Fellowship again and again

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

Hello beautiful brides!

Last night was my son's 15th birthday! I am so happy that he lives with me now, he's been living elsewhere for many many months, (about a year)

And it was so wonderful to have him near. Though his birthday was very different from all our previous years, it was still so wonderful in a new way.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.

Usually, we have many family members, but this time we had a home full of new family members! My young children were able to stay with us for the whole day!!

My new wonderful friend, came over early in the morning and we delivered food to a friend who is due to have her baby any day now. Visited with her and prayed.

Then me her and the littles all prepared for the birthday evening, homemade decorations, wrapped his gift, (that God blessed me with so I could gift him a special family heirloom!) homemade pizza and treats.

My son spent most of the evening with his friends in his room but me and my new family in Christ, sang hymns, laughed, practiced the guitar, shared praise reports, played with the children, read the Bible etc and it was such a blessing!

Never have I spent a birthday party like that before.

On my drive to drop off the children later that evening, I asked my Love to slow me down.

I find myself, with a sense of urgency, hurrying to drop the kids off once we get in the driveway so I can "run away"

My children can sense that and that grieves my heart so I asked for perfect peace and slowness. We now say goodbye in the truck. And leave them at the front porch so that my EH and Ow won t see me (I used to actually bring them in and help them take shoes and jackets off etc) but I'm free from that now. I wanted to see my EH and now, I don't lol

So when I went and dropped off the small children at their father's house and the OW answered the door in her pajamas, I was able to still praise God because I know I know how wonderful He is. I am no longer yearning after a life and a man that isnt able to love me. Instead I chase after a LOVE that loves me perfectly and endlessly and carries me in His arms. It's a perfect match!

I sobbed for awhile after I saw her. (Mostly because she is "playing mommy" with my children and my children have a whole other life I don't know about" but I am praising Him even for that!!

I sobbed on my drive home, and in between sobs I sang His praises louder and louder, until my heart SOARED above this situation! I had a PEACE that was not of this world! I was able to go to bed later and not even THINK on my circumstances or dwell on them at all.

What love is this?! What peace is this that my heart now yearns for more and more?!

I am blown away over and over at how these painful things cause me to love him more and more because of the LOVE and peace He gives me.

Meanwhile my EH (earthly husband) has no peace. My HH (Heavenly Husband) has shown me glimpses into that. The OW (other woman) is a victim. They are not walking closely with Our King. What they are pursuing will only bring destruction and steal more and more of their peace as they try to fill themselves with other things to feel this feeling that they truly yearn for.

So I cry out to my King for them today and every other person in their shoes.

Praises praises because He can pull anyone out of the darkness and fill them with His beautiful perfect light!

5 thoughts on “Fellowship again and again”

  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful praise, my dear Rasa ❀️ Thank you for reminding all of us – and I will also quote this: “chase after a LOVE that loves me perfectly and endlessly and carries me in His arms. It’s a perfect match!”
    Thank you my Darling for being the Man of my dreams πŸ’

  2. Thank you Rasa for the praise and happy birthday for your son. God bless him in everything.

  3. nuestro amado es maravilloso y solo él nos puede dar esa paz que sobre pasa todo entendimiento ❀️

  4. That promise is amazing and just seeing it become a reality is amazing. You are crossing the waters and fires without any harm! That is precious, you are trusting on Our Beloved and peace and blessings are coming your wayβ™₯️
    Blessings for you and your precious children. This journey is the journey of a life time, the light of His love is shining in you

  5. Thank you Rasa, it’s amazing how our Beloved comes in and change things around, even the way we used to have birthday celebrations! When we invite our Beloved things are so different, peaceful and filled with love. It’s amazing how he turns our hearts to yearn for Him and His perfect love and peace that surpassed all understanding!

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