What brought you to RMI? Please use this space to briefly let our readers know what your life was like when you first found us, Nicolle, so our readers understand just what a miracle your restoration is.
Today I am here to speak of the goodness and mercy of the Lord in my life and the restoration of my marriage.
In November, six years ago, I discovered that I was pregnant after eight years of dating my boyfriend. I was very excited about the pregnancy, so I told my boyfriend, who at the time lived and worked in another city quite far from me.
When I was five months pregnant my boyfriend got the transfer to move to our city. That's when we started planning to get married and move to our new apartment. That’s when the fighting between us became intense. We fought over everything, but the biggest argument was about him converting and becoming a Catholic. He did not want to marry into a religion that was not his. Even with the fights, we eventually married and a month later I had my son.
Four months after my son was born I began to realize that my husband was very distant and cold towards me. He had zero patience with me. In the face of the situation I began to question the reason for his coldness. He claimed that he was still very hurt because I was relentless, and I forced him to marry into a religion that was not his. He said he'd told me (which he had) that he preferred us to live together without marrying and that he'd married me out of force.
Very soon I discovered that he had an OW in the city where he once worked and that even after he married me, he often traveled to meet and be with her. At that moment I really was focused, so I asked him to just leave the house, but while he packed his bags I was talking to God. Soon after he asked me if this was really what I wanted, so I said no, he could stay in our home until we resolved our situation. It was a very difficult time for me, a time of fear, of oppression, of despair, of insecurity, of questioning everything.
How did God change your situation Nicolle as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
In August of that same year, my sister told me about the marriage testimony of a singer she liked. During the research, I found RMI and the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage. At that moment it was a new beginning for me! Prior to finding this book I was aimless, without direction, and God began to guide me on the path I was to follow.
With the book, the testimonies, the praise reports and the daily reading of the Bible when I purchased the reading through the Bible, I began to surrender to God. That's when He revealed my sins. I could never live a happy life without being set free before he restored my marriage, and our crisis was what God used to reach me, heal me, and set me free. When I was dating I was always quarrelsome, spiteful, and argumentative. I wanted to be the man of the relationship, being bossy, and honestly, so ridiculous in my superior attitude.
Besides how I acted towards everyone, I was simply a lukewarm believer who went to church only on Sundays. I did not read the Bible, I had no fellowship or relationship with God and only partly acknowledged His Son as my Savior. I was insecure, I needed constant affirmation. I did not think I was a nice person, and I thought a lot about other people's opinions of who I was or what I should do. There was no way I would ever be a virtuous woman. Not until I met my one true Love.
What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Nicolle, did the Lord teach you during this trial?
There were so many, but I guess it's when I began to focus on God and found my Husband. I immediately stopped telling people about my situation with my husband, I stayed home for the first time in my life. I spent time praying and reading the Bible. I believe in just a couple of months I'd read it through the entire Bible 3 times using my app (listening and reading). The transformation was amazing. I didn't even look the same and I certainly didn't act the same way. People took notice and I began being complimented. But people's opinions no longer mattered to me. There was only one Person who I cared about. The One who'd loved me unconditionally.
What were the most difficult times that God helped you through Nicolle?
When my husband traveled, and I stayed at home with our baby son, I knew where he was going so at first it really bothered me. From the beginning, my earthly husband did not care about me, about us, but once I got past allowing my mind to think of these things, He began to lessen the burden I had been feeling. There's no doubt that without Him and His love, without spending as much time as I did reading through the Bible, without RMI's resources guiding me I know I would have created a scandal and done something I'd have to live with now that I'm restored.
Nicolle, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?
The moment I started to apply letting go, and I fell in love with my HH. Almost instantly my husband started looking for me. My HH would take me and the baby out for long walks and he’d come looking for me. Once my heart was His, my husband was no longer cold towards me anymore. There was no more tension in the air when he'd come home from work.
Another turning point might have been what happened the month before my restoration. I experienced a very painful ordeal meant to destroy me. Though I thought I could not take it, my HH supported me and we came through it even closer. Immediately afterwards, restoration happened.
Tell us HOW it happened Nicolle? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Nicolle, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?
In January, my husband called me, saying he had to talk. He finally told me about the OW (even though I'd known about her for months but wisely said nothing). He told me how horrible he'd felt each time he was with the OW and finally had put an end to it. He said he was sorry for everything, that he would understand if I did not want to forgive him. He said he was enjoying his married life and wanted to continue it with me, remaining faithful to me, if I was willing.
Although I had heard some things I did not want to hear that day, I felt relieved he'd confessed, because the cord that once existed was broken that day. We started to get right from that day forward.
As Erin says, there are still many things God will put in place in our lives as a couple. There's still a journey up ahead, but it will all happen by God's grace and in His timing. Our marriage is nothing like it was, it's new, different, still with challenges but so much better than I'd ever imagined it could be.
Would you recommend any of our resource in particular that helped you Nicolle?
I recommend the all the books, videos and courses from this ministry. I’d also encourage everyone to continue reading the daily praise reports because they will keep you encouraged and you’ll need the encouragement. I’d especially recommend reading through the Bible using the Alexandar Scourby app. Make it your new routine, reading the bible every day: morning, noon and night. Just never stop doing the daily reading.
Stop your social life and wasting this time He’s given you. Allow God to give you a makeover. Honestly, if it were not for finding RMI and being guided by this ministry, without a doubt I would still be doing everything wrong and reaping the consequences. The principles all work together, so when you omit or skip one you’ll find yourself not seeing your journey moving forward. Trust the path provided for you and don’t try to take shortcuts.
Would you be interested in helping encourage other women Nicolle?
Either way Nicolle, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?
Today I know how important it is to build the family on the Rock that is Him and His Word. How important it is to pray, to fast, and to watch for Him to lead us along our journey. There's a real enemy who seeks to swallow families and destroy them. But most important for all of us to remember is that GOD will restore. He has already won everything for us on the cross of Calvary. God loves us and is crying out for us to meet and love His Son.
He says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33: 3.
Beloved, let us not stand still waiting for our families to be destroyed. God has left us His Word, His Word that will guide, heal us and transform us and our families. We must meditate, recite and take possession of every promise that is in the scriptures.
Cry out with all your heart and give yourself to Him and the more He will do seeing He is first.
I am being treated in all areas of my life with respect, with love all because I sought God to restore my marriage. Then with all my soul, with all my heart, and with all my understanding I put my Husband first.
Today I know that I am loved, that I all I dreamed did come true. I am His beautiful bride.
I thank God especially for His kindness, His mercy and His infinite love for me and mostly for the HH who cherishes me. I thank Him for every praise report I read, and to everyone who is part of the RMI team. I especially thank Erin, because it was through this ministry that I was able to truly know His truth that liberates and transforms me.
Live the supernatural life as His bride. Praise the Lord in the most difficult moments of your life, thank Him for your victory even before you see it. Do not forget that everything has already been overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Share the truth of what God is doing with others, share the love He's shown you with others. Take possession of what is yours, His love, His future. Do not think about the past and stop looking at the waves of the sea. Keep your eyes fixed on Him.

By the Word of Their Testimony (Book 7): Take Heart! I have Overcome the World.
CLICK HERE to order your own paperback copy to mark and read how others, like you, made it through their Restoration Journey and experienced a RESTORED MARRIAGE. Read each of the 37 testimonies to build your faith in God's ability and desire to restore YOUR marriage!
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