Small and big things that make you fall in love

"I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster;Β I, theΒ Lord, do all these things." Isaiah 45:7

I want to share this praise, because simply our Beloved is so wonderful, He is a true Lord, a true Gentleman, a true lover of his brides. I tell you this week has been a swing of emotions; at the beginning of this week I was In a literal pitched battle with my mind, I cried profusely, and then I began to remember my paths that I had taken since I was a child, my mistakes and the different trials, I had really failed the Lord and the worst thing was when I turned away when, in my justice, I did not accept the death of my little ones, the truth was that it was an attack between a crisis and I had not realized that once again pride was subtly entering my mind.

Additionally, this week I also got sick with a pain that I really told him how David said β€œlet me know, my end, and whatever be the measure of my days” since the pain was unbearable. However, all things work together for good because I was incapacitated, and I have rested and my Beloved is restoring my health. Additionally, He confirmed that He cured my hypertension, because when the doctor arrived my blood pressure was fine for the amount of pain I had (I no longer take blood pressure pills =)). I give glory to God because God allowed this crisis, to make me see that I am not the one to judge anyone, that we all have need and that He did not come for the righteous but for sinners to repentance,Β  Paul said that he was the first of sinners and for me, I removed his position, because reading the 10 commandments, there was not one in which I had not failed Him. After that God revealed to me His inexhaustible love, He showed me that yes, that's what I was, but being in Him I am a new creature, that I am New. That what was already is, and what is has been already and God restores what happened. He reminded me of his different miracles, the spouse would not be enough for me and also the restoration with my father, my sister, a friend, and He is taking control of my niece's situation, who gave me 6 months with my little girl when at first, I wasn't going to know her either. He showed me that He is working and that He only wants my Love from me, can you believe it, a woman who does not deserve it, and He only wants me to Love Him? To Love him and take him as my Beloved Lord, my Best Friend and my admirable advisor.

I am in peace because now He is my Lord. Today I was making my lunch, and my spouse knows that lately I make soups and creams in my lunch, but today I really didn't want to delay cooking because I have a task. What a test, and I only did dry soup, I tell you, my spouse has never come home for lunch and guess what, he arrived, I was scared (jajajaja) because I wasn't expecting it, but guess what, he arrived with bean soup and pork rinds that my Beloved Treasure knows I love, Tell me, isn't He beautiful, my Beloved Lord is wonderful, I mean He definitely takes care of the slightest. This report helps me to see my Beloved for what He is: a Beautiful Knight, our Protector and our the Lover of our souls, that He creates light and darkness, well-being and calamity and although He does so, His plans are not for calamity but for well-being, to give us a future and hopeΒ  "and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

"Β I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:32

"For I know the plansΒ I have for you,” declares theΒ Lord, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

7 thoughts on “Small and big things that make you fall in love”

  1. Dear Viera, thanks for sharing! Yes❣️ This small special things help us to falling in love again and again, and of course with this amazing Love, we feel called to be new and better for Him, only Him can call us to change and to be better for Him and for our loved ones! I read this verse this morning, and when I read your praise it came to my mind again!
    “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” P178

    1. yes, it’s amazing to see, how our Beloved put on our heart his love, thank you for share this verse, i remember when i received to my Lord the first time, Our Beloved is all that we need us

  2. Thank you Viera. I’m so glad that you’re feeling better and that your Beloved is taking care of you. It’s amazing how He works in our lives.
    β€œMy grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2C12:9

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Viara. I failed our Darling Lord so many many times precious Viara and I am forever grateful that He didn’t just leave me and waited for me with open arms with His everlasting love. He is the Best Ever and I am forever grateful for His grace and that He is finished with me.

  4. ‘ΒΆΒ»You are all beautiful, my love, And there is no defect in you. ‘
    Song of Solomon 4:7
    Dear Viera, how much Our Lover has changed us. I recognize myself in your testimony, because I have fallen, in seeing my mistakes again and again and feeling how much I failed Him, and that all the mistakes that The Wise Woman talks about, I made. But He reminds us how much He loves us. He looks at us with Love and we can lie on His lap and stop looking back, like Paul and walk towards the goal, knowing that He is waiting for us.
    Our Prince loves us, takes care of us, and only asks us to obey and love Him more every day.
    Thank you for this beautiful testimony.

  5. Praise Him for showing you hiw wide, and long and deep and high is His love for you 😍β™₯️ It is amazing that our trials turns into unexpected blessings and praises for us. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey through healing and knowing our Beloved deeply 🌻

  6. Hi dear Viera, I loved reading your praise and can clearly see that He is your Best Friend and Beloved Lord. I would love to hear a little more from you and want invite you to our fellowship on Sundays as a guest to tell us a little about how He became your ALL. If you are interested, please reply to this comment and I will get in contact with you, with more information. 😍
    If you want to read a little about our Fellowships, here are some links for you:

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