Beatrice, how did your restoration actually begin?
It began five years ago when I was pregnant with our third child. My husband and I were part of the church's worship group, and we were seen as "the perfect couple" to the sort of people who believe that there are couples who have no problems. But I noticed that my husband started to change, that he stayed on his cell phone until late, after I'd fall asleep, then started to get up early, leaving the house without me (which he had never done). At first, I didn't think too much about it, but as things began to get more frequent, that's when I found out about the OW. It was an enormous pain because the person my husband was involved with was a person very close to me who frequently came over to our house.
My world fell apart, and I lacked every ounce of wisdom and had no knowledge of what to do. Soon after, due to how I handled everything the wrong way, he moved to live with the other woman. After he left, my son was born and we came back to reconcile, but as I had not forgiven him, as the Lord teaches we must, seventy times seven, he left again.
How did God change your situation Beatrice as you sought Him wholeheartedly?
I cried every night because it seemed like my life was over. I did not understand why all this had happened. It was when I found the RMI on the internet and the Lord opened my eyes that I remembered that the first thing I did was read the testimonies on the site, and it filled my heart with such hope. Soon after, I began to read the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, and my dear Savior began to work on me, showing me how I needed to change.
What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Beatrice, did the Lord teach you during this trial?
First I needed to learn and practice absolutely without question all the principles laid out in Course 1, which went through the RYM book. He showed me through testimonies how to overcome each of the more difficult hurdles, like Letting Go of Your Church because the husband needed to be the spiritual leader of the home and that I needed to make the Lord all I wanted and all I needed after starting the Abundant Life courses.
My HH showed me how much I had turned away from Him, that He wanted to be my First Love, that He wanted to take care of me; He wanted me to be His bride. He lovingly showed me how much I was Contentious and spiritually arrogant, yet in the end, that I was the one who tore her house down, that I was not at all a wise woman that the word of God instructs us to be.
In that period my Beloved took care of me and my children in a supernatural way, nothing was missing. He touched the heart of my earthly husband, and he continued to pay our expenses and also came to visit the children because I worried that my son would be hurt. His Word does not lie, and it says: "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers" (Malachi 4:6).
What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Beatrice?
There were many difficult situations, yet through all of them, my dear Husband was by my side—several times He spoke to my heart, "Quiet my Love, I'm in control." The Lord showed me that I needed to forgive everyone involved in the situation, just as He had pardoned me for my sins, and for me, it was impossible to forgive, but He did it for me.
Beatrice, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?
It happened when I finally "let go," that was a very difficult beginning for me—on several occasions I begged the Lord to help me because I could not. At that time, my husband left living with the other woman but went to live alone and this distressed me. I asked the Lord why He did not come back to me, to us. But our Beloved is faithful, and He knows the right moment. He knows the time that you and I are ready, and I still didn't have my HH first. To those of you who are at this place, I say, "Trust Him, and once He is all you want or need, He will give you everything.”
Tell us HOW it happened Beatrice? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Beatrice, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?
My Beloved changed things in an instant, and what seemed impossible became possible! I no longer expected the restoration to happen and came to not want it. Being restored did not matter to me anymore, because I already had the infinite Love of my Husband who was here with me. So then it was a surprise, when, out of nowhere, my husband called and said that he was coming and that he was back to stay. Everything happened because of the faithfulness of our Beloved because I am not deserving of anything. I failed so often, but He alone is faithful.
Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Beatrice?
Yes, the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage and all online courses, as well as the Daily Encourager.
Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Beatrice?
Either way, Beatrice, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?
Beloved bride, do not give up on your family. Enjoy this moment, once you surrender your heart to the Lord as your Husband. Immerse yourself in His Word, His love letters to you where all the promises are held. Let Him be your Husband, and very soon you will see how infinitely He will do the impossible in your life too!!
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it” (Psalm 37:5).

Want MORE Restored Marriage Testimonies? There are 41 testimonies to read in WOTT5, 35 in WOTT6 and another 31 in WOTT7 for even MORE encouragement.
We also offer By the Word of Their Testimony Full Series Packet: 6 eBooks and in paperback By the Word of Their Testimony Full Series COMBO Packet: Paperback & eBooks.