πŸ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness – Honor Him πŸ™Œ

β€œHonor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce” (Prov. 3:9)
From My Beloved September 21

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." PS100:4

Β Thankfulness Therapy

"Rejoice always,Β pray continually,Β give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1T516

"Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,Β and to the blameless I will show my salvation.” P5023

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."Β C42

Precious dearest bride, I want to encourage you to please come here every Saturday to share three things you are thankful for, related to the past week. This is how we make it a habit to be thankful, which is of course life-changing and how we honor, our precious sweet Lord, who deserves all the glory.


READ through the Bible: Read through the Bible


Morning Devotional cropped

Read the Daily Devotionals.


7 thoughts on “πŸ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness – Honor Him πŸ™Œ”

  1. I am grateful for this weekend and the time I can be alone with my Beloved Lord.
    I am grateful for the rain outside and the new day He blessed me with.
    I am grateful for all the times He came through for me in the past, in the small and big things.
    I am grateful for His amazing grace that is new each day.
    I am grateful for my children.
    I am grateful to be able to Homeschool my children.
    I am grateful for His provision and that He knows what we need each day.
    I am grateful for His love and protection over my children and me.
    I am grateful that He will never leave me or forsake me.

  2. my heart, I am grateful for this week, which has been rich in your word.
    i am grateful to you for allowing me to go to confession with my eh
    i am grateful for the finances
    I am thankful for his sweet nights
    I am grateful for all the beautiful songs you have given me
    i am grateful to you for confirming your word
    i am thankful for the children
    i am grateful for the inspiration to develop my own artistic talents
    and I’m grateful to you for always being by my side

  3. I am so grateful that the Lord is my dear Friend
    I am thankful for the nice weather we have.
    I am grateful for my children
    I am grateful that I can rest a bit this weekend.
    I am thankful that we have everything we need.
    I am thankful that we are healthy.

  4. I’m thankful that it’s a nice cold weekend and that I can just stay at home.
    I am grateful that I have a nice long weekend and was able to take time off.
    I am grateful that I can now spend time with my Beloved Lord.
    I am grateful for all my Beloved Lord’s love and mercy in my life.
    I am incredibly grateful that I have the Lord, that He is the One who fills me with peace and happiness.
    I am grateful that He makes my life so full and that He has my future in His hands.
    I am grateful for the Lord’s provision in my life and that He provides me with more than I need.

  5. I am grateful to my Beloved for the daily blessings that make my life abundant and filled with love, hope, and purpose.
    I am grateful for all that I receive: the joys, the challenges, the opportunities, and the people who enrich my journey.
    I am grateful for the valuable lessons and principles I learn, the moments of growth, and the blessings that inspire me to be better.
    I am grateful to my Beloved for His constant presence in my life, for His wisdom that guides my path, and for His unconditional love.
    I am grateful to my Beloved for blessing my life with a beautiful family whose love and support are a constant refuge on my journey.

  6. This past week I have experienced so many times that my Heavenly Man is always there for me, protects me and surrounds me with His love and care.
    I am so thankful that I am learning again and again to follow His voice and ask Him what I should do. Because of that I was able to bless a little boy with fish, to love others unconditionally.
    I am thankful that my daughter found an internship at a small zoo. I am thankful that He helped me get through this busy week. I am thankful that He helped me at work now that it is extra busy and I have worked a lot of overtime.
    I am thankful that I have Him as my Heavenly Man, He alone has ensured that I have found true happiness and true love.

  7. Thank you my Beloved, for being by my side, for one more week, by Your side.
    Thank you for taking care of my children.
    Thank you for this Ministry, thank you for each Bride, bless each one.

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