Rich Spiritual Food I Never Imagined I Could Receive!

All glory to our Father, King of Kings. Because it was the will of God that I was able to participate in the retreat of 2017 in Granada, Nicaragua. Despite being in the ministry for more than 1 and a half year, I’m still taking my first steps in my journey but by the hand of God moving in my life, I am inspired how, through the Holy Spirit, He makes me move forward, learning more of how amazing His is every day. At first my mom was afraid that the activity was something that would prejudice my integrity as a person because I had never met anyone. However, my heart knew it was something genuine and how I managed to make the trip could only come from my HH.

As days went by doubt entered my mind, arising due to a lack of knowledge, however, I made it my prayer and my Father who is extremely loyal, hears my concerns and sends me the answers to continue moving forward.

On my first day, I had the opportunity to be alone with the hostess and without asking, she starts to give me her full testimony that included answers to questions I had, but they are answered while in prayer! Then I begin to see the Ministry of work with children, children with such limited resources, very poor and I see these loving women see them and treat them with God’s love, loving them just as they are, and this is such a very great joy in my heart. Having the opportunity of meeting other sisters, all from different countries, we all are living the same as one, in terms of the healing and personal restoration He has done in all of us.

What I experienced is invaluable and definitely a token of the love of the Lord to us. Hearing testimonies of marriage restorations and each renovation process is simply a rich spiritual food that I never imagined I could receive! However, we know that our Beloved proves so often that nothing is impossible and He is faithful to give us what we need just at the right time when we trust Him. He is never late or nor does He forget us or anything that has caused us to doubt or worry.

As I returned home, I am much more motivated to encourage other womenβ€” to go out, looking for the hurting, offering much of the Lord to those in need and allowing Him to mold me, to mold us and transform those people that He wants us to be loving to.

Having the opportunity to meet Tara, this young woman who is so gentle, so sweet, so full of love is such a shining example of what God builds when we give our lives completely to Him alone.

I have been blessed beyond words to have participated in the retreat and to know the work, first hand, what God is doing in the lives of the woman of this ministry.

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what the will of God, good, acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12: 2

“But we all, with open faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory by the action of the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor 3:18

Let us renew our minds, giving our hearts to our HH so that through the Holy Spirit we may be a reflection of Him and we also become witnesses to His glory and greatness when they see our lives!!

~ Poppy in Costa Rica