.

  2. I totally agree with Adina, it is so encouraging to listen to other brides sharing their journeys and praises.
    I remember on day feeling down and feeling not to join but going against my feelings and being so blessed through the fellowship. So I really want to encourage women to please join and not go according to your feelings. You never know if our Darling has a message for especially for you through another bride’s praise or her journey.

  3. Hi Ladies

    Greetings to you

    The fellowship session has been life changing for me …I feel empty when I muss it. I look forward to connect with so many ladies from all over. We also share with so much in common. I also enjoy how our also appear on screen from time to time. The fellowship is my weekly soulfood for the new week.

    Come and join us

    God Bless Love


  4. Fellowships are a wonderful way to connect with like-minded women and to be encouraged in our journeys with the Lord. I’ve always found them to be uplifting and inspiring, and I’m so glad that I’ve been able to be a part of them. Even though I listen more than share, He knows I am not good on the spot, and it takes me a while, He is preparing me. I hope so many more ladies will join to either share or listen and be ENCOURAGED. πŸ’•

  5. Our fellowships are so meaningful to me! I really love to listen to the testimonies, praises and promises shared and I really enjoy getting to know the β€œnames” I see written on our blogs – to match name & person is something that brings a smile on my face ☺️and a deep “being part “sense πŸ‘­πŸΌπŸ‘­πŸΌπŸ‘­πŸΌπŸ‘­πŸΌ
    And of course, to know that we are not alone, it’s really ✨ amazing ✨ to know that β€œwe are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” H121 – it’s really precious!
    So, my dear, please be encouraged to join!

  6. I am very grateful for the fellowship meetings, they have helped me a lot on my trip, they are like moments to stop and reflect on what my Beloved has done for me and to listen to how He works in the lives of my fellow travelers, listening to their testimonies gives me joy. As Paula mentioned, it is special to join the face with the praises that they share on the blogs and to get to know each other, to know that there are many women who understand what we are going through and hold our arms when we are exhausted. Each meeting is special and it is nice to get to know them better.

  7. I give thanks for his times of meeting where I was really fascinated by our wives who told the wonders of our husband every smile, every laugh reflects the love of our beloved on every face … I love his moments of fellowship every Sunday and if I miss one I feel I missed a moment of praise to our belovedπŸ’–πŸ’—

    I would like to encourage our wives to join us because sometimes we need encouragement and we don’t know how to get it a simple sharing can change everything

  8. I love the moments I spend with the women who come to participate in fellowships, sharing their praises, promises, and testimonies, or simply coming to listen and let the Lord speak to them. This has always been encouraging to me, and I hope it will be for you too. So come and join us.❣️

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