πŸ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness – Yet Believed πŸ™Œ

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)
From Streams in the Desert, 31 August

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." PS100:4

Β Thankfulness Therapy

"Rejoice always,Β pray continually,Β give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1T516

"Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me,Β and to the blameless I will show my salvation.” P5023

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."Β C42

Precious dearest bride, I want to encourage you to please come here every Saturday to share three things you are thankful for, related to the past week. This is how we make it a habit to be thankful, which is of course life-changing and how we honor, our precious sweet Lord, who deserves all the glory.


READ through the Bible: Read through the Bible


Morning Devotional cropped

Read the Daily Devotionals.


6 thoughts on “πŸ™Œ Saturday Thankfulness – Yet Believed πŸ™Œ”

  1. I am grateful that the Lord turns the hurt into something good and that He does it every time.
    I am thankful that my Beloved Lord gives me reason to laugh.
    I am grateful that my Beloved Lord is right next to me and is walking the path with me and that He see my future and that He has plans to prosper me.
    I am grateful for my Beloved Lord’s provision in my life and that I do not have to fear the future.
    I am grateful that my Beloved Lord always encourages me.
    I am grateful for my family and that the Lord is my sons’ Heavenly Father and that He draws them closer and closer to Him.

  2. I am grateful that my Beloved Lord gave me beautiful new day.
    I am grateful for His provision.
    I am grateful for my children and my family.
    I am grateful that my children and I are healthy.
    I am grateful that my Beloved Lord us always with me and that He will never leave me or forsake me.
    I am grateful for His amazing grace that is new every day.
    I am grateful for having a house to live in and food to eat.
    I am grateful for His guidance.
    I am grateful that He uses everything we go through for good.
    I am grateful that He is my Best Friend and I can always run to Him and pour my heart out to Him.
    II am grateful for the plans He has for the children and me.

  3. I am grateful to my Beloved for another week spent by His side.
    I am grateful that my Beloved helped me control my mouth when I was in the middle of a group who wanted to argue and I was able to leave so as not to talk too much.
    I am grateful for His guidance in what to say to my daughter this week about her doubts about what to do about her classmates who wanted to sign a petition at school because of an event that had happened there, and I was able to tell her about the spirit of rebellion, which is not pleasing to the Lord.
    I am grateful once again for the certainty I have that He is moving to sell our house.

  4. I am grateful for the weather changing to the next season and all the fall decorations to celebrate this change. He has placed such a desire in my heart to have a clean, good-smelling, and well-decorated home.

    I am grateful for the love that my daughters have for our family and everyone around them. They remind me to not stay mad and to forgive others quickly.

    I am grateful for family members and friends that have been willing to help support our family so my oldest daughter can participate in an activity.

  5. I am thankful that today we were able to celebrate my Grandpa’s 91st birthday with the whole family.
    I am thankful that I have more peace and time with Him now that I have been working one day less.
    I am thankful that He is still working in my life and keeps showing me new things that I need to change.
    I am thankful that I get to enjoy His love and the blessings He gives me and the children every day.
    I am thankful that I have found the Love of my life. He is everything to me.

  6. I’ am gratefull for all what he have done for this week.
    I’m grateful receiving his word every day
    I’m grateful because he give me an English bible at low price
    I’m grateful for that he is a good father for my children and taking care of them

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