๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’—

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." PS100:4

Begin your day by Spiritually feeding your soul:

ย Thankfulness Therapy

"Rejoice always,ย pray continually,ย give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Godโ€™s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1T516

"Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,ย and to the blameless I will show my salvation.โ€ P5023

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."ย C42

Precious dearest bride, I want to encourage you to please come here every Saturday to share three things you are thankful for, related to the past week. This is how we make it a habit to be thankful, which is of course life-changing and how we honor, our precious sweet Lord, who deserves all the glory.



13 thoughts on “๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’—”

  1. Today I am grateful for the trails we go through to build our faith.
    I am grateful for my Beloved’s grace and mercy each and every day.
    I am grateful for His guidance.
    I am grateful that His strength is perfected in my weakness.
    I am grateful that I am loved and cared for by my Beloved.
    I am grateful for my children and for my Beloved’s help during this exam.
    I am grateful for another day, health and for having everything I need today.

  2. I am grateful that My Heavenly Husband helps me to remain steadfast in the path He has planned for me.
    I am grateful for all the testimonies and praises He has allowed me to read in this ministry.
    I am grateful that He is always with me and gives me special strength to get through these days, now that my FH and the OW are organizing another birthday party for my daughter in my house. He was close to me as my Heavenly Spouse when they came to decorate the room and we had dinner together. Also today He will be there when the feast is celebrated and I will spend a long day with my FH and the OW and her children.

  3. Malachie 3:10
    Louis Segond
    10 Apportez ร  la maison du trรฉsor toutes les dรฎmes, Afin qu’il y ait de la nourriture dans ma maison; Mettez-moi de la sorte ร  l’รฉpreuve, Dit l’ร‰ternel des armรฉes. Et vous verrez si je n’ouvre pas pour vous les รฉcluses des cieux, Si je ne rรฉpands pas sur vous la bรฉnรฉdiction en abondance.

    Shalom shalom mes sisters en Christ alors que je ne savais pas comment prรฉlevรฉ la dรฎme pendant ma lecture de la femme sage Erin a expliquรฉ que nous pouvons le prรฉlevรฉ sur l’argent des courses que notre EH nous donne.
    Le moi dernier j’avais commencรฉ appliquรฉ cette commandement qvec joie alors que j’etais a zero…je n’ai manquรฉ de rien et j’avais meme l’argent pour me rendre a mon eglise locale. Ce mois ci mon mari a diminuer l’argent des courses mais je fais confiance a Dieu et je retirais ma dime.
    ๐Ÿ’ฐ A ma grande surprise en verifiant mon compte banquaire je retrouve une diffรฉrence j’appelle ma banque et il m’explique que c’est un fond qui a รฉtรฉ bloquรฉ depuis 2020. J’ai rendue grรขce a Dieu ce n’etait pas une somme enorme mais je sais que Dieu peu ouvrir des portes la ou il y a qui sont fermรฉs.

    Je rend grรขce a Dieu et recommande a toutes les sisters de donner avec un coeur joyeux.

    Soyez benis

    Malachi 3:10
    Louis Segond
    10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts. And you will see if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, if I will not pour out on you the blessing in abundance.

    Shalom shalom my sisters in Christ while I did not know how to collect the tithe during my reading of the wise woman Erin explained that we can collect it on the money of the races that our EH gives us.
    Last month I had started to apply this commandment with joy while I was at zero … I lacked nothing. This month my husband reduced the money of the races but I trust God and I withdrew my tithe.
    ๐Ÿ’ฐ To my great surprise when checking my bank account I found a difference I called my bank and they explained to me that it was a fund that had been blocked since 2020. I gave thanks to God it was not a huge sum but I know that God can open doors where there are closed ones.

    I give thanks to God and recommend to all sisters to give with a joyful heart.

    Be blessed

  4. I am grateful that my Beloved Lord is helping our son so well with the exam.
    I am grateful for my Beloved Lord’s provision in my life.
    I am grateful for my Beloved Lord’s guidance in my life and that He teaches me to be quiet instead and start listening.
    I am grateful that my Beloved Lord is with me all the time and that I don’t have to tackle anything alone.
    I am grateful for my loved ones in my life.
    I am grateful for a roof over our heads, food and transport.
    I am grateful that my Beloved Lord brought me this far and that He continues to draw me back to Him.

  5. I am grateful for all that the Lord does for us. I am grateful for the Lord providing, and helping us. I am grateful for the strength that the Lord gave me this week. I am grateful for his love and that he is with me and helps me.

  6. I am grateful for His dear grace and love
    I am thankful that He provides for all our needs
    I am thankful that even though I am alone at home, I am not lonely because He is here with me. I talked to Him about everything.
    I am grateful that He guides my every step and shows me where to go.
    I am grateful that He gives my children the wisdom to write exams.
    I am thankful that He watches over my children while they are with their father.
    There are so many other things once you start typing…

  7. I am grateful for my relationship with my HH and becoming closer to Him. I am grateful for being reunited with a family friend. I am thankful for my weight loss that has helped with more energy to play and care for my daughters.

  8. I thank my Beloved for giving me a very happy and blessed week.
    For giving us blankets to keep us warm from the cold (in our region it was a week with very low temperatures).
    I am grateful for my daughter’s life and for her growing in stature and also in intimacy with the Lord, allowing Him to play His role right next to her.
    I am grateful that He gave me the means to buy the gift that my nephew wanted for his birthday on Thursday, and thank you for his life as he is a very happy child and always makes us smile with his kind way of being.

  9. โ€ขI am grateful for the wonderful work you are doing in my children, I see your love reflected among them, I thank you so much.

    โ€ข I am thankful for this week of rains, for the cool mornings and evenings, for taking care of the electrical current and our appliances with the variations in voltages.

    โ€ข I am grateful for providing to fulfill that desire of my heart, which I was waiting for you to lead.

  10. I am grateful to know and serve a God whose goodness cannot be exaggerated!
    I am grateful for the way my HH calls me to keep my eyes on Him during tests and trials.
    I am so very grateful for the teachers of the truth Holy Spirit has gifted to share with His church.
    I am grateful for the abundant provision of my amazing Husband.
    I am grateful for the amazing women of God that are in my life to encourage and pray for me.

  11. Gracias a mi Amado Jesus por este maravilloso Ministerio.
    Gracias por escucharme cada dia, por estar aqui a mi.lado.
    Gracias por proveerme , para mi y mis hijos.
    Thank you to my Beloved Jesus for this wonderful Ministry.
    Thank you for listening to me every day, for being here by my side.
    Thank you for providing for me and my children.

  12. I am grateful for the attacks that my Heavenly Husband allows from my former husband.
    I am grateful that the Dutch Ministry has not yet received any new bride registrations.
    I am grateful for every tear I gave to Him this week.
    I am grateful for the trials my oldest son has had again this week. And me as a mother.
    I am grateful for a nice working week with colleagues.
    I am grateful that my youngest sons are having a good time at the football club.
    I am grateful that my daughter is building her own life with Him.
    I am grateful that I have good contact with my parents, brothers and sister.
    I am grateful that my parents are still alive and receiving His grace every day.
    I am grateful for the vacation provided by my Heavenly Husband.
    I am thankful for His Word which is my source of strength.
    I am grateful that I was brought to this Ministry.
    I am grateful that I have been given the promise that everything that happens in my life is for my good.

  13. Thank you my Beloved โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ for everything you have shown me about the future for our family ๐Ÿ™Œ
    Thank you for surprising me with the discounts I received on the payments I made yesterday ๐Ÿค—
    Thank you for the life of my parents, for being able to live close to them and help them and also be helped by them๐Ÿ’
    Thank you for this beautiful ministry, for keeping me here, even with the little time and with so many activities and struggles that I have experienced, but I know that I have fresh and healthy food here at any time and place๐ŸŒน

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