What a title right? These are the first words in the Restore Your Relationship Chapter 6: Tell it to Your Husband.
I absolutely loved this chapter and I have a praise that goes with it and also with the podcast I listened to from Erin:
wLL 87 Have to or Get to
A while ago I was waiting for my former husband to come back to me on some arrangements with our children and when I went to my Husband, I sat with Him and spoke to Him about it, not my fh, because I go to Him with everything FIRST and sometimes He would lead me to talk to someone else, but a lot of the times, it would stay between the two of us, because when I go to Him, I get healing and when I go to someone that is not like-minded, I get angry. When He does lead me to speak to someone like-minded I come back with wisdom.
This day, He had me speak to only Him, but our conversation was just so amazing, that I will never forget what He said. My complaint was that I know that my fh does not think of me when he makes these decisions, so I know I am going to get the short end of the stick as they say. And you know what He said to me, and it was of course not an audible voice, but a wisdom that came to me.
If you don’t get what you want, you can lean into me more and that is a good thing, right? This brings me back to what Erin said, that we get to trust Him more.
If I do get what I want, I know it is not my fh that gave it to me, but my dear Heavenly Husband that turned his heart.
That means whether the outcome of this decision was in my favour or not, it was GOOD for me either way. Is this not amazing? Either way, you can be good, because He does it for you or you get to lean on Him even more. Amazing isn’t it? Every time I go through anything, I try to keep this in the forefront of my mind, not always easy, but I get to lean into Him to help me. ❤
I would never have been able to attain this wisdom on my own, but doing my courses has really helped a lot in finding Him in everything. If He leads you, please go to our website and learn how to become and apprentice so you are able to encourage other women with the same encouragement you have received.
Note: Just wanted to let you know I am not trying to be secretive about what happened, I can really not remember the circumstances. Hahahaha, it was heartbreaking for me at the time, but looking back, I can only remember the lesson He taught me because I took it to Him first.
Thank you for sharing dear Yvonne. Wow I just love what our wonderful Lord said to you that you can then lean into Him more, something I must really remember.
Love your post and especially the title. What He’s taught us and reinforced is no matter what it’s a WIN 🏆 WIN 🏆 when we have a Husband who always wins. It’s almost like things not going out way, each disadvantage means see get omething even BETTER 💗 more of and being closer to 💗 HIM. It’s like another superpower [shhh 🤫that my Husband and I are winning about in an upcoming Wise Woman in Waiting.]
thank you for sharing dear Yvonne, this is so true. Whether you get what you asked for or not. In both cases it will be a blessing🎁to you. And the relationship with your HH will come even better and closer.
Recently I told my daughter that she can be satisfied with the answer she would receive from her earthly father, because God knows why and the blessing🥳 will follow. It reminds me of the Bible text Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say. P1633 (Message)