๐New Year's Promise for 2024: โIf you extract the precious from the worthless, you will be My spokesperson. They, for their part, may turn to you, but you must not turn, return, convert, or need to go to them.โ J1519

Dear Brides, we are celebrating 34 Years of what the Lord has done!!
What a beautiful promise we have this year from Him, please read more in our Partner Promise. This year we as a ministry are aiming to extract the precious from the worthless and of course, we know that for us it is impossible, for our Husband, our Maker, nothing is impossible.ย
A lot has happened this past year and we want to share the highlights here with you, we also want to share our hopes and dreams for the future so you can all agree with us.
The biggest news that we want to share with you is that Erin has retired from ministry to spend more time with her Husband and as He leads her to continue writing wonderful content for our websites and books and share her wisdom through consultation. We want to thank her for all the years that she has spent being an encouraging women and helping so many women, including each one of us to find our Heavenly Husband.ย
Erin began offering her ministries asย LMFย "Licensed Ministry Franchises" to the ministers who had been working as RMIโs Ministry Team Members so they could work independently, though asย One Body with the other LMFs.
We currently have 6 active LMF ministries.
- University for the Students run by Adina
- The publishing company as well as translations and RADD run by Yvonne
- Portuguese
Ministry run by Paula
- Spanish
Ministry run by Anastasia
- Dutch
Ministry run by Kristine
- Afrikaans
Ministry run by Janine
- We also have Mira starting our French
Then we have a few ladies with kind hearts fostering some of our ministries that do not have anyone in their language to run the ministry. We thank them for their kind and willing hearts, knowing that He will send more.
- Kristy Botma MTIย
ย answered her Beloved's call to helpย fosterย theย
Slovak Ministry
- Danaรญs Esterย MTA
answered her Beloved's call to helpย fosterย the
Italian Ministry
- Janine
and Marta
answered their Beloved's call to help add the
Swedish resources to the Orphan Website
- Hope
answered their Beloved's call to help fix links and pictures on theย Orphan Website
These are just a few reasons why we take the time to celebrate with you knowing that in the coming year, our Husband will do above and beyond even what He did this year.ย
One more year has passed with so many more years aheadโhoping you will join and remain with us.ย
We are so grateful to be celebrating 34 years of ministering set apart for Him!!
Thank you for being such a precious member of our Ministry family! We're so blessed by everything He has done and watch in anticipation for what He has up ahead for RMI and each one of us!!
Letยดs continue celebrating together as ONE!!!!
Please share more testimonies in the comment section with us about the amazing things He did in your ministry, and your own life.
We would love to use this day to celebrate His goodness and praise His wonderful name!
Wow 34 years!!! After holding the How God Can And Will Restore Your Marriage book ( https://hopeatlast.com/c1/ ) years ago in my hands (and by the way in so much pain, with an obsession to have my earthly husband back), could never have even imagined I would be part of RMI – “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” E3:20 https://biblehub.com/ephesians/3-20.htm
And here I am celebrating along the 34 years of RMI – thank you precious Erin for listening to your husband’s call to start a Ministry of course all led by our wonderful awesome Darling Lord – “Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.” P103:1 https://biblehub.com/psalms/103-1.htm and believe me not of what I did right, because I made so many many mistakes in my life, it is al because of His grace and love – “For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of timeโto show us his grace through Christ Jesus.” 2T1:9
And the greatest testimony ever is when my Darling became my Heavenly Husband, wow wow I never ever knew that a love like this even existed, a love that fills me with joy and peace even in the midst of trials, a love that no earthly man could ever give me. And then my Darling went a step further and this I could really never have imagined – He made me the LMF of the Afrikaans ( https://uiteindelikhoop.com/blog/ ), again not something I did and holding His hand – because apart from Him I can do nothing. Yes I see a lot of hurt and yes I can’t help to cry with the women, but then I also get to see how women grow and find their peace and joy in our Darling Lord – their Heavenly Husband – in the midst of trials.
I am so grateful for every women coming to read the blogs, do the courses and journal on the Afrikaans and I am trusting my Darling Lord to send more women to join the Afrikaans, for more women to be transformed by Him through what the Afrikaans has to offer.
It is great to celebrate the 34 years of RMI.
Since I came to RMI, the Lord has done so much in my life. I have joy in Him joy that I did not have. A relationship with the Lord, which I did not know I could have with the Lord. To feel in love and just smile for anything and that His love radiates from me. And being close to him, holding him, experiencing his smell and myself to lean on his chest and hear a heartbeat. He molds me like clay inside and out. He heals me from all the hurt from childhood until now He has healed me. I am so glad the Lord led me to RMI where I learned the truth and learned about being a woman. My Beloved Heavenly Husband the Lord’s name gets all the glory.
Muchas felicidades ๐๐ este ministerio ha sido y es de gran bendiciรณn en mi vida, fue una confirmaciรณn de todo lo que el seรฑore estuvo diciendo por medio de su palabra mucho antes de venir aquรญ, e incluso desde mis aรฑos de colegio cuando me dijo ID POR TODO EL MUNDO Y HACED DISCIPULOS, y ahora que soy parte de este ministerio y puedo alentar y dar animo a tantas mujeres de diferentes paรญses, veo como รฉl seรฑor me ha guiado a cumplir mi llamado, gracias mi amado y gracias ERIN por decir sรญ al seรฑor, para asรญ poder con tu vida y testimonio ๐ alentadoras a tantas vidas. ๐ค๐ค๐ค
Shalom Shalom
๐นJe rends grace a Dieu pour votre ministรจre je remercie le Seigneur d’etre tombรฉ sur RMIOU car aujourd’hui je peux dire que ce ministere vient de Dieu a chaque fois que je me suis retrouvรฉe dans situation ou des batailles Dieu me conduit toujours ici.
Je n’ai qu’une hate que ce ministere se developpe aussi chez moi a l’ile Maurice je partage dรฉjร les liens et le devotinal a une groupe de femme et je sais que Dieu parlera leur coeur.
๐Joyeux anniversaire RMIOU, a toutes cette belle รฉquipe et celle de l’international…. Que la joie du Seigneur soit toujours votre force.
Shalom Shalom
๐นI give thanks to the Lord for your ministry I thank the Lord for having come across RMIOU because today I can say that this ministry comes from the Lord every time I found myself in a situation where battles God always leads me here .
I can’t wait for this ministry to also develop at home in Mauritius. I already share the links and the devotional with a group of women and I know that the Lord will speak to their hearts.
๐Happy birthday RMIOU, to all this beautiful team and that of the international…. May the joy of the Lord always be your strength.
Good morning dear BRIDES๐ท๐
GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, GRATITUDE, is what I have to say to my Beloved Celestial Husband for attracting me to this journey through the RMI ministryโฆ. How happy I am to be able to tell Him that I love Him and that He is the reason for my life. And the reason why my heart is overflowing with happiness is to be part of this team of such beautiful, blessed and blessed Brides… I always say that it was RMI that took me back into the arms of my Beloved, because before I only knew Him I heard about it, but now I know Him because He has become my EVERYTHINGโฆ.
I really thank God for your life Erin, because you are a woman used by the Lord to bless so many women around the world. May our Beloved continue to guide you more every day, strengthening you and giving you the best of Him… I love you my dear, and my dream of meeting you in person is still alive in my heart!๐ฅฐ
We thank each of you beautiful brides who are part of the ministry in several countries, and who walk this journey seeking more of Him every day.๐๐ปโค๏ธ
I love each one of you and my desire is that He continues to guide us closer and closer to Him, which is the best place to be!
Much love and a hug from Brazilian brides to all of you!๐๐ท
And let’s continue celebrating together!!!!๐ฅณ๐๐ฅณ
Yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Praise the Lord for another amazing year full of life!! I canยดt thank enough our Beloved for all that He has taught and the way He has renewed my life since 2017!
I remember doing the courses again and again in the middle of the forest in which I worked back then!
This brings tears to my eyes to ponder and remember how He enlightens all the dark places of my life through all the resources, and how each one of them has helped me to grow at different stages of my life journey!
When we go through something, there is always someone coming up behind you who is about to go through it too. As Our Heavenly sustained Erin by providing water to her well, she took this huge blessing, and she left us all these blessings.
Thank you for so much!
Congratulations RMI on 34 years! ๐๐๐
I am very grateful because it was here that I got to know who God really was and I also got to know myself and understood God’s purposes for my life!
The RMI ministry really changed my life!๐
Thank you God!
Thank you RMI!
Brazilian hugs ๐ค๐ค๐ค
I give a huge THANK YOU to my Beloved for this ministry that He formed through Erin, because He trained her and has used her to bless so many women and families throughout these 34 years with His teachings. For me, RMI was not only where I found hope but where my eyes were opened to the truth to know my Lord, my Heavenly Husband, who made me fall in love and gave me a new life, he took my broken life and gave me a new and abundant that I enjoy every day.
Looking back I can see his work in our ministries, so many women who have been blessed by the teachings shared here, all based on his Word which is absolute truth. Our Spanish ministry has witnessed beautiful testimonies of personal and marital restoration, of so much physical, financial, and heart healing, although many women have been there for a season, we know that that light and those seeds sown by RMI continue to bear fruit around the world, in new ministries that have been born from RMI. For this, I praise my Beloved because he is completely faithful! There is no one like HIM, I love him!! ๐
First of all I should thank Him for leading us to this beautiful anniversary logo๐ and this amazing video, thank you ladies๐ฅฐ
I am so grateful to be part of this celebration, and also being surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses – all the women that came before me, of course, Erin , that is such an inspiration for all of us and now being set apart and still being our mother in faith – thank you Darling to led Erin to walk this narrow road and built this bridge that so many women that encouraged and keep on encouraging me in a daily basis had crossed! Thank you dear friends๐
Wow 34 years young!! I am so grateful for this ministry, not only for what it meant in my life, but every life that get touched! Thank you Erin for listening to your Husband’s call to write the books and minister to others! May He bless you on this new journey as you spend more time with your Husband and your family!
Since I found the ministry almost 5 years ago, I went from broken to healed and living the Abundant Life with my Husband. Words cannot describe how much the ministry meant to me, I gained more than I ever lost, I gained my Heavenly Husband and that is all that matters and all that I need!
Blijdschap, vreugde en het krijgen van een geweldige liefde van mijn Man, Maker en Heer is wat RMI mij heeft leren accepteren. Ooit gebroken, wanhopig en vol boosheid kwam ik, wat ik mij niet meer kan heugen op de pagina van HopeAtLast.com terecht via een youtube filmpje. Zonder te weten dat mijn leven drastisch zou gaan veranderen. En na een aantal jaren ben ik inmiddels gelukkig gescheiden en vorm ik het gezin met mijn Hemelse Man en 4 kinderen.
Ik ben ontzettend dankbaar dat mijn Heer, Erin haar hart heeft gedraaid naar Hem toe, om de stem van mijn Hemelse Man te volgen. Zij heeft haar oude leven opgegeven om het leven te ontvangen dat mij geleid heeft naar een intiemere relatie met mijn Geliefde. Nooit heb ik al mijn jaren dat ik christelijk opgevoed ben een moment in mijn leven gehad dat ik mij nooit meer zorgen hoef te maken, verdrietig hoef te zijn of ongelukkig. Ik heb zoveel geleerd over hoe ik het Overvloedige Leven, het leven waar mijn Hemelse Man voor gestorven is kan ervaren. Elke dag word ik zekerder in mijn geloof dat de reden, het herstellen van mijn huwelijk, niet nodig is. Ik ben vrij en heb de geweldigste Man die een vrouw kan wensen in mijn leven. De leegte die ik ooit dagelijks voelde en opvulde met allerlei materialistische dingen is verdwenen. Degene die mij nooit meer zal verlaten heb ik vast. Zijn hand laat ik nooit meer los. Ik ben van mijn Geliefde…en Hij is van mij.
Mijn wens is dat zoveel mogelijk vrouwen en mannen door Hem geleid zullen worden naar RMI. Het gelukkige leven te vinden waarvoor ze gemaakt zijn. Met de zovelen boeken en cursussen die hier GRATIS beschikbaar zijn geloof ik dat ieder persoon een zeer gezegend leven kan hebben. Onze Heer is de Voorziener van alles wat je nodig hebt. Zoals Hij Erin al de jaren voorzien heeft van wijsheid en liefde wilt Hij nog meer bruiden tot Zijn aanwezigheid trekken. Ik zou dus graag de bruiden die zich geroepen voelen in hun hart om Zijn stille stem te volgen te beantwoorden en ook een Bruggen Bouwer te worden, een bemoedigende vrouw voor de geliefde personen in jou leven. Net zoals de vele bruiden die mij en ons voor zijn gegaan. https://loveatlast.org/bb/
Veel Liefs
What a joy to be able to celebrate another RMI anniversary with so many happy and encouraging women!!! My second home, the place where I found the Love of my life, my Beloved Heavenly Husband ๐
Much gratitude to Erin and to all the women who heard the Lord’s call and agreed to participate in this unique and beautiful journey with Him and with so many wise, beautiful and encouraging women!!
Congratulations, RMI!!! ๐๐