πŸ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness πŸ™ŒπŸ’—

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." PS100:4

Begin your day by Spiritually feeding your soul:

Β Thankfulness Therapy

"Rejoice always,Β pray continually,Β give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1T516

"Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,Β and to the blameless I will show my salvation.” P5023

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."Β C42

Precious dearest bride, I want to encourage you to please come here every Saturday to share three things you are thankful for, related to the past week. This is how we make it a habit to be thankful, which is of course life-changing and how we honor, our precious sweet Lord, who deserves all the glory.



8 thoughts on “πŸ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness πŸ™ŒπŸ’—”

  1. I want to thank my Beloved for enabling my daughter and nephew who played a beach tennis tournament last night and were runners-up (which in human probability was almost impossible) considering that they started learning to play a just 4 months and they have already achieved this great feat, playing with those who have been playing for years, but of course it was all because of His training.
    I am grateful that my Beloved helped my niece last Saturday who, when she was eating a snack with a skewer, she didn’t notice and the stick went through her throat, and the doctors in our city said that she would have to go to the capital as it was a very delicate area, and here they had no resources, but we cried out to the Lord and she arrived from the hospital and the toothpick came out of her throat, it was a miracle from the Lord. Thank you my Beloved.

  2. I am grateful that my Heavenly Husband has healed my heart from the mistakes I made in my marriage
    I am grateful for the trials my Heavenly Husband gives me with my children.
    I am grateful that I had a nice work week this week
    I am grateful that my children were able to experience a fun school outing.
    I am grateful that my eldest son has gone through trials again this week.
    I am grateful that my Heavenly Husband created moments when my former husband and I had to talk about the crisis situations in our eldest son’s life.
    I am grateful that my Heavenly Husband answers my prayers when the times are right.
    I am grateful for the strength and goodness He gives me in my life.
    I am grateful for every day I was able to walk with my Heavenly Husband this week.

  3. I am grateful for how the Lord carried us through the week and wrapped us around. I am grateful for the opportunities that the Lord has provided this week and I know He will provide in the future as well, I am grateful that the Lord helps me to do all that I have to do and the strength for that. I am grateful for what the Lord is doing and for all that He will do in our lives. I am grateful for all His Love that He surrounds us with.

  4. I am grateful that my Beloved carried me through another week.
    I am grateful that my Beloved guided me through another week.
    I am grateful for where I am at now on my journey; peace, joy and free of hurt and pain.
    I am grateful for health.
    I am grateful for my children.
    I am grateful for His provision.
    I am grateful for trails that helps to perfect my faith.
    I am grateful for the plans my Beloved have for my.
    I am grateful that He gave my a hope and a future.
    I am grateful that I got to know my Beloved and His heart for me on this journey.

  5. I am thankful that our Heavenly Father keeps us safe wherever we go; short journeys, long ones and all the in between. My mom flew to South Africa last night and she landed safely this morning. I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine we have after a few cold and rainy days – how amazing it is that we can experience every season He created.

  6. I am grateful that my mother is much better after she was sick and the doctor wanted to admit her.
    I am grateful that my father did not get that sick at all and recovered quickly.
    I am grateful that my son’s Heavenly Father is helping him study for the exam.
    I am grateful that my oldest son has such a good job.
    I am grateful that my Beloved Lord does not leave me even once, even though I have given Him a 100 times the reason to be able to leave me.
    I am grateful for my Beloved Lord’s provision and love.

  7. Thank you, sweetheart, for making me aware every day of the immense, deep, and extensive nature of your love for me.
    Thank you for taking my heart, which has always belonged to you, and taking care of it
    Thank you for listening and answering my prayers/requests
    Thank you for being my everything and my forever, you know how much this thirsty soul longed for you. Thank you

  8. I am thankful….
    ❀️for my weaknesses because they make me more dependent on Him.
    ❀️my middle son who has struggled with school all his life Graduated on Thursday!!
    ❀️for all 3 of my boys.
    ❀️the encouraging, like minded Brides here.
    ❀️attending a revival a couple hours away with my mom and boys next weekend. We both may get baptized in a lake if the Lord leads us (we both do not remember being baptized because we were so young)

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