RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “The Whole Crisis Started at the Beginning of Our Marriage”

♕Today's Promise: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6


Harper, how did your Restoration Journey actually begin?

It all started when we got married, it's strange to say that the whole crisis started at the beginning of our marriage, but it's the purest truth. I'll try to summarize the whole story because it's long. We got married and even the wedding was a lot of tests but thanks to God for this being His will we got married. But already in the first month of marriage there was a lot of tribulation in our relationship and my husband James got married for the first time.

Unfortunately, there were another 4 times he left and it was about a year later after James left for the last time that I found out where the error was. Tired and even hopeless from so many comings and goings and so many frustrated attempts to keep James at home and my marriage that in an act of desperation I bent my knees and prayed to the Lord asking Him to do His will because I discovered that in my own way nothing could.

I thank my beloved HH who inclined me to read the book How God can and will restore your marriage, which I already had but I hadn't read it, as soon as I started reading and I was devouring the pages of the book it was like a bucket of water. Cold water was poured over my head and I could see the whole situation as it really was, until then it was as if I had a blindfold over my eyes and the villain of the story was James, most praise be to my Lord who opened my eyes through the book . As I went through the book all my mistakes I was seeking the Lord and taking steps for my change, the Lord sustained me literally and truly, each discovery I tried to portray myself with my beloved Lord because everything that had happened was nothing more than my adultery against my true love, I sought Him with all my heart and He led me to right what was wrong.

How did God change your situation, Harper, as you sought Him wholeheartedly?

As I sought Him with all my heart He guided me to obey all the principles I had broken, I discovered that I was the one walking against the hand of God, I thought I was the owner of the truth full of reason and holiness and I was really nothing more than a Pharisee, I was foolish, rich, contentious, manipulative and without affection. I humiliated James and thought I was doing God a favor, I had no respect for him, I did not give him the honor I should have and I thought that I had to dictate how things should be for him, again silly and worst of all.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), did the Lord teach you during this trial, Harper?

During my journey I learned many things, despite already knowing the word of God it was as if I could not see anything , it was through the ministry that I learned and saw each principle, letting go was the first and primary principle that I learned because in every process of comings and goings with James at all times I insisted and persisted in staying close to him, going through a lot of humiliation but even so I continued, after I let go physically and in my heart the Lord took care of every detail, of everything. I never asked anything of James. I never looked for him for anything but I always looked and trusted my beloved HH (HEavenly Husband) in everything and for everything, and they were the most wonderful months I've ever had with Him. It was also an essential principle, I learned and I learn every day to submit, to renounce myself, to love and serve my family as my Lord teaches me, all the principles that I discovered that I violated. I seek diligence to fully obey thanks to my beloved HH.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Harper?

The most difficult moment was when an OW (other woman) was confirmed. Receiving a call from her saying that James was her husband, that was very painful but my beloved HH and Lord helped me and as Erin teaches I remained quiet without saying more than I should and politely said goodbye to the person. The LORD sustained me at all times, it made me stronger and with a lot of faith.

Harper, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?

The turning point was when James, after a long time, started looking for my mother-in-law and talking about me to her saying that he loved me and that he couldn't stand being away from me anymore, he told her to tell me something he had never done before, he was never one to show feelings, let alone speak, from then on he asked her for my contact and a few days later James called me and said everything to me I rejoiced with joy. I felt from the Lord that the day was coming, but always waiting and trusting in the Lord because since the beginning of my journey James was looking for me and showed a desire to come back but never really came back, so I didn't expect anything from James but from the Lord, it was then that he spoke about the desire to come back.

Tell us HOW it happened, Harper? Did James just walk in the front door? Harper, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored?

It so happened that after James looked for me and showed a desire to come back, a few days passed and thanks to my beloved Lord James really came back, James is at home, it was impossible in the eyes of man. How many times did I hear that there was no way out and that it was for me to go on with my life without waiting for it to happen. More praise be my beloved HH my Lord who was with me and sustained me until the end and today I can tell all the women, the Lord can and will restore your marriage, don't doubt it just believe, wait and trust He can and will. With men it is impossible but with God all things are possible.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Harper?

I definitely recommend all the books and courses, but especially the books How God can and will restore your marriage and a wise woman, they were guidance for me.

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Harper?

sure yes

Either way, Harper, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

Beloved do not give up or be discouraged, all things cooperate for the good of those who love God so trust, in all situations He works in favor of those who believe, without faith it is impossible to please God, do not look at the circumstances or listen to people unbelievers just look to the Lord, fall in love with Him and you will have the best days of your lives. He is faithful and true.

3 thoughts on “RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “The Whole Crisis Started at the Beginning of Our Marriage””

  1. I believe so that all things work together for good for those who love God, am so encouraged by your testimony Harper and am trusting my heavenly husband for him to fully restored me back to him first and I believe the rest will be done at his on timing.

  2. Thank you Harper for your testimony because it relates alot to my situation. So so much like mine and I am trusting in his timing. Indeed,all things work together for the good of those who love God. I have struggled so much with letting go from my mind. I have stopped all communication with my EH for a long time now but I have completely failed to let him go off my mind. I have cried and begged my God to make it possible for me and I trust that at the right time,I will completely let go of my EH. Thanks for the encouragement Harper.

    1. Dear Eve, thank you for your transparency and for confessing, “I have completely failed to let him go off my mind.” I want to encourage you that once your Husband is all you want and need and you FEEL like a bride—HE becomes all you thank think of or talk about—you become giddy, and to everyone, you appear as a newlywed. I know this can happen for you as it did for all of us!! You, dear Eve, deserve to feel this way.

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