Seeing the glimpses of His glory

"I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever says to this mountain, β€˜Be lifted up and thrown into the sea!’ and [a]does not doubt in his heart [in God’s unlimited power], but believes that what he says is going to take place, it will be done for him [in accordance with God’s will]." M1123

By the will of God, this month allowed us to travel to Colombia again to share with our family, for a while I thought it would be very difficult with the procedures I had to do to move my dog with us and I even told him that I would prefer to stay at home now. We were over time with that, but He was determined for us to come because He made sure that all the procedures were completed on time and although we needed a procedure He gave us the grace to allow us to travel, only HE could have done it.

A few days ago, my mother-in-law woke us up in the early morning with the news of the accident of her partner's sister, my husband's stepfather, who was crying inconsolably, which is very strange. They told us that it had been serious, that they said there was no hope, and that we were going to the hospital, so we immediately prepared to go. In my heart I was talking to my Beloved, I was calm but neither my husband nor I asked for the details of the accident (fortunately).

When we arrived, strangely they let us enter the Intensive Care Unit, since we were in the best Hospital in the country, I thought it was the policy there, when we entered she was fast asleep and I saw that the blow had been to the head but she had no injuries. The wounds were obviously large, the wounds were internal, and her four children were crying inconsolably, again by the grace of God we did not ask questions, we just hugged them. I sat on one side with a strong desire to pray, but since my earthly husband was there I wanted to be very discreet, so I took my diary on my cell phone and began to write my prayer, the Holy Spirit brought to mind many Scriptures, I was full of faith, believing that for God everything is possible and that he has all the power to lift her up from there without any brain damage. That's when the neurologist arrived to do a brain ultrasound, then I started praying in a super quiet voice, like Ana when she prayed in silence:

"Now it happened as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli was watching her mouth." 1S112

When I finished praying, my husband came up to me and said, β€œShe is moving” (since the blow was to the head, the doctors had not seen any reflections or response) I smiled because I could see the flashes of His glory, like β€œa small cloud like the palm of a man's hand, rising from the sea”!!! 1R1844!!! The doctor came out, and everyone was shocked by her response, my mother-in-law told me to pray for her, I knew it was from Him because I had told Him that I would only pray in public if He allowed me to be asked, so I prayed out loud how He guided me and was so powerful, I could feel His presence at that moment, He guided me to pray for faith for all those present, for resurrection and life for their neurons, among other things.

We were all filled with faith instantly, the doctor came in with a new report, and he asked us all to leave the room because he had noticed her improvement, at that moment I found out that they had let us in because the doctors had already predicted that She would die so they wanted us to say goodbye to her, now they saw the risk of infection and that's why they asked us to leave the room.

Her family realized that it was His work, faith, and the power of prayer that gave her a new breath of life, and that was what they said when they began to comment that they wanted us to say goodbye to her. This was a clear message for her eldest son, whom we appreciate very much, he is a doctor and understood the whole situation perfectly. I was SO excited to see His word in action immediately! He was showing me how important prayers and words are because He knows how hard it is for me to speak and that before I preferred to write or listen but speak little. It is wonderful to see the power of faith and prayer immediately, now I believe I can pray and believe for greater things and they will happen!!!!

After that, I found out what the accident was like, and I was grateful for not knowing the details before, because it would have been a barrier to my faith, God knows why he wants us not to ask or investigate so that we do not lack FAITH!!!! It turns out that her mother was sick in the hospital, the doctors decided to transfer her to the city for better care. They were both in the ambulance, the aunt in the co-pilot's place and the grandmother in the back on the stretcher. On the way, TWO giant trees fell on the ambulance cab, completely crushing it. If I had seen the photo of the accident or heard what happened it would have been very difficult for me to believe, He was protecting me so he could use me.

It is not in vain that He has allowed us to be in our country right at this moment, it was His plan. She has been evolving rapidly and the doctors are amazed that she is reacting so well, I think she will wake up from deep sleep without any brain damage. I am very excited because, I want to see His glory in this family, the Kingdom of Heaven has approached them!! It is wonderful!! I give all praise to my wonderful Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Husband who are SO kind and merciful!!

Once again I praise my Beloved for the desert to which He called me! Without a doubt, He wants to use us not only to restore marriages but so that the world knows our Lord in all the splendor of Him! I am amazed by His power, I praise Him, I admire Him, I adore Him!!

8 thoughts on “Seeing the glimpses of His glory”

  1. Wow wow wow I know now why my Darling led me to come and read your praise report precious Anastasia. Our Darling Lord really knows the best, why we don’t need all the details from the start. I just love it when our Darling Lord steps in!!! I just love Him!!! I agree with you there is going to be no brain damage: “β€œAgain, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” M18:19

    1. Amen!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ thank you for sharing His promise my dear!

  2. Tears of joy for you and your loved ones right now. I am so glad she is moving and He is healing her πŸ’•

    “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” J3:36

    1. Yeah, it is amazing!! Thank you for your comment πŸ™‚

  3. Anastasia, my eyes are filled with tears right now. What a wonderful praise. Thank you for sharing and I love where you shared, He led you not to ask for any detail because it would have been a barrier to your faith. What wise words these are.
    This was an amazing miracle. Just how He orchestrated for you to be there so you were able to be there with the family and then how she survived the accident and now His absolute healing for her.
    I am amazed!!!!

    1. Yes, my dear, It is so amazing for me too, and He is teaching me with this praise too, I love to know that I do not need to know everything, but trust in Him.

  4. Uau. Que relatΓ³rio surpreendente.

    Querida Anastasia que o Senhor continue usando sua fΓ© e seu deserto para atrair todos para perto dEle πŸ’™

    Eu amei ler isto. Amei

    1. Thank you Lesiane for your good wishes, I feel honored by my Celestial Husband who has chosen me for this tremendous miracle that is still being written in this family.

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